Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 916: Changed

"This is our agricultural building, which adopts the most advanced indoor agricultural technology, imported from an agricultural company in Xizhou, under the condition of sufficient light and scientific fertilizer formula, and completely enclosed, free from pests and diseases, one square meter inside It is equal to three to four times the ton of grain field outside, plus the effect of three-dimensional planting, this building is equivalent to tens of thousands of acres of arable land."

The staff member was very proud to explain to Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng nodded, and then asked an important question: "How to solve the energy problem? If I remember well, it seems that fusion technology has not made any progress."

"In terms of energy," the staff hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Actually, fusion technology cannot be solved by relying on the current level of materials alone. However, because of the discovery and confirmation of source crystals, everyone began to try to use alternative methods. There is an idea—to use mysterious power to replace the magnetic field confinement fusion high-temperature reactor to meet the conditions of the fusion reaction..."

The staff member roughly explained the principle, and Wen Rensheng understood it as soon as he heard it.

The key here is the use of source crystals. Without it, only relying on the mysterious power accumulated by the aliens, they would not be able to meet the needs of industrialized power generation even if they were exhausted.

Industrialization, what is the concept?

That is a great power that is tens of millions of times more than an individual's production efficiency, and it is the only way to make a small country ravage a big country.

Even Wen Rensheng didn't have the confidence to provide so much mysterious power.

Because this is not a short-term supply, but a 24-hour*365-day uninterrupted supply for many years.

Even if the mysteriousness of the mysterious seed reaches hundreds of thousands in the future, he has that amount, but he definitely doesn't have the heart.

We must know that industrialized power generation will encounter various situations, such as various peaks and valleys of electricity consumption, how can it be possible for Wen Rensheng to meet those requirements?

Therefore, after listening to the staff's explanation, Wen Rensheng admired sincerely: "Yes, if the mystical power generation can be transformed from an experimental idea into a reality, it will be the greatest gift that human beings get from the mysterious world, not a foreign species. Because It will completely solve the energy problem faced by mankind, and once the energy problem is solved, countless ideas can be implemented.”

"Thank you for your appreciation, Master Wenren," the staff member was very excited, "You are one of the few aliens who see the importance of this technology. Many aliens dismissed it after hearing it in the circle, and even Some people ridicule, I don't understand why they behave like this."

"People who can make ridicule are like ordinary people when they saw the invention of the train and thought it couldn't outrun the carriage, and history would slap them in the face and ruthlessly ravage them..." Wen Rensheng said here , the voice lowered down.

He thought of the century-old humiliation in his previous life. Isn't that the most ruthless and painful face slap?

A group of self-proclaimed masters of culture, playing with words, and promoting thick black to the top, is there any use?

Many future generations are wondering, seeing the gap early tomorrow, but still blindfolded, why are they unwilling to bow their heads and learn?

You have to be kicked into the abyss before you start to get up, but the shame has been engraved forever, and it can no longer be erased.

In fact, it is very simple, driven by profit.

In the previous life, the Dongzhou family was dominant, without strong competition from outside forces, as long as it was squeezed internally, naturally there was no need for so-called technology to increase all kinds of instability and changes. Landlords are one of the classes that hate changes the most.

In stark contrast, it was the Warring States Period, when countries rushed to introduce reforms and advanced technologies, lest they be one step behind.

The staff member didn't understand why the face of the powerful alien in front of him suddenly changed. Could it be that he thought of something?

In fact, although this staff member has no reputation, he is certainly not stupid to be able to work here.

He fully understands why some heterogeneous people dismiss this technology, or even despise it, because they don't want this technology to develop and affect their own position.

There are many aliens who are hostile to technology, and they think it will affect their status.

In fact, it did have a great impact. Before the appearance of modern guns, aliens were once gods in the eyes of the world. It was not until someone discovered that heavy guns could also injure aliens that this ancient myth was punctured.

The ancient times of Xizhou were even darker under the rule of aliens.

The aliens in Dongzhou still care about their fairy temperament and shame, but Xizhou is not. It is a red fruit that does not treat people as adults.

What they have done is not much better than disasters, and it can even be said to be worse.

After all, disasters are monsters and aliens, and it is understandable to target humans.

