Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 252 Corpse

Although he was reluctant, Snow still followed Sierra and Wright to the hatch leading to the second deck.

After all, unless he directly returns to Backlund now, he should watch it.

"It was locked from the other side." Wright spread his hands, and said helplessly, "You think the people below found the problem, so close the hatch, or..."

"No matter what, just unlock the lock." Snow had no intention of talking nonsense. As the saying goes, "Say a thousand, say a thousand, it is better to see it with your own eyes", a spiritual arc flashed in his hand, the lock of the cabin door It opened in response, revealing the passage leading to the second deck.

Just at the moment when the hatch was opened, a strong and disgusting bloody smell rushed out like an explosion.

"Ugh..." Sera let out a painful cry, covered her mouth and squatted down, with a posture that she was about to spit out, Snow took out an iron cigarette and squeezed out one that seemed to be sealed. A storm of amber-like blue spar, with spirituality injected into it, a breeze appeared out of thin air, blowing the rich bloody smell away, and also wrapped a light wind shield on the three of them.

The defensive power of this wind escape can also withstand two or three revolver bullets, but the point is that it can form a relatively independent air environment, so that people will not be poisoned by breathing at least.

Sera stood up with a pale face, glanced at Snow gratefully, and then looked worriedly at the downstairs entrance, as if looking at a huge mouth that devoured life - "How many people died down here? "

"I don't know, but there are only about 1,000 people on this ship." Wright seemed to be worried about being misunderstood. He took out his revolver in a pompous manner, and then walked ahead of the pack.

Although Wright's pistol looked exquisite, Snow could clearly know that it was not an extraordinary item. Not only the gun is not, not even the bullets inside.

In other words, this Wright had no Beyonder items on his body at all. .

"This guy doesn't seem to be poor!" Snow secretly kept this detail in his heart, the shadow under his feet slowly dyed a mottled dark red, he separated a part of his soul into the double to help him monitor Sera In the state of Wright, he fled in the wind and followed behind Wright.

Although Zi Feiyu didn't find the slightest problem, there was quite an "abnormality" in this guy. As the only three people on the boat, Snow couldn't help but pay attention.

The not too long stairs ended quickly. Compared with the open-air three-deck, it was quite dim. The gas lamps and candlesticks had all been extinguished, and only some less transparent portholes could spill a small spot of light.

"No lighting first." The three of them said the same lines almost at the same time. They were stunned for a moment, then nodded, and began to observe the situation in this darkness. There are not many cabins on the second deck, except for hundreds of second-class cabins. In addition, there are large ballrooms, cheap restaurants, lounges, entertainment rooms, pubs and even barber shops. Finding clues here is just like hiding and seeking in a deep castle.

"There are corpses!" Serra whispered softly, Snow and Wright made a warning action almost at the same time, and then looked in the direction that Sera pointed out.

It was a shriveled sailor suit that was almost soaked in blood, and underneath it was a large area of ​​blood that had begun to dry up.

Although there was a barrier from the wind, Snow could imagine the faint smell of corpse and the strong smell of blood just by seeing this scene.

"Be careful of corpses."

"I know." Sera nodded solemnly, took out a mysterious brass charm from her arms, held a gun in one hand, and approached the corpse with the charm - this woman was indeed as she said. , has a certain adventure experience, although the prayer is disturbed, but at least there are enough spells on the body.

About three meters apart, Serra stopped,

While aiming the gun at the corpse, she threw the spell out, and at the same time, she also recited a word in Hermes——


The aura of the talisman spread, and even made a sense of sanctity around the corpse, but this feeling disappeared in a flash, and then a faint phantom appeared on the corpse, but the phantom had not yet formed. , it shattered with a snap.

"Is there interference?" Wright almost instantly completed the action of raising the gun. Snow noticed that when the gun was raised, his thumb had already moved the hammer. This is a habit of people who are good at rapid shooting. It seems that although this guy doesn't have any extraordinary items, he has enough fighting experience - at least shooting experience.

"It's not interference, but the spiritual body has been destroyed." When Sera said this, she relaxed a little bit. Although the spiritual body was destroyed, it was impossible to activate abilities such as psychic and retrospective, but on the contrary, the corpse did not. Jump up and attack.

She took a few steps towards the corpse again, carefully avoiding the blood on the ground, while checking the state of the corpse, she said:

"After the death of an ordinary person, even if the spirit body dissipates, there will be some damaged fragments. The psychic can gather these fragments and ask some simple questions, while the backtracking of the watcher can cooperate with the spirit in the environment. Recreate some clips."

Having said that, he took off the sailor's shirt and checked it before saying:

"This person died for no more than an hour at most, but his spirit disappeared completely. Either the murderer used means that can destroy the spirit body, or he took his spirit away through some technology."

"What's the cause of death?" The shadows under Snow's feet had spread for some time. At the same time as Sera's autopsy, he had discovered that there were more than a dozen corpses lying in the surrounding rooms.

"There are marks of whipping on his body, and one of his hands was cut off. The cause of death was excessive blood loss, but it is very strange. Judging from the state of his wrist, this person should have run a distance after being injured, and finally fell down here. Yes, but the blood was completely concentrated under his feet, and there was no trace of blood dripping around. It was as if the wound on his arm suddenly began to spurt blood after walking here. Moreover, the corpse was also very shriveled. It's like someone has squeezed out all the blood from the inside."

Sierra got up again, with a thoughtful look on her face, Wright seemed to have thought of something, and asked:

"Blood...could it be a vampire?"

"I don't know, I only know that vampires feed on blood, but I haven't heard of them mastering blood-related magic. Maybe high-ranking vampires have related powers, but this is not within my knowledge."

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