Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 300: lieutenant general at dusk

"Are you sure you don't want to join us?"

Little Jamil looked at "Craftsman" Sharf doubtfully. Although he didn't specifically reveal that he was looking for the "Ghost Empire", the legacy of the Fourth Epoch Trenzost Empire, he also told Sharf something. He just said It was a thousand-year-old treasure, most likely the mausoleum of a nobleman of the Trenzost Empire.

For Sharf, who used to be an "archaeologist", this should be a great temptation, not to mention that he knows a little about his character Jamil these days. As long as it is safe, he will definitely go together. But he refused so directly.

"Sure, I don't have that much time." Sharf's tanned face didn't hesitate at all, he tossed a gray purse in front of Jamil, "I see, for a 'craftsman' In other words, researching magical items is the most important thing."

He felt like his heart was bleeding when he said this, and he was not interested in the treasure buried in the treasure. For a Sequence 6 Beyonder, it is too easy to make money, not to mention that he is a "craftsman". But he can't ignore the precious knowledge and extraordinary items that may exist in the treasure, but these are not that important compared to his own freedom.

Jamie's mother, Dorothy Lovelace, is about to come over. If you stay with Jamie for one more day, the danger will increase a lot, let alone go on a treasure hunt with him. If he were in danger, Lady Dorothy teleported directly to Jean, and Sharf could declare his freedom over.

Combined with Jeffrey (Rolls) letting himself research his space pockets, Sharf has a better excuse to stay and work on how to make space pockets. Even for the sake of safety, he planned to go to the secret base by himself after Jamil and the others left, where there are many ritual magic protections, so there is no need to be afraid that the countess will find him.

"Since Scharf doesn't want to, let's go!" Rawls glanced at Scharf, who nodded, and waved his hand indifferently.

Sharf squeezed a smile on his face and handed over Rawls' space money bag and a stack of banknotes. This was the money he bought for the "Interrogator" feature and the "Psychic" feature. The former has not yet been produced, and the latter has been successfully produced but Rawls is not satisfied.

Jamil was a little dejected. He still wanted a companion who could communicate with him normally to explore the "Ghost Empire".

Rawls didn't know that in Jamil's heart, he had become a guy who couldn't communicate with him normally, so he took him away from Sharf's home and went to Bayam port. After confirming that the stone golem Romit had been lurking in the ground to follow, he sent Jamil on a passenger ship bound for Toscat Island.

Last night, he had made an agreement with Jamil that Jamil would set off and arrive at Toscat Island first, while Rawls would follow up immediately after handling some personal affairs, and meet at the port of Toscat Island four days later. The reason for such an agreement is that Alysia will return to Bayam three days later, and with the help of her magical item "Freelancer", she will be able to reach Toscat Island in a short time.

After seeing Jamil off, Rawls immediately returned to the vicinity of the Sharf house. He frowned slightly after seeing that the lights had not gone out. He took out a silver whistle, blew it lightly, and saw his messenger, Alexis. O Tamara slowly got out of the air, wearing a black robe and a hood, with only one of his hands exposed.

"Sharf didn't leave, did he?"

Alessio didn't speak, and he couldn't speak, just nodded.

The expression on Rawls's face became more solemn, and the ruby ​​ring on the right index finger poured out a rich shadow. His figure flashed into a darkness, and the brown child hole stared closely at Sharf's house.

He's waiting for Scharf to leave!

After Jamiere summoned the messenger of his mother, Dorothy Lovelace, Sharf became a little eccentric, stopped bickering with little Jamiere, and seemed both fearful and respectful to him. This is also normal, after all, not everyone has a demigod mother behind them.

But Scharf's performance was really overdone, and Rawls, who knew his true identity, felt that there was some problem in the middle, so he not only mentioned Emperor Roselle in front of Jamie many times to observe Scharf's performance, every time He was extremely nervous, but it seemed that this nervousness was not just about his identity being revealed, but also about something else.

