Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 900: Assertion

Li Yuanfeng felt a little restrained now.

If he launches a counterattack now, will this thousand-eyed monster tell those people in advance again?

In that case, wouldn't he fall short?

He feels that his current situation is like a character in a play. Someone is watching the play outside the play and can communicate with other characters at any time.

How does this allow him to act?

"What the hell are you trying to do?" He couldn't help scolding.

"As I said, it's just watching a show, and adding some interaction by the way."

Li Yuanfeng stopped talking, he wanted to find someone to deal with this demon, but after thinking about it, everything he did would be seen by this monster.

He would only be wasting his efforts in vain.

Now this monster had to be factored into the plan.

He thought for a while, and began to use the method of backtracking on the potholed grass.

He is also proficient in divination. After all, divination is something that the king must pay attention to.

Soon, a phantom appeared.

In the illusion, there is a large cloud of fog, and only three or five people can be vaguely seen in it, and then they place something.

After placing it, the fog disappeared, and those people also disappeared.

Obviously, these are the people who did the damage.

Who are they?

Several forces flashed through Li Yuanfeng's mind.

Sovereign Club, Eagle Fort, West Continent...

That is to say, these forces have the ability to infiltrate and find other entrances.

Why do they want to sabotage?

No, destruction is not the goal. This little movement and damage is not harmful at all, but his apprentice still suffers a little pain.

That's natural, even a small roundworm can make you miserable in the stomach, so it must be eliminated in time.

The other party seems to be eyeing the interests here, and wants to use this method to force himself to give up some?

As the emperor, he immediately thought through the competition for interests among the forces.

In the operation of the ancient feudal court, the emphasis was on the equalization of interests. Otherwise, many people could not achieve things, but they could do bad things.

Now the heterogeneous forces are similar.

He thought of this, and a ball of anger burned in his chest.

A group of bastards, they don't do things well, and when they see something good, they come to snatch it. They are all a group of thieves!

What's even more hateful is that there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thousand days from a thief.

The reincarnation of the soul, the reappearance of the heroic spirit, such a huge benefit, in front of the eyes, the thieves, no matter how much they sacrifice, will come to seek it.

Thinking of this, he rushed into his heart with hostility. If he had known this, he should have wiped them out.

I just stopped because I was worried that there would be too much resentment and hidden dangers in doing so.

After thinking about it, Li Yuanfeng finally left the Star Realm, and he wanted to find someone to help.


Wen Rensheng is at home and has just helped his family practice once.

Everyone said that the effect is good after using it. It is not enough to compete one day for a month, but it is more than enough for one day for ten days.

"This is too amazing!" Zhao Han was so frightened that he almost jumped to the ceiling when he heard Wang Wenwen's show off after returning home.

"Can you pretend to be knowledgeable?" Wang Wenwen asked disdainfully.


The two were fighting together.

At this time, Wen Rensheng received a call himself.

He looked at the number and walked out of the living room.

After listening for a while, Wen Rensheng fell silent.

"I also met that 2B..."

"Same sickness, pity for each other, how can there be such a wonderful thing?"

"Isn't that normal? When you were the emperor, didn't you still make Jinyiwei, East and West Factory, etc. to spy on the privacy of ministers? I heard that your favorite content is that some ministers are dignified outside, but at home Ash."

"It's all rumors made by their literati. I have always done things aboveboard, and never pry into the privacy of my subjects." Li Yuanfeng immediately denied.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"I cleaned up the interior of Dongzhou before. I think we should start another global sanitation campaign?"

"I can't say it. I found out that although they are far inferior to me in strength, they may get some weird things that can trap me." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

The fight against Blood Island with Liu Jian made him realize that his opponent was not helpless.

He is not his opponent in frontal combat, but the opponent can use tools...

"Uh, do you have any children at home?" Li Yuanfeng suddenly asked on the other end of the phone.

"how do you know?"

"You were imitating children's language just now." Li Yuanfeng hit the nail on the head.

"The emperor is wise."

"Young poor, what should we do now?" Li Yuanfeng's tone was full of helplessness.

"Wait a few more months, I will find my own way." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

Li Yuanfeng then said: "Okay then, I'll investigate first and wait for you for a few months."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I have stopped the matter of alien control. With the reincarnation of the soul, I believe that there is no need to use that kind of inhumane method."

"The emperor is the emperor. The struggle for people's hearts is based on righteousness and profit, not by external force. It is like a spring. The harder the pressure is, the harder it rebounds until it loses its elasticity and becomes a numb person." Wen Rensheng praised .

"Hey, there is no way around this. After all, there are too many fugitives, and it is inevitable to use some means of quick success."

The two chatted for a while, then hung up the phone.

Wen Rensheng said to the air in front of his eyes: "Aihandeb, what the hell are you doing?"

"It's nothing. Reality is not a movie. It's easy to get bored just watching one person, so I read many people at the same time." Aihandeb plausibly said.

"Boring guy, you will die under your own curiosity one day." Wen Rensheng cursed it casually.

"Is this my destiny?" All of a sudden, Ahandeb said something strange.

"Well, this is your destiny." Wen Rensheng affirmed.

Of course he knows that in this mysterious world, there are quite a lot of hookups, and there are many, many things that become a prophecy.

With his current strength, just saying a word casually will have a great impact.

In the next half month, Ahandeb seemed to have calmed down a lot, at least he did not appear around Wen Rensheng again.

This surprised him quite a bit, is this guy really scared?

He felt a little surprised, but didn't care.

Anyway, as long as he does his own thing well.

If Ahandeb is divided according to the faction, it should belong to the neutral and evil category.


On this day, Li Yuanfeng called again.

"The situation has been thoroughly investigated. The Sovereign Society colluded with Eagle Fort and the people of Xizhou to jointly infiltrate our star world. One of the purposes is to find out the progress of the soul reincarnation project, and the other is to threaten us to give up a little share."

"The Sovereign Society is going further and further away."

"Yeah, I can't keep them anymore. In the past, they were able to contribute to Dongzhou, but now they have finally gone on the wrong path." Li Yuanfeng sighed, "You may not know that they have already established a number of people in Rezhou. The ten city-states are all in the most evil form, almost indistinguishable from the behavior of disasters, treating ordinary people as livestock, and it is completely a jungle society where the weak prey on the strong."

"It seems that they are following the path of fantasy and fairy tales." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"I don't understand."

"I mean, what they are playing is the setting in a kind of novel, the simple order where the strong are respected, don't they know that this order is actually the most unstable? It looks cool, but the strong should always worry If it becomes weaker, it will be impossible to give full play to its combat effectiveness, everyone will be conservative, and the resistance to foreign enemies will be extremely poor."

"Yeah, they can only be reduced to comprador forces, but this is quite in line with their own human nature."

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