Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2614: Competition among survivors

At this time.

The entire survival world is also evolving rapidly.

Soon Wen Rensheng discovered that this world also has a novice period.

And now, the survivors are in novice protection.

The survival world directly issued a top prompt on the world channel.

"Novice protection time, within three days, no monsters will be refreshed within one kilometer around the house, and there will be no beast attacks."

"At the same time, in the trading channel, transactions can be completed instantly, and transactions are not taxed."

"Open a free team channel."

"Different house owners can team up in the team channel, live together in a house, and work together."

"The upper limit of the number of team members increases with the level of the house."

In fact, this is a survival group.

Because for humans, they are social animals.

Most people have to rely on being in a group to survive successfully.

Wen Rensheng continued to observe.

The main observation targets are the male protagonist, the female protagonist, and the last male supporting role.

As time passed, they have quickly developed to the current level limit of the house.

Because if you want to upgrade, you need some rare materials, and no one has them yet

Especially the male protagonist has started to do business with 10 times the resources.

He has become a great man in the nearby regional channel.

He even has a status in this world channel.

He has repeatedly spent resources to acquire rare resources.

This guy is a high-profile person.

In Wen Rensheng's opinion, how long he can live depends on his luck in the future.

Now the male protagonist is trading everywhere.

He relies on 10 times the resource income, so he is naturally calling the shots in the trading market.

10 times the wood, 10 times the food, 10 times the the early survival game, it is indeed very advantageous.

However, this advantage is not long-lasting.

When others build up their power later, even 10 times the resources are only equivalent to the productivity of 20 to 30 people.

So the male protagonist must transform the early advantage into a long-term advantage as soon as possible.

Quickly upgrade the house, quickly upgrade yourself, and increase other talents.

In comparison, the female protagonist's plug-in talent has more potential.

By improving two qualities, you can use them until the end and will not be eliminated.

In the early stage, the advantage is actually greater.

This is not something that can be caught up by the number of people.

Because the rare materials in the early stage are limited, and some high-level materials will not even appear at all.

But the heroine can take the opportunity to make more advanced equipment and get ahead.

The heroine is really amazing.

At this time, she relied on her talent to synthesize some high-level equipment and began to explore the dungeon.

For example, the original wood was made into a wooden axe, but with her talent, she skipped the stage of wooden axe-stone axe and reached the level of iron axe.

Similarly, wooden armor was upgraded to iron armor.

The original wooden suit was directly turned into iron suit.

And no one has been able to dig out iron ore yet.

Relying on a set of iron equipment, the heroine did not stay at home, nor did she cut wood and waste time to upgrade the house.

Instead, she went directly to explore the depths of the woods.

Finally, she found the dungeon.

This survival world also has dungeons, which will produce some rare resources.

If you want to get high-level resources in the early stage, you have to use dungeons to achieve it.

The dungeon that the heroine went to was a cave, which produced some rare ores.

For example, it produced iron ore, and a higher level, even rarer silver ore.

Of course, Wen Rensheng knew that pure silver was very soft and could not be used to make weapons.

But this is a survival world similar to a game.

Obviously, in order to accommodate the shallow thinking ability of the survivors, the world set the silver equipment to a higher level than the iron equipment.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng can also deduce the equipment settings here:


There may be other rare materials combined into sets and other settings later.

In short, advanced materials will definitely appear later.

As the difficulty gradually increases, the materials produced will become more and more rare.

And the heroine can rely on a set of equipment to go deep into the dangerous area and obtain it in advance.

You must know that the novice protection only protects the surroundings of the house. Once you explore in depth, you will encounter many beasts and monsters.

Wen Rensheng watched the heroine kill a lot of wolves, skeletons, and zombies before reaching the dungeon cave.

If they had only relied on wooden equipment, they would have been killed by wolves halfway.

Three days can be fast or slow.

In this tense and busy situation, many survivors, without cheating, could only desperately look for stones, grass, and wood, and then began to upgrade their grass houses.

At this time, the male protagonist finally exchanged enough stones, and he began to upgrade his house into a stone house.

And it was a three-story stone bunker.