After many attempts by Rawls, he found that Sharf seemed to be more afraid of Jamie's mother, Dorothy Lovelace, and the information provided by Old John also vaguely proved his guess, so he sent him away. Came back here again after Jamil.

He judged that if the countess knew about Sharf from Jamil's mouth, Sharf would probably bring her back to Masi and the Church of Knowledge, and Sharf would definitely choose to leave Bayam temporarily. But what he faced was not as simple as a demigod, but a "prophet".

In the distance, the lights of Sharf's house suddenly went out, and Rawls, who was hiding in the shadows, lit up in front of his eyes. The door was quietly opened, and a familiar figure came out. He was carrying two huge suitcases. Carrying a large bag, he quickly turned into an alley next to him.

Rawls waved his hand lightly, and the messenger Alessio beside him disappeared into the air. He didn't have time to follow Scharf, so it was better for the messenger to do it. After waiting for another ten minutes, after confirming that Scharf did not play any tricks to escape, his figure disappeared into the darkness again.

"No wonder it took so long to leave, it turned out to be dealing with clues."

Rawls put his arms around his chest, looking at the room with few personal belongings of Scharf, feeling the spiritual power left by the ritual magic in the room, and slowly shook his head.

He walked to the wine rack a few steps and took down a bottle of Sunia blood wine. The wine rack immediately slid to the side silently, revealing a secret room.

He took out a candle from the dining table, lit it with spiritual friction, and threw it into the secret room.

After confirming that there was no danger, Rawls carefully walked towards the secret room. Although the secret room is not big, a museum shelf and a workbench have also been put down, but the things on it have almost been emptied, and only some common materials are left.

"Well prepared!"

No abnormality was found, and nothing was found that Scharf missed, and Rawls was not disappointed. Scharf had messenger Alessio to follow, and it would not be so easy to escape.

Backlund, Chorwood District, 12 Crystal Street.

Fors yawned while arranging her messy brown hair and walked down the stairs. The weather became colder in November, causing her to lie in bed for longer and longer. He casually rubbed his sleepy eyes, saw a person sitting on the sofa in the crystal lake, and asked in surprise:

"Hugh, why did you come here? Didn't you join that secret group?"

"Don't mention it." Xio was half-lying on the sofa and waved his hands weakly, "The team was disbanded, and I was transferred back to the 'Pre-trial and Interrogation Team'."


Forsi couldn't believe it, but also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, Hugh's team was investigating the secret organization "Tarot Club" she joined, and the target of the investigation, "Dark Emperor", was MI9. senior members.

This made her worry that Hugh would suffer misfortune because of the gods involved, and also worried that Hugh would be secretly executed by Mr. "Emperor" after investigating something. Although she didn't think the latter would happen, it was impossible for Hugh's brain to investigate. Something, especially the murderer or an MI9 insider.

"Well, it's disbanded. I was still in contact with the girls who were kidnapped an hour ago. As a result, I was notified that the investigation will end immediately, and the team will also be disbanded. I don't know what those people think?"

Forsi walked to the coffee table, blinked his eyes, and said in a teasing tone:

"Maybe, the investigation was urgently stopped only after they were found."

Xio's eyes lit up, but then darkened:

"So what? All the members of the investigation team have returned to the original team. When will I find out by myself."

"...Actually, it's a good thing to think about it." Forsi regretted saying that sentence, afraid that Xio would investigate alone, and hurriedly sought compensation, "The robber 'Dark Emperor' killed Kapin, you're not helping him by investigating him. Capin?"

Sitting upright, she slapped her forehead, feeling a little annoyed that she didn't react. Just as she was about to say her thanks, she found that Forsi was already stunned, staring blankly behind her. She hadn't made any evasive action yet. Hearing "Alicia", he breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

"Happy Trading."

"Happy transaction, I hope there will be another time." Ozil is worthy of the nickname of "Giant". Although he is over sixty and has sparse white hair, his voice is still strong and powerful, and his voice echoes throughout the warehouse. .

Wearing a black robe and a hood, Rawls carried a small suitcase. His voice under the mask was hoarse, as if his vocal cords were damaged:

"As long as you can deal with these quickly, I don't mind continuing to do business with you. After all, there are still too few goods you can buy."

