Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 339: Bernadette's question

Moreover, even if Rawls could kill George Negan under this circumstance, it would have a relatively limited impact on Edward Leto, and could not achieve the purpose of corrupting his mind. Before that, he must be made to despair step by step. Every time he continues to take a step forward, he will regret it, but he has to continue to move forward because he has no way back.

Now he is "cooperating" with MI9 and wants to seriously damage or even destroy the "Dark Emperor", but Nast already knows his purpose, so it is difficult for him to achieve this purpose. In this case, Edward had to rely on George Negan to avoid being held hostage by MI9 men.

George Negan was narrow-minded and irritable. The reason why he valued Edward in addition to his strength was the ability to help him make money. As long as he realizes that Edward can't continue to help him in this regard, and he has to face the pressure of MI9 and the Navy, then he is bound to have a certain opinion on Edward.

As Edward is a demigod, MI9 will definitely not trust him, and establishing an unequal contract is only the most basic. And once Governor George is dissatisfied with him, his life will be threatened at any time, which will make his mental state unstable, and it is difficult to maintain a balance between divinity and humanity.

It would be a pity if he could use the "Dream Catcher" to secretly influence Governor George. Although Rawls can give him a certain bad state through "bribes", on the one hand, this state is difficult to maintain for a long time, on the other hand Aspects are also easy to be found by Edward.

Although "Dream Catcher" can make certain deletions and modifications to the memory, the premise is that it needs to be inverted every day when falling asleep, and it can be maintained for ten days to capture most of the memories in the brain. If the influence is only from the dream, but Rawls must also be within 500 meters of Governor George, and find his own dream among the many dreams.

He had seen the map around the Governor's Palace before. Bayam was built on the Blue Mountain Island, which occupies half of the land area of ​​the Rhosid Islands, and the area of ​​the Governor's Palace was not small. More importantly, there are no residential areas or other buildings near the Governor's Palace. It can even be said that as long as certain soldiers and weapons are arranged, it is a military fortress.

On the one hand, it came from the threat of the previous rebel army, and on the other hand, it was dealing with the Feysac Empire that could go south.

Even if Rawls infiltrated the Governor's Palace, George Negan is an Extraordinary, and he must know the relevant occult knowledge. Once he finds something wrong, it is easy to seek help from the Church of the Storm or the Church of the Evernight.

"What do you want to do to George Negan?" Kano, the bell ringer, leaned half against the wall, and the lights on the wall hit his face from top to bottom, making his already ugly face extremely terrifying.

"What can I do? A governor with a very high status, has close relations with the church and the navy, and is protected by many Beyonders." Rawls neither admitted nor denied.

"You should know that Royin Jin chose to enter the Governor's Palace in order to escape the Rose School."

Rawls nodded and tapped the glasses frames that were also used for disguise:

"He gave George Negan the 'old baron'."

Kano straightened up, a little surprised:

"Royin King told you about the 'Baron of Ageless'? Then do you know the side effects of that extraordinary item?"

Seeing Rawls shaking his head, he continued:

"'The Baron of Ages' comes from a 'Potion Professor' in the school who believes in the 'Pristine Moon', the wearer can improve the five senses, far beyond the normal human recovery ability, and can use many dark-like spells, including 'Abyss Shackles',' Darkwings', 'Corrosive Claws', etc., have a life span of nearly five hundred years. Unless they are severely injured, they can keep their bodies in a young state.

The negative effect is also very prominent. It will magnify a person's emotions and desires, making it difficult for the wearer's thinking to maintain a normal state, just like being affected by the animal nature of a 'beast trainer' who is approaching out of control. This effect is stronger during full and blood moons.

And this effect is continuously increasing. Even if the wearer stops wearing it after reaching a certain stage, the wearer's character will not improve unless he uses extraordinary abilities to correct it. But for Royin King, he can keep himself in a state of "mechanical mind", as long as it is not a full moon or a blood moon, it will not be affected. "

This negative effect is really small... Rawls couldn't help but sighed in his heart, when he heard that this sealed artifact came from the 'Potion Professor' who believed in the 'primitive moon', he had made this sealed artifact and it would be great. Enhance the reproductive ability of the wearer, allowing plants and animals to…

Ugh, can't think about it anymore!