But things will be reversed, because of such darkness, when Dongzhou gunpowder was introduced, the ordinary people among them immediately developed greatly as if they had found a treasure, thus forming a new balance with the aliens.

After all, ordinary people can die 10 million, 100 million, how many times can aliens die?

In this world, Xizhou still took the lead in erupting the scientific and technological revolution. This is the reason. The only difference is that Dongzhou followed up in time.

After all, there is such a thing as prophecy.

This kind of staff, the reason why they said that was nothing more than a test, Wen Rensheng's attitude.

Now it seems that the other party belongs to that kind of enlightened faction, a heterogeneous person who supports technology.

This reassured him slightly.

In fact, there are too many factions among ordinary people, and the Destiny Society is just the most radical one. Many issues and social organizations have been derived around the relationship between aliens and ordinary people.

This staff member who won't even leave his name belongs to a certain genre.


Afterwards, Wen Rensheng spent most of the day looking around this fragmented world, which is about tens of thousands of square kilometers in size.

He found that the inspection department's investment in this place, whether it is investment in technology or infrastructure, is very, very large.

This place is located in the gap between the real world and the mysterious world. It enjoys the blessings of the two worlds at the same time, but also suffers from the scourge of the two worlds.

For example, the sunlight, water, and air here all come from the real world, and the specific climate and geological conditions are consistent with the mountain depression where people first entered this place.

And the mist around here, as well as the various mysterious powers looming, all come from the mysterious world, that is, the source world.

After sighing, he naturally didn't have the real purpose of his trip - to see how much this world supports the soul.

Can it make the soul live in peace after death, or even resurrect it?

He saw the staff member off, and came to a slightly remote place by himself, then squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground, and introduced his own alien power.

He began to call for the new owner here - Li Yuanfeng's apprentice, Qu Weijiang.

To his surprise, the other party did not appear immediately, but he waited for more than half an hour before Qu Weijiang's face appeared on the ground.

I remember that when the other party just merged with this fragmented world, it appeared very quickly.

It seems that the other party should be very busy now. Although the land master is small, he is also busy with many opportunities.

But after Qu Weijiang opened his mouth, Wen Rensheng strangled the idea to death.

"Oh, it turned out that Mr. Wen Ren came here. I don't know what you are doing here?" Wen Rensheng was even more surprised that the other party's tone was quite alienated.

It's like the two didn't have any friendship before, they just knew each other.

How can this be?

You must know that Wen Rensheng gave up the fragmented world that the other party merged.

Wen Rensheng is such a sensitive, intelligent person, he kept this in his heart, and immediately said calmly: "Oh, I heard from Senior Li that the inspectorate's soul reincarnation project has made a breakthrough, so I want to come here to learn from and exchange ideas.”

"Oh, that's right," Qu Weijiang was silent for a while, but then refused, "Sorry, this project is top secret. If you want to know, you need to go through a very complicated process, and I can't disclose it at will."

"Okay, that's what I said, I was negligent, so I'll go through the formalities now, you go first." Wen Rensheng smiled and got up.

Then he turned around and left, as if he really had to go through some formalities.

And behind him, Qu Weijiang's face on the ground was changing, gray and white, and it took a while to disappear.

And Wen Rensheng was walking on the road, looking at the sky, as if he didn't care. .

In fact, he already understood in his heart that Qu Weijiang had changed.

In other words, the other party has been influenced by the mysterious side of this world.

The original Qu Weijiang, although he didn't have much contact with him, gave him the impression of being brave and fearless, doing his part, and being honest with others... If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it. estranged.

You must know that the relationship between the two is not strangers, and there is still a relationship between Li Yuanfeng. Qu Weijiang is Li Yuanfeng's apprentice, and Li Yuanfeng still wants to ask him to be his master.

When we met for the first time, the other party called me "Teacher Wenren", but now it is "Mr. Wenren".

He believed that even if he got the approval procedures, the other party would come up with other reasons to refuse to let him know the mystery.

Do you really need the so-called formalities?

You must know that he has already been approved to participate in the soul reincarnation project. When talking with Li Yuanfeng before, the other party asked him to come directly without any questions about the procedures.

It's just that when entering the underground base, a cumbersome verification was carried out, which is normal, after all, we must guard against spies and spies.

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