"No problem, these goods have been ordered and will leave Bayam tonight."

When Ozil didn't see the turbid light-brown child's hole, ripples immediately appeared, narrowing into a gap, and the wrinkles on his face piled up into a bright smile. He originally thought that these were all, but he didn't expect a follow-up.

"Hopefully, if there are no problems in the follow-up, I will come to you again."

His narrowed eyes immediately widened, and Ozil quickly scanned the warehouse, but the black-robed man who was carrying the goods over 6,000 pounds had disappeared, leaving only the bartender by his side.

"Did you see how he disappeared?"

The bartender is not an Extraordinary. Although he knows that Extraordinary has powerful abilities, he still feels like he has seen a ghost, his voice trembling:


He holds an old-fashioned fire cannon in his left hand. Old John, who is also wearing a black robe and a hood, holds a monocular in his right hand. Through the mirror, he can clearly see the group of dock workers who are carrying goods in the distance, as well as those who do simple things. A few guys who pretend to be urging the workers to hurry up.

His chapped lips twitched slightly, and he didn't know what he was talking about. The wrinkle-like wrinkles and age spots twitched along with the muscles, making him look a little hideous on this night without a red moon.

After a few more minutes, Old John put down the telescope in his hand and threw it to Rawls, then blew his old waist laboriously, leaning on the old-fashioned torch and slowly walked into the shadows .

Rawls took the binoculars, looked at the slow-paced old John and shook his head slightly, then looked back at the group of people on the dock, and then walked into the shadows.

"Gene Era"

"You better inform Mr. Mustang, you can't deal with these people."

As an old crew member of the "Dark Emperor", Old John didn't need to be too awed by the "Viscount Fear", and his age of seventy-four made him no longer afraid of death.

"Which big pirate is that?"

Rawls frowned, he didn't think those people were the crew of any pirate general. According to Old John, in addition to being a pirate general, there will almost always be a force behind it. Otherwise, the ship will be destroyed in the battle with those big pirates who want to compete for the position of the general again and again. Only the forces behind them will support The big pirates can get supplements and become pirate generals.

This support includes artillery, guns, ammunition, and even extraordinary items in addition to personnel. Of course, in order to obtain this kind of support, the property obtained must also be handed over to a part of the forces behind it.

"No, they are the people of 'Lieutenant Admiral Dusk', the tallest is the first bosun of 'Twilight', Sequence 6's 'Dawn Knight' Andreevich, nicknamed 'One-Eyed Knight', he One of the eyes was taken by the deceased 'Lieutenant General Hurricane'."

Old John leaned on an old-fashioned firearm in one hand, and a bottle of Langzi in the other, poured it into his stomach, and burped loudly, "I don't know what these Feysac people think, even if such a tall guy pretends to be What can be done, it's not something that can be seen at a glance."

"Why did the people from Lieutenant General Dusk come here to buy weapons? Shouldn't they have the support of some Feysac faction behind them?"

Rawls has more or less learned about the seven pirate generals from Old John, and Old John has some guesses about the forces behind them, but as long as he knows the situation of the crew of the "Twilight", he can definitely guess that it must be Fossa behind them. A certain force in Gram, the nobles, the military, and the church are all possible, and the Church of God of War is the most likely.

After all, it was a boat of Feysacs, and most of them were in the "Warrior" pathway, and "Lieutenant General Dusk" Bratov Yinwan was even the "Guardian" of Sequence 5.

"I'm not very clear. Normally, the activity area of ​​'Lieutenant General Dusk' is generally in the northern part of the Sunya Sea, which is the southern part of Sunya Island, and the southernmost part is the Beluga Sea. Enter the Central Sunia Sea. After all, Pasu Island, the headquarters of the Church of the Storms, is on the edge of the Central Sunia waters, and they will sink all pirate ships mercilessly.”

"Sea of ​​Moby Dick?" Rawls keenly captured a familiar place name.

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