The "Mechanical Mind" should come from the "Machine" of the Sequence 8 of the "Monster" pathway. Rawls used the "Stand of Power" to use a similar spell "Emotional Distraction" before, but it didn't last long. But for Luo Yin Jin of Sequence 5, maintaining this state is not a problem.

If so, then I just need to keep hitting George Negan's mentality, and I can even let him get injured to prolong the time he wears the "Baron of Ageless", and let the "bestiality" continue to erode his heart. After thinking about an idea, Rawls said goodbye to Cano, the bell ringer, and left the bell tower of St Draco Church.

Walking on a relatively empty and quiet street, Rawls held the dilapidated notebook that recorded the situation related to George Negan, and heard the voice of Alysia, who had told her his thoughts before.

"I have been near the Governor's Palace before, and I am sure that Edward Leto is not there, nor should he stay there for a long time, and 'Spellweaver' Amelius is stationed at the naval base. With the help of 'Free Walker' , which allows you to enter the Governor's Palace without being detected."

"No, there should be a demigod, most likely Sequence 3, who is in charge of hunting the 'King of the Five Seas', but now I don't know where he is staying."

Rawls shook his head, even if he was not noticed that he had sneaked into the Governor's Mansion, but once he used the "Dream Catcher", he would be detected, which is the ability of the "chaos hunter".

"Unless the location of the 'chaos hunter' cannot be determined, we can't do anything to George Negan for the time being unless he leaves Bayam. But if he leaves here, it means that the hunt for the 'King of the Five Seas' is a success. It’s a success or failure. The former need not be mentioned, the latter represents Edward Laito’s escape from the greatest threat, and subsequent actions will hardly affect him even if they are successful.”

"So, the difficulty now is to let the 'chaos hunter' leave Bayam, or at least the Governor's Palace, and let him continue hunting Nast."

With the help of the "Free Walker" hiding her figure, Alysia frowned, and just as she was about to ask whether Elder Lagat or Elder Christo should take the "chaos hunter" away, she felt the spirit world. The fluctuations, an illusory existence in a black robe and a hood entered the reality from the spiritual world, and handed a letter to Rawls.

Rawls' messenger?

The dark gray eyes of Alysia, who flashed this thought in her mind, froze suddenly, she saw the white mist permeating the black-robed messenger, and felt a familiar smell.

That is…

After receiving the letter from Alessio, Rawls was about to open it when he suddenly thought that Alysia was also by his side. Would he have discovered the special nature of the messenger, but he could not see the hidden figure? Alicia's reaction.

His body froze for a moment, and Rawls opened the letter in his hand a little uneasy. He doesn't care about the content of the letter or who the sender is, he just wants to know what Alysia will do. With an uneasy mood, he stopped, and the letter in his hand was blank.

What the **** is this doing?

Rawls stared blankly at the blank piece of paper, flipped it back and forth twice, but didn't find a word on it, opened the envelope again, and found nothing. If Alysia wasn't by his side, he would have used the messenger bell to summon Alessio to ask.

Sharf? Jamil? stop? Or Bilt Brando, owner of 'Sweet Lemon Bar'?

There are very few people who know his messenger summoning incantation, the latter two dare not do it at all, and only Sharf and Jamil are likely to do so. Alysia's voice came from Rawls' ears, who had not yet figured out who sent him such a letter.

"Someone has followed your messenger."


Rawls opened his mouth, what did he hear, someone following his messenger found him? You must know that the reason why there are messengers in the Beyonder world is because they are spiritual world creatures, and they can quickly travel through the power of the spiritual world to deliver the message.

Even if his messenger is special, the speed is not too slow, because its semi-divine nature even exceeds most of the messengers.

An unrealistic skein rolled out of the void ahead, and behind the spool, brightly colored yarns stretched to infinity.

