Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 549 Mr. Fool's beating

"Mr. Demon has been promoted to Angel?!"

Hearing Snow's admission, the Tarot Club immediately set off a storm. Angels, even in the Orthodox Church, are unique big figures. Even in the church with the most angels, the number of angels will not exceed three, and one of them is still Pope.

And now, Mr. Demon has become such a big man? Become an existence that should be called His Majesty or His Highness?

Wait, Mr. Devil just said the ceremony? It turns out that his recent absence from the Tarot Club was to prepare for the promotion ceremony?

Just when the Tarot Club began to think about how to face this new angel His Royal Highness in the future, it saw Mr. Fool suddenly look around and said with a light smile:

"You guys are very concerned about whether this Tarot Club will continue as usual."

Hearing this sentence, the atmosphere of the Tarot Club suddenly cooled down, and Mr. Hanged Man, the most conscious man, immediately lowered his head and let his voice tremble slightly and said:

"It's that we are not religious enough and think too much."

Hearing his words, Forsi immediately followed the opening and repeated it. Mr. Fool saw the effect, nodded lightly, and looked around again:

"That kind of concern is normal."

He immediately sighed with a smile:

"I used the body of the world to play a game with Amon in the Land Forsaken by God. Fortunately, I didn't miss this Tarot Club."

The friends of the Tarot Club immediately began to fall into a state of disintegration for Mr. Fool's words, and all kinds of thoughts were exciting, but Derrick obviously cared more about his mission. After hearing that Mr. World had arrived in the Land Forsaken by God, he There was a strong joy in my heart, and I immediately looked at the top of the long bronze table and blurted out:

"Dear Mr. Fool, the chief wants to get your blessing in the ceremony, do you agree?"

Klein had already learned about this from prayer, and nodded slightly:


Derrick, who had received the promise, showed uncontrollable ecstasy. After a brief period of bewilderment, he lowered his head and said loudly, "Only believe in Mr. Fool!"

Klein nodded, turned to look at Madam Hermit, and said genially:

"What's the problem this time?"

Cattleya, who had not seen the relevant content in Bernadette's letter, was slightly startled, and then decided to ask something she wanted to know first.

She considered it for two seconds and said:

"Great Mr. Fool, what kind of truth is hidden behind the death of George III?"

The question of the hermit instantly attracted the attention of others. This is undoubtedly the question that everyone wants to know the most except the three demons, the sun and the moon.

Well, the sun doesn't care, and the moon, mostly, doesn't know what's going on at all - he's been living in the church basement all this time and doesn't even know about the assassination of George III.

Klein smiled when he heard the words, and said in a flat tone:

"George III wanted to become the Dark Emperor, so he excavated the ruins of Tudor, trafficked people, created the Backlund smog incident, and took the initiative to start a war, so that the Fosac airship could bomb the Backlund. It's a pity that he Failed in the final ritual, the needed secret tomb was destroyed, and the stand-in used to maintain the ritual was assassinated during the ritual."

Speaking of which, Klein also glanced at Snow. The reason why he knew that Qiao San's stand-in was assassinated was because he asked Danitz to sacrifice a newspaper before the Tarot Club...

Qiao San wanted to become a god, this matter caused everyone to think deeply, but due to Bernadette's reasons, Cattleya, who had already speculated, decided to ask another question (I really don't feel bad for selling Ye Tian)——

"Respected Mr. Fool, what is the attitude of the Seven Gods about this?"

Mr. Fool was very satisfied with Cattleya's praise, he adjusted his tone slightly in his heart, and said:

"The seven gods all want a dark emperor, but who should be the dark emperor, their opinions are not unified, when George III successfully got the ticket through secret preparations,

Whether the Seven Gods agree or not, they can only acquiesce. "

Although it was just a very simple statement, everyone had the same idea at the same time——

The Seven Gods acquiesced, but the Fool disagreed.

Thinking of this, everyone can't help but turn their attention to Mr. Devil, because whether it is the first to join the justice, the hanged man, or the last to join the star, the trial, it is very clear that this gentleman has been conducting investigations about George III, and It seems that in this incident, he was promoted to angel, and he obviously had a lot of inside information.

So, after Xingxing inquired about Mr. World's current status, without waiting for him to make a request to acquire the Star Worm, Miss Justice couldn't wait to ask the question she wanted to ask when Mr. Devil appeared on her spiritual island. :

"Mr. Demon, I want to know the current situation of Loen. After the death of the king, how will it affect the situation of the war?"

"My promotion ceremony has consumed the negative emotions of the people of the Loen Kingdom due to the war, which means that Loen will not have too many internal conflicts in a short period of time. If nothing else, the next It was Prince Edsac who inherited the throne, but I am afraid the war will not stop because of Feysac, regardless of the royal family or religion, is eager to get enough benefits from this war. In addition, Intis is still recuperating. , will not enter the war again in a short period of time, Fenepot is contained by the Lenburg United Empire, and the war situation should not worsen."

Snow briefly introduced the current situation, but a few people who were relatively familiar with Backlund couldn't help but be at a loss—

Edsack? Isn't he dead? And he is only the third prince, even if he is still alive, it will not be his turn to inherit the throne, right?

At this moment, Justice knew something about this, because she still remembered that when Edsack was giving a speech, he wore a ring of the same style as Mr. Demon, and the Guhe on the ring Missy, it seems to be—


It was Mr. Devil who rescued Prince Edsack!

He will inherit the throne, and it is also Mr. Devil's handwriting!

Suddenly, Miss Justice was slightly taken aback, because some of the things she heard from her father were linked together. Prince Edsack was Mr. Devil's subordinate, and the king attracted Mr. Devil in addition to his demigod identity. The enthusiastic organization and labor movement under his command, Intis seems to be the labor movement that overthrew the original regime, and George III once asked Mr. Devil to send the labor movement to Feysac to destroy it...

"Mr. Demon has unknowingly controlled two countries, and Feysac is likely to become the third?"

Thinking of this, Audrey immediately became excited. She quickly calmed down, adjusted her emotions, and allowed herself to enter the audience state in order to keep this secret. However, Miss Justice suddenly tensed up, plus her own identity as a Loen noble, Let everyone instantly realize that she must know the inside story, and this inside story is likely to be related to Mr. Devil.

"First Intis, then Loen, Mr. Demon's plans are not small..." Klein, who had read the newspaper, also recognized the ring on Prince Edsack's hand, and made a decision in his heart to wait for success. After the resurrection, summon Senior Pandre Dax and ask if this has anything to do with the so-called "God Paradox Plan".

But these are the things that happened later. Klein remembered the miracle master's potion formula, and he controlled the dummy world to look at the magician Forsi, and said:

"Help me ask the Abraham family if there are any star bugs whose spirituality has not been completely lost? If so, what exchange is needed."

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