Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 227: resurrection


The curtains were opened, and the night sky without a red moon was full of stars. The gas street lamp downstairs had been on for a while. Rawls walked to the spacious balcony with a glass of red wine and looked at the winding Hoy River outside the window. . Unlike the Tussock River that traverses Backlund, there are not many boats on the Hoy River.

Rawls is now in the university district outside Tingen. Opposite the Hoy River is the university town where many universities of Tingen are located. Lincoln College of Law, one of the bar's colleges, is there.

Feeling the cool wind near the Hoy River, Rawls took a sip of red wine. A figure wearing a light blue dress was outlined beside him. She looked at Rawls beside him, her plump lips slightly parted:

"The Nighthawks in Tingen suffered heavy losses, and an archbishop who came from the headquarters of the Evernight Church is presiding over the follow-up work."

The person here is Yalysia Tamara. If she hadn't followed her secretly, Rawls would not have taken the risk to come to Tingen today. She just went to the Blackthorn Security Company according to Rawls's instructions to investigate. The case of the "Nighthawks".

lost heavily? archbishop?

Rawls nodded slightly, such a serious consequence can at least show that Ince Zangwill took St. Selena's ashes. Under this premise, Klein may have been taken by Ince. It didn't develop beyond his expectations.

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"And, within the perception range of the Sequence 5 'Gatekeeper' Archbishop, the body of a dead 'Night Watcher' member disappeared."


Rawls turned to look at Alysia. Could it be that Klein was directly resurrected and ran out?

"Yes, it seems that he is still the captain of the 'Nighthawks' squad here, whose name is Dunn Smith." Alysia's dark gray eyes blinked, she was sure that Rawls knew the Nighthawks in Tingen well .

Dunn Smith? How can this happen?

Rawls frowned, it seems that things have gone wrong, but the results seem to be fine. But... Rawls' eyes moved to Alysia, and her way of speaking seemed to have changed a lot, more like a normal person.

Alysia may have stayed in Tamara's secluded place for too long, and the language has always been concise and clear, which is also the same as her most commonly used language is Old Feysac. After all, language must develop from simplicity to complexity. .

Rawls looked up, but still lacked enough expression, Alysia's face was still like a wax statue, lacking in vividness.

"It shouldn't be too far from Tamara's station, do you want to go back and have a look?" He knew from Alysia that most of the members of the Tamara family were hiding in Xiwei near the Hornages Mountains. Ruth County, not very far from Ahowa County.

Alysia was silent for a while and then replied:



A few days later, Lincoln Law School.

Watching Jurgen Cooper walk into the exam room, Rawls turned around and said with a smile to an elderly man standing beside him:

"Thanks to your help this time, Attorney Merino."

Lawyer Merino, with a medium build and no beard, is wearing a black double-breasted suit and a tie that is unique to lawyers. Although he is nearly sixty years old, he is still strong, and his muscles hold up the suit. He looked at Rawls in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Adrian Law Firm is qualified to recommend students to the Academy, but this is the first time you have recommended students to the Academy since you accepted the firm. It seems that you are very satisfied with Ergan."

Rawls glanced at the direction where Jurgen left, and said with admiration:

"Lawyer Jurgen is the best solicitor in our firm under the age of 30. If it weren't for the health of his grandmother, Mrs. Doris, he would have already entered the academy. But it is not too late, after all, the young Lawyers are not taken seriously."

"It seems that you have experienced a lot in Backlund? Are you interested in telling me about it?" Attorney Merino was not as serious as his clothes, and like other old people of this age, he was quite easy-going.

"Of course, the experience of a royal barrister is a treasure for any barrister." Merino is the Royal Barrister of Ruen and is also the legal adviser of the royal family. It is said that the revision of the laws in the past ten years has with his participation.

"Go to my office, where I have the best coffee beans from the Perth Valley of the South Continent."

Merino patted Rawls and walked towards his office, the only two-story building at Lincoln's Law School. Although Lincoln Law School is one of the four major law schools in Ruen, the number of students enrolled every year is not large, about 300 people, and the whole school is less than 2,000 people.

Rawls looked at Merino's vigorous pace, which was completely unlike an old man's pace. The treasurer of Lincoln College, the leader of the college, was a Sequence 8 "barbarian".


Merino's office is very large and crowded, with five or six bookshelves occupying most of the space, filled with books related to law, not only the law books of the Loen Kingdom, but also the other three countries of the Northern Continent, and even Rolle Si also saw the unpopular book "Balam's Empire: Blood and Law" that explored the legal history of the southern continent of the Fourth Epoch.

Pushing a cup of steaming coffee in front of Rawls, Merino pushed the sugar cube and milk jug over and said with a smile:

"Palmer coffee, a little bitter, you can add sugar and milk yourself."

"Then I'll add a little more. Palmer's coffee is not ordinary bitter." Rawls replied with a smile, threw three sugar cubes into the coffee cup, and then put the sugar cube box and milk jug into the coffee cup. pushed back.

"I also liked this when I was young, but now for my teeth, I can only drink it like this, with a spoonful of milk at most." Merino rubbed his teeth in a serious manner, and then added a spoonful of milk. His teeth are not too bad, at least much better than the old man of this age, after all, he is a Beyonder.

The two talked about this topic for a few minutes, Merino took a sip of coffee, and seemed to fall into memory in the dense water vapor:

"I remember that the last time I saw you, you were not so calm. It seems that it is not easy for you to take on a firm!"

Rawls briefly recalled the memory of the last time we met, and an embarrassed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. At that time, he had taken the "lawyer" potion for half a year. Relying on his extraordinary ability, within half a year of studying in the academy, those lecturers The chanting teacher is not his opponent.

