Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 687 True and False Prophecy

He was working overnight outside, of course Wen Rensheng would not work overtime and stay up all night, but fell asleep normally.

It's just that in his alienated hair, in that catastrophic prison, a conversation is quietly unfolding.

"That sand sculpture jailer has fallen asleep..." Ping Pong Qiu whispered.

The silver marble asked, "Are you sure?"

"Sure, he has to go to bed on a regular basis every day. I overheard him saying that staying up late will damage the skin. Boring guy, he pays more attention to his appearance than women in this world." Ping Pongqiu affirmed .

"That's right, I noticed that too." The turtle beside him followed suit.

"It's definitely safe now." The white mouse next to the tortoise said the same.

"Okay, let's start the ceremony right away and penetrate the cage so that I can contact my principal, the guide of the ice wall." The silver marble nodded.

"Hmm." The other three disasters responded at the same time.

Four thinking and highly intelligent cataclysms, then began to draw a complex ritual in the cell.

If Wen Rensheng sees this scene, he will immediately realize that this is an extremely brilliant ritual of penetrating the dead, which can lead to very dangerous mysterious existences.

It took half an hour for the ceremony to complete the painting. It was a huge silvery white mixed with pink green snowflakes, fully covering the entire cell.

It is layered on top of each other, with six ice crystal branches and leaves, so exquisite that people can't help but want to shout "666" after seeing it.

After that, the four disasters, each of them reluctantly cut off nearly one-fifth of their own volume, and put them into the ceremony.

The silver marble then activates the ritual.

The huge snowflake melted slowly, and then disappeared into the cell.

"Can it work?" The white mouse was a little sluggish, and asked with some expectation amid doubts.

"It's definitely not a problem. Our Ice Wall is a prestigious school. The point is, it's not comparable to your no-name schools in the corners. What kind of Star Nest? The bigger the name, the less connotation you have, and the more guilty you are." Silver Marble emphasized.

The white mouse and the tortoise looked at each other, dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out, they were both from the Xingchao School, so it was natural that they were so despised by others.

However, among disasters and catastrophes, the hierarchy is even stricter. There is no morality or face to talk about, and strength is the only measure.

They have no blood relationship, no emotion, and the only organizational school is also established based on power inheritance and research, and all of them include the same type of disasters.

It seems very strange, and the disaster also has the information of "school", which is not easy for ordinary people to understand.

Disasters should be cruel, evil, and kill each other. How can there be such a modern concept as "school"?

But that's right, if they were easily understood, they wouldn't pose such a threat.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice finally sounded.

"You idiots are trapped here by humans, why don't you die?" A cold voice suddenly sounded in the cell.

This voice is very cold, freezing to the bone. If ordinary people hear it, they will freeze to death immediately, and there will be no accidents.

"The great guide of the ice wall, we should have died earlier, but the cage we are in was built by a strong human being with great potential. In order to obtain more information, we endured humiliation and survived." The silver marble explained tremblingly.

This is in stark contrast to its previous madness in front of the other three disasters.

"Then you can die now, no matter how potential human beings are, there is no threat to us. The faster they grow, the sooner they will experience despair. This land is destined to be our new pasture, Cultivated land, and fish ponds." The cold voice continued.

Of course the silver marble doesn't want to die, it still has to struggle.

After thinking for a while, it finally seized an opportunity: "The man who caught us can be a good shepherd dog. He has great strength and can protect many people from those weird threats, but he won't Know that the people he shelters will be our food after all."

"Well, Shepherd? That's fine, we need a man like this, you can live, guide him into this role, whether he will or not. Remember, this is only the beginning of our great voyage " said the cold voice.

"Thank you for your tolerance, principal, and ask the principal to show me more mercy." Silver Marble heaved a sigh of relief, and then begged again.

"Well, I'll give you a favor. Just to let you know, they found a shelter. Now for your vacation homework, you need to keep an eye on that shelter, don't let it get too big, and don't let It disappears."

When the icy voice said this, an ice cone suddenly fell from the void.

The base is smooth and the head is pointed. This is a perfect work of art, but it also contains deadly killing intent.

The silver marble hurried forward to pick it up, and then knew its usage. It can be used to break through the cage, contact its principal at any time, and at the same time, it can also detect the situation outside.

"Thank you for the principal's gift, I will do my homework well." Silver Marble said happily.

"Go, go." The cold voice disappeared completely.

The other three calamities, the tortoise, the white rabbit and the ping pong ball, immediately surrounded them.

"What is this? Is it a disaster weapon? It doesn't mean that only humans on Earth can use that thing for the time being. We can only use it when the two worlds are fully integrated." Ping Pong is strong and knowledgeable. road.

"That's right, this is the disaster device. It is covered with the breath of this world, so we can use it." The silver marble explained, with a very ostentatious tone.

With this thing, it can spy on Wen Rensheng's every move, and then use him to complete its vacation homework.

"Your headmaster is really powerful. Judging from his tone, it seems that the strongest among human beings is nothing at all." Turtle said suddenly.

"That's natural. Teachers and students are not on the same level. Some strong humans may be able to use the right time and place to defeat us pioneers, but it is impossible to pose any threat to teachers and principals. It is absolutely impossible. They I haven't had the chance to experience despair yet, just like wild boars and tigers, I always feel that humans are not very powerful." Silver Marble said disdainfully.


When Wen Rensheng woke up the next day, he felt a little cold on his head, but he didn't find anything after touching it. Could it be that he caught a cold?

Impossible, I know my physical strength, it is impossible to catch a cold and get sick.

Probably because I have been studying too much these days, it seems that I have to combine work and rest.

He thought this way, and then decided not to tinker with the "virtualization technique" for the time being, in case he was in a hurry and didn't learn the virtualization, it would be bad if he became kidney|deficiency first.

So he went to browse the latest incident announcements from the Inspectorate and McCann.

He didn't need to worry about the "Circle of Absolute Physics". After the Inspectorate researched it, he only needed to check the information again.

After watching it all morning, I finally found an event that interested him, and also interested the Mysterious Seed.

"True or False Prophecy: Someone claims to be able to predict the future. He says the future is a world of despair. Is it true or false?"

"Mystery: ???"

"Mysterious composition: ???"

Predict the future?

The future is a hopeless world?

It seems that this familiar word made Wen Rensheng think again of the prophecy that Zhao Han and his father had made, predicting how many years there will be a catastrophe.

At that time, Zhao Han said that if he found the Yantian Patriarch, he could postpone the danger to ten years later, otherwise he would face a catastrophe within a year.

The sealing technique left by the ancestor has been found, but no one is there, and the inspection department has not given any further information.

And now one year is about to pass. It seems that the catastrophe is indeed impossible to happen this year, and it should be postponed to ten years later.

Now there's another guy making a prophecy, and he can't help being uninterested.

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