He also designed many traps around his house and built very solid defense facilities.

It's just that there is a lack of manpower to defend.

It has to be said that this guy still has some experience in survival games.

It seems that he is also a game and novel enthusiast.

At least he knows a lot of conventional survival routines.

Of course, Wen Rensheng knows that there is no danger yet.

After three days, the true quality of each survivor will be revealed.

Being good at ordinary times does not necessarily mean being good at dangerous moments.

In fact, Wen Rensheng is more optimistic about the heroine's survivability now.

Because the heroine has now explored the dungeon.

The most important thing is that the other party has consciously trained the ability to kill monsters.

This is something that others cannot compare to.

The heroine has killed many beasts and monsters along the way, which is equivalent to the heroine undergoing the survival test three days later in advance.

Time passed quickly.

After three days.

New prompts began to appear in the entire survival world.

The world channel has been cleared.

"The first wave of monsters will appear randomly."

"Wolf pack, the number ranges from 1 to 5."

"Appear according to the survivors' strength evaluation."

Wen Rensheng read the prompts and scanned the houses of the survivors. Some were made of wood, some were made of stone, and some were still thatched houses... He suddenly had an idea.

It can only be said that some people have already lain down and waited for death in advance.

Well, isn't this the story of the wolf catching the three little pigs in the fairy tale?

Three little pigs, a grass house, a wooden house, and the last one was a stone house.

Wen Rensheng finally set his sights on the male protagonist.

After seeing the prompt, the male protagonist returned to his stone house from a stone mine.

He took out the bows, crossbows, and slings he had traded, and everything was ready.

Sure enough, not long after, 5 wolves appeared hundreds of meters away from his house.

This wolf was very big.

It was almost the largest wolf in the real world.

It was 2 meters long, weighed 84 kilograms, and was about 90 centimeters high at the shoulder.

It could easily kill an adult.

Because the average weight of an adult is only 70 kilograms.

It can be said that the male protagonist directly refreshed the upper limit of the beast.

The game world is indeed controlled by the world consciousness.

This is normal.

Wen Rensheng has basically figured out the game world.

There is an AI behind it, or a person, or a set of programs, which is used to deliberately control the direction of the world.

There is a degree of freedom and openness, but it will not be completely let go.

Now it seems that the higher the house or the higher the assets, the more monsters will be refreshed, and the more and stronger monsters will be attracted.

This is a disguised balance that increases the difficulty.

This is also a common mechanism in games.

Wen Rensheng then noticed that the five wolves that appeared were very cunning.

After seeing the stone house, they did not attack immediately.

They approached all the way and finally hid in the woods more than 20 meters away, slowly staring at the house.

Then they waited patiently until dark.

It can be said that this confrontation is enough to make many people lose their patience.

If they take the initiative to attack, with the ability of ordinary survivors now, they will die.

When it was dark, a wolf sneaked into the vicinity of the stone house.

At this time, the trap that the male protagonist had set up long ago finally worked.

Suddenly, a wooden trap immediately broke out and caught the wolf.

Being caught is not bad luck, but inevitable.

Because the male protagonist placed three circles of traps around, and they were a combination of light and dark.

You seem to have avoided two, but there is actually a third one hiding in the dark.

Obviously, the male protagonist relied on abundant resources to exchange a lot of supplies and equipment within three days.

At this time, as the wolf cried out in pain, a bunch of torches gradually lit up around the stone house.

They illuminated the surroundings very brightly.

The brightness of these torches far exceeded that of torches in the real world.

They could actually illuminate the entire night as bright as day.

This is something that real torches can't do at all.

Then the male protagonist picked up the crossbow and aimed at the wolf caught in the trap and started shooting arrows.

His shooting skills seemed very rusty.

Although he had done some training, he shot 10 arrows before one arrow hit the wolf.

This was still with a crossbow. If it was a bow, it might not hit dozens of them.

The hit was not a vital point.

The wolf started running back with its legs clamped.

After running back, two of the other four wolves began to bite the wooden trap with their sharp teeth.

Then the wolf was released.

Then Wen Rensheng saw the injured wolf, and its injuries were recovering rapidly.

