Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2616: Upgraded House

It’s just that this time, the organization still dominates.

Many people still prefer to form a team to kill the skeletons.

After the skeletons were killed, there was nothing at first, but after a lot of fights, a bunch of potions began to explode.

“The skeletons exploded potions!”

The regional channel suddenly shouted.

Of course, this was the casual team that loved to show off.

Professional teams have known about it for a long time, and they are making a fortune one by one.

Not only that, but among these potions, there are also talent potions!

Wen Rensheng can see it if he looks carefully.

The appearance of these monsters actually has hints.

The wolves at the beginning provide food and basic supplies for survival.

The skeletons in the second round provide potions, which are used to enhance the combat effectiveness of players.

It is to let players widen the gap.

The survival ability of those survivors has been widened little by little.

But now the disadvantages of the team flow have begun to emerge.

Talent potions are the best, and they are also the rarest and most valuable items in this round.

The explosion rate is very low.

Often, you can only get one bottle after hitting more than a dozen skeletons.

At this time, a traditional problem will arise in the team flow.

Who should it be given to?

This is a great test of the organization of these teams.

Some people bid according to contribution points, and some people rely on luck.

Of course, the latter also adds new content, that is, the person who draws will be automatically excluded next time.

Otherwise, the person with bad hands can't draw in more than ten rounds, and the person with good hands can draw three or four bottles, which will definitely explode.

And some teams that form small groups and cheat will make a fuss in the area.

"Plant is your XX team! We agreed to take turns, but it's my turn to kick me out, right? Everyone, look at it, XX team, plant!"

"Don't talk nonsense above, it's obvious that after working hard to get a bottle, you grab it yourself, and then leave the team!"

Similar situations occur one after another.

And real-life PK has also been opened.

Especially those temporary wild teams, everyone is united in the last moment, and the next moment, when the talent potion comes out, they draw knives and cut each other.

It makes people laugh after watching it.

You should know that this is not a game. Killing here is really deadly.

The male protagonist looked disdainful when he saw this.

"A bunch of idiots, killing each other for a bottle of medicine, it's ridiculous."

The male protagonist relied on abundant resources and started to buy directly in the trading channel.

"20,000 wood to buy a bottle of talent potion, 2,000 food to buy a bottle."

At this time, it is obvious that the female protagonist's dog team has an advantage.

It must be given to the goddess first.

And one bottle is not counted, many bottles are given to the goddess until the goddess can't use it up.

And the female protagonist used it directly without hesitation.

This talent potion is randomly given to talents.

But you can choose "whether to keep the talent".

This gives the opportunity to "brush the talent".

This also makes the price of the talent potion rise steadily.

If it can't be brushed, the talent will occupy the grid after eating, then the price will not rise too high.

Wen Rensheng also noticed that with the emergence of talent potions, the world continues to update.

At present, each person can only have three talents at most.

Many people don't have any talents at the beginning.

So, people who are born without talents have an advantage.

Because many people with talents are garbage talents, and natural talents cannot be erased.

This is equivalent to brushing 3 precious talents.

In this way, the heroine brushed out another top-quality new talent.

This new talent is very powerful.

"You have a chance to revive every 24 hours."

"The resurrection location is in your own room."

And the happiest person is not the heroine, but her licking dogs.

This talent is very awesome.

It can be said that this talent, if calculated by level, is at least above S level.

This undoubtedly provides her with a retreat once a day.

Of course, this also greatly increases the importance of the house.

If the house is surrounded by people and cannot withstand attacks, it is equivalent to being useless.

So the goddess began to vigorously purchase various materials to upgrade her house, increase traps around the house, and increase defense systems.

At the same time, she ordered the licking dogs to take turns on duty 7*24 hours.

Wen Rensheng was very impressed.

Only a few powerful women in the harem, such as Wu Zetian, could do this in history.

Although she was not very good at governance, she had maxed out her social skills in playing with people's hearts and maintaining balance.

The heroine continued to brush up her talents.

