Mystery: Me! Omnipotent

Chapter 339 Human alienation, punishment from the gods

Time goes by constantly in people's anxiety and anxiety.

During this time, people discovered two things:

First, the people who have been eliminated from the maze gradually disappeared from the memory of the maze. The apocalypse is still the eschatology, but all things related to the maze have disappeared.

Second, all people in the world have more or less discovered the existence of supernatural power in their bodies.

According to the theoretical point of view published by the All-Knowing Sage at the beginning of the last days, people all over the world have embarked on the path of creating gods, and everyone has the opportunity to become gods.

Like panic, ecstasy has spread to every corner of the world.

People clearly remember the fear of unknown power when the secret night just came.

Remember the indescribable madness.

Just because of weakness.

In this era of cannibalism, being weak is the original sin.

Therefore, when they discovered that they could also embark on the path of becoming a god, the desire for power grew wildly from the depths of everyone's heart.

They abandoned their faith, love, and friendship, and embarked on the path of pursuing power without hesitation.

Eagle country.

People spontaneously walked onto the streets, yelling and overthrowing the gods.

Sakura country.

People took out the treasured katana again.

Mao Xiong Country.

The wild Nordic giants showed their power to the gods.


They can't wait to show their strength like this outsider.

People who were once unable to absorb the source substance can now easily absorb it.

The creeps and alien species that were once invincible can now be easily slaughtered by using the source power in the body.

The gods who once brought hope to the desperate world have also been forgotten or even cast aside.

In the eyes of people nowadays, the gods are nothing more than extraordinary beings who are one step ahead.

Every idol in the world was overthrown by the turbulent crowd.


Beyond the Blue Star, in the terrifying tide of magic power, countless ghosts swayed with the wave of magic power from time to time. This is the ghost of gods.

Most of the phantoms were sleeping, but a faint wave came back from the blue star, the trembling eyes of the Lord of Lights opened a gap slightly, and a ray of pure light emerged from the gap.

"Masters, wake up!"

After a whisper, the other great phantoms opened their eyes one by one, without anyone reminding them, the mighty power from the gods made them instantly see the malice from the blue star, so they didn't conceal the suppressed malice!

"Huh! Damn reptiles, people who don't know good and bad, Guanghui has left you behind."

"You insulted the art of war, and you will deeply regret it!"


The gods from various factions have become annoyed. For them, apart from a few lucky ones selected by the ancient gods, the other human beings are nothing more than pigs!

But this group of pigs dared to show malice to the great gods. This is an offense!

The god of war sneered and said.

"Everyone, let us teach these arrogant pigs some lessons together?"

"Agree! Let them understand that the majesty of God is not something they can touch at will!"




Just when the humans on the blue star were crazy, the gazes from the gods were full of malice, rushing towards the humans from the distant tide of magic power, but it did not affect anyone, but just watched silently.

At the same time, new spatiotemporal vortexes were in the air, under the ground, and in the deep sea, filled with malicious words, enough to shred low-level Transcendent sequencers.

0 ••••••• Looking for flowers•••• ••••

"Killing, plundering..."

On the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, a wharf city in the White Eagle Empire, New York.

In the old days, this was a place full of opportunities. Countless people came here to realize their dreams.

Since the Secret Night, this place has been destroyed for a while, and countless disasters have come to this city, but in the end it has survived one by one.

It was another day at the time of sunrise, as dazzling as the tens of thousands of sunrises after the mysterious night, and not far away was the miracle that the Lord of Light once cast down.

..... .. 0

"Boom! Boom!"

The sea not far away attracted the attention of countless people. The eyes of everyone looked at the behemoth that gradually revealed shadows under the sea surface. Perhaps this scene was enough to arouse countless people's suspicion not long ago, but it has experienced many mysterious events. Under the circumstances, the acceptability of human beings has been raised to an unthinkable level.

"Puff!! Puff!!"

In the ordinary eyes of everyone, one after another tentacles came out of the sea, covered with scales, ice-cold and slippery, and a huge eye at the end, with a hot and crazy red in the dim yellow, let The people who looked at him felt a kind of nausea from the depths of their souls.

The crimson sea monster-the soul servant of the old judge.

The tentacles that were hundreds of meters long flicked, and a huge wave swept toward the shore.

Dozens and hundreds of transcendents in the way of the God of War carried shields and roared loudly at the same time.

"War barriers!"

This is a secret technique that can be learned from the ninth sequence recorded on the internet. It has low requirements and the possibility of infinite improvement! Sichuan.

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