In just ten minutes, a leg that should have been crippled was actually intact!

It is indeed a game world.

Minor injuries can be automatically repaired.

He couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this, and the crisis was even greater.

This kind of wolf can quickly recover from injuries, so it must be killed at once, otherwise it will be a failure.

If you want to waste time with the opponent, you want to kill the wolves little by little by wasting time, just like in reality, and kill these wolves, it is impossible.

It is different in reality.

As long as the hunter injures the prey, he can track it for a long distance until the prey bleeds to death.

Obviously, the purpose of this survival world is to require these people to take the initiative to attack, rather than relying on the house to wait for time.

The longer they wait, the stronger the enemy will definitely become, and finally the house will be directly knocked down.

Then, Wen Rensheng went to see other people again.

I saw that other people basically still had wooden houses.

Generally, wooden houses between level 6 and 7.

After all, it is not easy to obtain a large amount of wood with the strength of a single person within three days.

It is very tiring to do this kind of work.

Fortunately, this is game time, and the recovery speed is fast.

If it is in the real world, few people can build a wooden house in one day.

But some people are smarter.

They took advantage of the game prompts, and several people gathered in a room to form a team.

And these people built the house better.

Even reached the level of the male protagonist, which is also a stone house.

Wen Rensheng noticed that these people are basically social cows.

They are good at organization and command.

Their social skills are really superb.

Some people are born social cows.

Some people have very high organizational ability.

They are good at speaking and are more willing to work.

For such people, they can easily get ahead in the group and easily succeed.

Although they don’t have plug-ins, they can rely on their own organization and command.

In fact, strong leadership and strong organization are a kind of very clever natural plug-in.

You said that parents should cultivate it after birth, which is difficult to cultivate.

Because it is often at the age of four or five, it can be highlighted, and this is what the child king said.

It really has some flavor of determinism in genes.

Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang were able to break through successfully because of this.

Now, some people have organized more than 10 people.

Their houses are also built of stone houses.

Not only that, unlike the male protagonist, they faced the five wolves, because they had an advantage in numbers, they took the initiative.

After the initial trial, these people found that their injuries could recover in the room by themselves. Then they went out directly.

Ten people were dispatched at once, all wearing wooden armor and holding sticks, and went out to fight the wolves directly.

The wolf pack was naturally unwilling to be outdone and began to fight back.

But after all, people were well prepared, and they could lure the enemy deep and use the terrain.

Finally, with 5 people injured, the wolf was killed.

This wolf is really powerful.

If there is only one person fighting, even if injured, people can recover quickly and still will not be the opponent of the wolf.

Because wolves can attack houses continuously, ordinary people can only wait to die if they don't cheat and don't have so many resources to repair houses.

It's different when there are more people.

You can take turns to rest.

After all, it's a game world, and the recovery ability is very strong.

As long as you are in the room, you basically don't have to worry about infection and injury, which can be said to be a great survival advantage for players.

It can be seen that this survival game still gives survivors a lot of convenience in the early stage.

Otherwise, if you still have to worry about infection, it's easy to die.

In Wen Rensheng's eyes, these people have gone a step further.

They organized themselves to kill the wolves that besieged their houses, and then cut the wolves and classified them.

There are a pile of wolf meat and wolf bones, and wolf skins are used to make leather armor.

Wolf tendons are used to make bows and arrows.

Wolf bones can be used to make bone weapons such as bone swords.

This is still much stronger than wooden weapons.

As for wolf blood and wolf meat, they are used to make food.

After a short recovery, they immediately set off in a team.

They used the regional channel to find where other people were.

Then ask them if they need help.

For a moment, they became saviors.

Then they started to help others according to the coordinates sent in the channel.

Of course, their so-called help was actually to rob monster resources.

In fact, they were keenly aware that the monsters refreshed in the first wave were actually good resources.

You know, meat resources are already scarce.

In addition, the materials used to make leather armor are also scarce. These wolves seem to be a threat, but they are actually precious monster resources.

In the game, everyone is fighting for it.

These people quickly found their target.

As before, they used the same method to kill the wolves around other people's houses.

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