She had already consumed 130 bottles of talent potions. If it were another team, they would have been killed several times.

It was impossible for one person to consume so much and brush up so many times.

But in this dog-licking team, they could do this.

At the same time.

The hero was not idle either.

It was just that he could not brush up his talents.

After all, he was fighting against the skeletons alone, and his efficiency was relatively low.

It was not that he was slow.

It was that he had to run back and forth alone, and most of his time was spent on the road.

The team flow could design a good path without repeating.

You could also fight in groups.

The hero smoothly eliminated 20 teams of skeletons.

But he only got 3 talent potions.

This explosion rate was actually very high.

Then he also started brushing his talents.

After he took the potion.

The first talent is "increase attack power, directly increase 10 times."

This talent is very BT at first glance.

The attack power is directly increased by 10 times.

Wen Rensheng saw that it seemed that the male protagonist's cheat was to increase the relevant data tenfold.

Simple and crude.

The main goal is to crush.

In this way, with the male protagonist's strength, even in the middle and late stages, he is the absolute output main force.

When others can't break the defense, he can break the defense.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, after the male protagonist got this talent, he insisted on taking the path of a lone wolf again.

Because he didn't want others to take advantage of his damage and experience.

He slashed it tenfold.

How many outputs is this equivalent to?

With this talent, he can swipe skeletons faster.

The only thing that restricts him is the walking speed.

For this reason, he took the talent potion again.

Then another matching talent appeared.

"Speed ​​increased tenfold, including combat speed and walking speed..."

This time, the male protagonist has no bottleneck.

The previous problem is no longer a problem.

If the lone wolf doesn't go, who will these dropped potions be distributed to?

The male protagonist is too lazy to distinguish who is asking for help and who doesn't need help in the regional channel.

He will sweep clockwise with his house as the center, with a radius of 50 kilometers.

Go and hit the skeletons when you see them.

He hits the skeletons that no one hits, and he also hits the skeletons that someone hits.

"Asshole, someone is stealing monsters!"

"Damn it, do you still have shame?"

"Isn't this the big guy with a lot of resources? You, a big guy, have the nerve to steal monsters from us little Karami?"

"I really despise you."

"Shameless, shameless!"

In the regional channel, a group of people are scolding the male protagonist.

But the male protagonist doesn't care at all.

"A bunch of idiots who have no tomorrow, you have time to scold your father, you might as well go and chop two more pieces of wood to upgrade!"

The male protagonist doesn't indulge these people at all.

He naturally became the target of public criticism.

And these talent potions have already caused very large rifts in many teams.

Now there are still people snatching monsters, which makes the problem even bigger.

The threat brought by this wave of skeletons is not a threat.

The threat has become the survivors.

Many people have turned against each other.

Compared with the skeletons, which are limited in range and intelligence, the survivors themselves have no restrictions.

They just can't enter other people's houses at will.

At the beginning, many teams were okay.

However, with the male protagonist's sweep, these teams also became anxious.

Someone said: "Since the first person who snatches monsters has appeared, there will be a second one in the future."

"Damn, we are helping others to eliminate their threats, and someone actually comes to snatch us. Do you still have a conscience?"

"Humph, conscience, some people just want to survive, and don't have a conscience at all."

In Wen Rensheng's eyes, an elimination competition from the survivors began to rise.

Others are not stupid either.

They quickly learned from the regional channel that as long as they eliminate these skeletons, they can get talent potions.

There were many people who wanted to be lazy and wait for others to sweep the monsters.

Now, they also began to actively eliminate these skeletons.

Obviously, this talent potion is the carrot given by the game world to stimulate people to make progress.

So at this time, a huge contradiction also formed between the team members and the ordinary people.

The group of wolves before were killed.

Most people don’t care much.

It’s just a little less meat and skin, but there are substitutes.

But now the talent potion exploded by the skeleton has no substitute.

It can be said that this is even a chance to turn over.

There began to be a fierce conflict between the team members and other survivors.

However, the team members are naturally stronger.