Along this bright yarn, Bernadette, the "Queen of Mysteries", wearing a lace flower bow tie on the upper body and a pair of black trousers, walked out of the spiritual world and appeared in front of Rolls.

She was wearing a pair of black boots on her feet, with two pairs of white feathers fluttering on them, holding the woolen thread in her left hand and a brownish-yellow simple leather whip in her right hand.

With her appearance, the leather whip and the unreal thread disappeared in her hands, and the flapping wings on the boots also disappeared as she stepped on the ground.

Bernadette's blue eyes, which seemed to contain the entire ocean, swept across the position behind Rawls, and the inspiration of "Master of Prophecy" told her that someone was hiding there. With the outline of Alysia's figure, the "Queen of Mysteries" nodded slightly to her and looked at Rawls:

"I'm so sorry to see you this way."

Although a little dissatisfied, as an idea flashed in his mind, Rawls immediately smiled:

"It's me who wrote to you to ask. It's naturally the best for you to come and see me."

Bernadette's forehead jumped involuntarily. Rawls' running on words did not have any effect on her, but her inspiration was telling her that if she continued to talk, she would run into big trouble.

This big trouble is the idea that flashed in Rawls' mind. Since the "chaos hunter" wants to hunt the "king of the five seas", the "Queen of Mysteries" who is also the king of pirates is naturally a good choice. And there is no need to worry about safety issues, Bernadette, who holds three "0" level sealed items, can last for a while even in the face of angels.

Even though she knew that she would be in big trouble, Bernadette did not flinch, and green pea vines fell from the sky, covering the surrounding area like a torrential rain.

They are intertwined and intertwined, quickly forming a forest, layer upon layer, and the top cannot be seen at all.

Rawls looked at the road intertwined by pea vines, took off his hat and signaled the two ladies to go first, and then followed them towards the depths of the pea forest.

Looking at this magical fairy tale magic, he couldn't help sighing inwardly. In fact, for transmigrators, if it is not for the "secret peeping person" path, there are "hidden sages", and the "knowledge person" path has "the **** of steam and machinery". ” These two approaches are actually the most suitable. It's just that the former is suitable for liberal arts students, while the latter is suitable for science students.

In particular, when the former reaches the level of "occultist", they can draw power from the different occult knowledge they have mastered and create various magics or witchcraft, and the less people know about the corresponding "occult knowledge", The less it spreads, the more powerful this spell becomes.

Seeing that the two ladies had already sat down, Rawls also sat on a rattan chair woven from pea rattan, signaling to Bernadette that she could ask her questions. It's not urgent to come here.

Even though she has become a big figure in the mysterious world prophesied by Zaratul, she has faced all kinds of major events in the "Dawn of Elements" over the years. Bernadette is still a little nervous, but she quickly calmed down as quickly as before, Looking at Alicia:

"You are from the Tamara family?"

Alysia was stunned, and Rawls was also a little surprised. It stands to reason that the two of them only met twice, and there was not much communication between them. Bernadette could guess the correct answer. However, an unfamiliar demigod of the "Arbiter" pathway can indeed rule out many answers.

Seeing that Rawls did not respond, Alysia nodded:


"Is the Tamara family now believing in a special existence?"

How did she know? Shouldn't she have tried to "predict" or "divine" Alysia? Or is it "The Eye of the Secret"? Huang Tao, Huang Tao, how did you educate your daughter? If Huang Beibei hadn't left a "0" level sealed item, I'm afraid she wouldn't be much better if she didn't lose control...

Rawls's eyelids jumped, the outer gods and the stars did not reach the level of angels, just understanding would be polluted. Although he has lost his power now, "divination" and "prophecy" will most likely point to the power kept in the hands of the Evernight Goddess.

Alysia looked pious:

"Yes, for more than a thousand years, we have all worshipped the great 'Mist of Uncertainty', and she has protected us from the pursuit of the Church of the Seven Gods."

A god, the worst is also the king of angels, is another identity of which one exists? It existed more than a thousand years ago... Bernadette's mind flashed several possible existences and continued to ask:

"Since you choose to hide, why are you active again?"

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