Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 564 The Bound God: I seem to be talking too much...

Seeing Si A being sent to surrogacy, the Witch King of the Rose School was completely dumbfounded. He was a Sequence Four, how could He De face the siege of five angels?

Is it too late to surrender now?

He originally wanted to ask this question, but obviously, there was no such opportunity.


Klein used the historical projection to put away the loot, intending to sacrifice the upper Origin Castle first, and then distribute it after everyone's real bodies arrived, but the historical projection of Miss Coconut Egg Tree was staring firmly at the cross in Snow's hand——

Or rather, staring at the small mummy wrapped in pale yellow bandages on the cross.

"The bound god..." It seems to be babbling, and it seems to be calling the god's honorable name. Miss Coconut Egg Tree's tone is respectful, showing a bit of confusion, but the small mummy wrapped in pale yellow bandages did not give it. Any reply is just a silent cry of pain.

The rag doll-like Miss Coconut Tree raised her head and looked at Snow with a pair of glass eyes. Snow didn't nod or shake her head at this somewhat penetrating gaze, but just raised her hand and faced the small mummy on the cross. Compared to a gesture of shooting -

[The Ship of Theseus].

An indescribable power spread over the mummy, and after a while, a slightly weak voice came out of its mouth——

"Thank you for your help... um, 'Ancient Chaos'? Well, it doesn't seem like it?"

After talking to himself for a while, the bandaged villain finally understood the current situation roughly. He looked at Snow's right arm covered with rust, and there was a slight red light in his eyes. The rust disappeared instantly, and A small section of the pale yellow bandage on his body turned rusty red.

"Rather than thank you, I'm curious about your current situation. Has your uniqueness been brought out?"

Snow Xu shook his right hand that had returned to normal, holding the cross in one hand, and asked in a serious tone, this is the focus of this time, using the power of the Fallen Goddess to forcibly disrupt the control of the Mother Tree of Desire, to achieve this It is true that the consciousness of the bound god Torzner was exchanged, and as part of the equivalent exchange, the equivalent characteristics of the sequence of Sia can also be taken away. The focus now is Torzner. Whether the uniqueness is also fished out.

"Uniqueness has long been conceptualized, so it has always been with me." Torzner didn't mean to hide, he looked up at Snow, and asked in a tone without any emotional fluctuations:

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, I hope you will help bear two curses in the future." Snow was not polite. The reason why he took the risk to save Torzner was not only to rehearse the process of saving Bai Zao and Roselle in advance, but also the main purpose. Just let him help bear the curse.

"Yes, carrying the curse is the fate of the alien pathway. For us, the curse is also an anchor."

Speaking of which, Torzner suddenly realized a problem, and after glancing at the small rusty red bandage on his body without a trace, he asked a little hesitantly:

"Can you tell me the source of the curse I am about to bear?"

"The Underground and the Moon."


Torzner fell into a long silence in an instant, so much so that Klein wondered if the image of the historical projection was stuck, but before the historical image expired, Torzner finally nodded and said:

"Yes, but I need the kind of spell you used on me before, and after this, you have to assist me in 'reincarnation'."

"Then, the deal is established." Snow nodded, the power of a contract formed a tight chain between the two, which made the Bound God look more like a prisoner who was always ready to be executed, but he Apparently he didn't care about it, he even narrowed his eyes and started to fall asleep——

No, maybe that was really falling asleep, after all, He hadn't rested for a long time.

Seeing this, Snow put away the crucifix with Torzner hanging on it. Although he should hand over the bound god to Miss Coconut Egg Tree at this time, why is he here?

All of them are just historical projections, and if Torzner is sacrificed to the Origin Castle, Klein may not dare to accept it.

"I'll say goodbye first, Ye... Miss Reinette Tinichole, the Bound God will stay with me for now."

After speaking, Snow did not give Miss Coconut Egg Tree a chance to answer, and disappeared in place.

Miss Coconut Egg Tree closed her slightly open mouth again, and then said to Klein reluctantly, "It's over there too."

After all, the historical projections turned into fog and disintegrated, and the golden light curtain slowly disappeared. On this battlefield, except for a few more dead bodies of pigs, cattle and sheep, it seemed that nothing happened.


Snow, who was teleported back to the Black Swan Castle, handed Torzner to Maria's care, while he returned to the study and began to summarize the experience of the operation.

First of all, as a substitute, Siah used the power of the fallen mother goddess to suppress the power of the mother tree of desire. This approach is obviously feasible, but now that there is Torzner, the king of angels, there is no need to take this risk. Just transfer the contamination to Him. A cooperating human pillar is always better than an uncooperative offering.

Secondly, there is the problem of awakening consciousness. The ship of Theseus has confirmed that it can take effect on the distortion caused by the pollution of the old days. Torzner, who has been tortured for so many years, can recover his sense, and Lao Huang and Bai Zao should not have it either. The problem, the problem is how to anchor the state.

In the end, it is the question of ritual. The real reason why Torzner can be exchanged this time is that the Mother Tree of Desire took the initiative to build a connection between the bound god and Siua, thereby invading its own power into the real world, but Conversely, this directly connected pathway also gives Snow room to operate.

Contaminated with the power of the mother goddess, the mother tree of desire cannot directly close the channel, and then the position is reversed through the integrated connection. In contrast, Lao Huang’s side is okay to say, after all, he is curled up in the grave, and this step of replacement is all right. It can be omitted directly, but the problem of vain creation is bigger, because now, there is no "real" vain creation. Even if Zhenzao and Adam are put together, it is not in vain, and Feng Xue does not intend to make it for real. To make a white one, but to make a real one, this means that he cannot solve the personality problem with a simple replacement, but needs to construct a ritual to complete a symbolic replacement.

"It seems that I have to talk to Snowman, but with his piety, as long as it is for the Lord's resurrection, a small, reversible sacrifice should still be willing."

Thinking of this, Snow's body disintegrated again, and with the help of the springboard of consciousness, he moved towards Backlund again——

Although he knew that this jump in consciousness would pollute his mind, in order to complete the role of Schrödinger's cat as soon as possible, he had to face this pollution, so that he could reach a state where he could be promoted at any time before the scheduled time.

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