After the conflict, they easily defeated those single survivors.

This forced the survivors to form teams.

Now most single people can’t beat a team at all, and they can only bear their own losses.

Many people can’t beat them, so they curse in the regional channel.

"You bastards are all robbers. Those skeletons are obviously mine, but you actually robbed my monsters."

"We are here to help you clean up the monsters. This is to save you." Someone explained.

"We didn't ask you to come and clean up."

"Well, whether it's the wolf pack before or the skeleton now, they are all spawned in the game world. Whoever kills it before the time limit will own it."

"You don't have the ability to finish it quickly, so why do you let others not do it?"

Fortunately, the houses of these survivors are safe areas and cannot be forcibly entered by other survivors.

And survivors cannot attack each other at will.

Attacking will result in a red name and punishment.

Otherwise, many people may have started killing among survivors.

But the higher the virtue, the higher the evil.

Some people use skeletons to break into the opponent's house and deal with the opponent.

However, this method was quickly stopped.

"The number of monsters is based on the survivors. If you kill a survivor, it means one less monster refresh point!"

After understanding this, the killing stopped quickly.

The team members would at most tie up the survivors, and then untie them and throw them into the house after they finished beating the monsters.

Of course, there are still not many team members who do this.

More people directly knocked the survivors unconscious, and after a certain period of time, they could still wake up by themselves.

After all, the self-recovery speed is there now, as long as they don’t die directly, they can recover by themselves.

Wen Rensheng knew that sooner or later, this PK restriction would be lifted.

Then when the skeletons were eliminated, another three days appeared.

This round seemed to be a rest day after the wolves and skeletons.

At first, nothing happened, and no monsters were refreshed.

Individual survivors were happy.

They started to move quickly again, cutting trees and digging grass.

But when they were working hard, the temperature suddenly dropped sharply.

The outdoor temperature dropped to minus 30 degrees in an instant.

What is the concept of minus 30 degrees?

It can be said that as long as a person stays outside for 20 minutes, if he does not have thick enough clothes and does not have enough warming measures, he will definitely freeze to death.

It will definitely cause hypothermia.

There is almost no doubt about this.

Not long after, there was a cold wind howling and heavy snow.

And the most terrible thing is that it becomes very difficult for them to find food in the freezing condition.

They want to find apple trees, but they can't find apples.

In this low temperature, apple trees will no longer produce apples.

Wen Rensheng knew that this was obviously a test of food and temperature.

In the front, those who did not make good use of time to accumulate food and wood will be eliminated.

In three days, if there is not enough food and wood, they will be frozen to death.

With enough food, they can also heat up by moving their bodies.

Soon, many people on the regional channel and even the world channel began to shout nervously.

"Buy food and wood at a high price."

"Exchange with stones and water."

"Exchange with grass, please give me some food quickly, please, give me an apple at a low price."

"Sell me a set of food, I'm starving to death."

"Is there anyone kind enough to sell me a set of wood? I'm freezing to death."

At this time, the male protagonist's advantage came again.

He has 10 times the income, 10 times the attack power, and 10 times the speed.

For him, this kind of weather is completely a time to collect resources.

At this time, he didn't need to form a team, and the resources were all his own.

He was alone, so he stored a lot of food.

It was really too much, and he couldn't digest it at all.

So he took the opportunity to quickly use food and wood in the trading channel to start buying a large number of rare materials.

He wanted to continue to upgrade his house.

Because he found many benefits of upgrading the house.

One is that it is strong and can defend.

The second is that the recovery ability is enhanced.

The third is that special facilities appear.

For example, semi-finished product processing tables and weapon manufacturing tables.

With this series of resources, his stone house was finally upgraded to a metal house.

And it also comes with a basement.

Metal houses can extend underground.

This is normal.

Wood and stone are not suitable.

It can be said that his house has been upgraded to a new stage again.

The height of the metal house has not increased, but the depth has increased greatly.

The basement has opened up two floors, and it is very strong and hidden.

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