In order to return to Backlund as soon as possible and take over the Adrian firm, Rawls found Merino alone, trying to use the "lawyer"'s extraordinary eloquence to get Merino to help him graduate early, but the "experienced" Merino said He was speechless and paid a certain price to graduate early.

At that time, I didn't know that Merino was also an Extraordinary and a "lawyer", and only thought that Merino, who was a royal barrister, was experienced. And now Rawls knows that Merino should have been a "barbarian" of Sequence 8 at that time, because Merino was also very strong at that time.

Rawls lowered his head, took a sip from the coffee cup, and said a little "shyly":

"I also ask you to forgive my ignorance and thank you for letting me graduate early."

Merino pressed his hands on the desk, and his hearty laughter echoed in the office:

"Hahaha, when I drank the potion, like you, I thought I would definitely become the top barrister."

Rawls raised his head and looked at Merino, as if he had lost the eloquence of the legal profession, he said:

"You are also a 'lawyer'?" Rawls was not surprised that Merino guessed this. Who made him feel so high-spirited at the time that he was invincible? It's just that thanks to Merino's defeat, he has restrained a lot after returning to Backlund. Otherwise, you won't be able to wait for yourself to pass through, and you'll be taught the Chavas meter.

"Only you are allowed?" Merino blinked like a naughty child, "Okay, if there is anything I can do, just say it!"

Merino, like the wise man in the story, easily saw through Rawls' trick, knowing that he was definitely not just here to recommend Jurgen to Lincoln College.

Rawls shrank in the chair opposite the desk and explained uneasily:

"It's like this, I won a lawsuit some time ago, but it involved Nozick of the New Party. You know, since my father, the Adrian family is rarely involved in politics, but I have offended the New Party, so I have to vote for Conservatives. Just because of this case, Duke Negan's only son Philip took over the Hillston police station, and I helped him plan something.

After that, my firm was more or less crowded out by other Backlund firms. In order to solve these problems, I planned to recruit a famous barrister from East Chester County to come to Backlund. But as you know, lately the Earl of Hall's eldest son Hibbert and Philip were fighting each other, and I had to leave East Chester and go to Ahowa.

In Ahowa County, I did not come forward myself, so I had to ask lawyer Jurgen to help me collect the information of the barrister, but I still encountered a lot of obstacles, so I hope to use the opportunity of recommending Jurgen to get the support of the college . "

The childlike smile on Merino's face disappeared, and it was replaced by a serious one, just like what he was wearing. Rawls' request for help was not simply getting help. To solve the troubles of Adrian's office, it meant Lincoln's lawyer. The Academy fully supports the Adrian Firm.

This is related to the development and future of Lincoln College. If Rawls is supported, it means that Lincoln College will be stationed in Backlund, which will inevitably lead to the counterattack of the other three colleges. Once the Adrian firm loses in the confrontation, it is not only a firm that loses, but also Lincoln College.

Rawls looked at Merino, who was getting more serious, and it seemed that a slight "bribe" was really not enough for him to make a decision, so he took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and handed it to him:

"Lawyer Merino, this is my plan, please take a look."

Merino looked at the stack of documents with a smile on his face again, took the document and pointed to Rawls:

"You are much more prepared than last time. You don't want to convince me just by eloquence. If your plan works, I will convince other supervisors."

The leaders of the four major law schools only have supervisors. They are senior lawyers and are called lecturers when they teach. Merino is the leader of the college selected from the supervision and serves as the treasurer.

Merino took the document and read it carefully, while Rawls was still doing his "last effort".

"Because of the investment in education over the years, Ruen has not only established many public elementary schools, but also expanded many universities, and some technical colleges are ready to be reorganized into universities. I heard that Backlund University and Tingen University have prepared If other universities want to learn the law, I think after a few decades, the four colleges will eventually become pre-employment training places for barristers.

You must know that even with the support of the royal family, there are only four bar schools and more than four universities. Therefore, I think the four major colleges must increase their influence, try their best to expand, and cannot give the opportunity to universities like Backlund and Tingen.

But Lincoln College is not in Backlund, and if the other three choose to expand, it will be easier to get support. The advantages of Lincoln College are also obvious. Based on Ahowa County, it can affect many surrounding counties and cities. As long as it gets some support in it is easier to expand. The other three academies would definitely not leave Backlund on their own initiative. "

Merino put down the document in his hand and said with a smile:

"Your eloquence has improved, not only because of your extraordinary abilities, but also with a good plan. I will mention this at the meeting the day after tomorrow, you can come and listen."

What he meant was obvious, he agreed, but others needed to agree.

"Thank you very much."

The "briber" acts as the rule, and puts himself on the "weak" side when "bribing", which makes it easier for the "bribery" to succeed.


Raphael Cemetery at night.

Azik, who was bronze-skinned, stood in front of Klein's grave with a bunch of white flowers, and didn't speak for a long time. A figure appeared behind him, wearing a knee-length black trench coat, his gray eyes were extremely deep, and his face was full of blue and white.

"I'm sorry, but I'll catch him."

Azik bent down and put down the bunch of flowers, turned to look at the figure behind him:

"Are you going to speak to him alone?"

The crimson moonlight shone on the man's face, it was Dunn Smith, the blue and white color on his face made him look like a corpse, exuding an unbearable cold. The corners of his mouth were pulled, his throat was squirming, as if he had not spoken for a long time, and his voice was extremely hoarse:

"No, after Ince Zangwill dies, there is still that witch!"

Azik's expression also cooled down, he looked at the tombstone and said:

"You need time to digest the potion, and after it is digested, you will be the 'gatekeeper' of Sequence 5."

"Digestion? I'll finish it asap!"


The moonlight was silent and silent, shining on the tombstone.

Suddenly, the stone slab sealing the tomb was turned over, and a slightly pale hand stretched out from the soil.

Chapter 227 Resurrection

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