Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 350: 2nd music

On the dark sea, the fleet of "Admiral Blood" sailed across the island and chased after the "Twilight", whose whereabouts had been completely exposed, but did not find the other side of the island. The pirate fleet headed by "Angry Lion" was silent. Drilled out of the ground, these pirate ships are old-fashioned sailing warships, and are not equipped with steam power.

"Iron Fist" Cardan's eyes wandered between the "Twilight" and "Admiral Blood" fleets. His palms were already soaked with sweat, and they were greasy, and it was difficult to hold the ship's side. As long as they knocked the ship horizontally, they would start The first round of shelling was done, but what to do after that depends on that person...

"You can fire the cannon..."

A familiar voice sounded faintly from behind, but this time, Cardan's body did not become rigid. He was about to turn his head when he saw a figure appearing on the sea not far away, wearing a cloak and a hood, and he stepped on it strangely. On the sea, it disappeared instantly, and then appeared on the farther sea.

Just like that, the figure quickly flashed on the sea, and in less than a second, it disappeared from Cardan's sight.

The hand holding the side of the boat clenched sharply, he quickly walked to the other end, saw Thiago the "White Shark", pulled a revolver from his waist, and pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang bang bang"

With the sound of his gunshots, the gunners who had aimed their muzzles at the "Admiral Blood" fleet fired one after another. The powerful recoil made the "Angry Lion" shake violently, and the rest of the pirate ships also started the first round of shelling.


On the deck of the "Twilight", "Lieutenant Admiral" Bratov Ivan, first mate Alexei, and navigator Kayevich heard the planned shelling, and smiled at the corners of their mouths. "The man" turned around directly, rode the strong wind, and was involved in the entrance of the passage. He wanted to direct the "Twilight" to start fighting back.

"Red Spider" breathed a sigh of relief. From the current point of view, everything is going according to plan. It is not easy for him to let go of the heaviest burden, who has been worried that someone is secretly shooting. The "Twilight" under his feet has already begun. Turning, the muzzle was about to be aimed at the fleet of "Admiral Blood". Under the command of several "Navigators", more and more gorgeous fireworks could be ignited in Senor's fleet.

Suddenly, the dawn seemed to usher on the deck, making the Twilight the biggest target. Alexey turned his head to look at the bow of the ship in astonishment. When he had appeared on the mast of the bow, in front of him was the deck filled with the light of dawn, as if it was an actor who had just appeared on the stage.

With the help of "Shadow Jump", Rawls, who has traversed three or four nautical miles on the sea, stands on the mast in front of the bow. The "Twilight" comes from the ancient third era, and there is no naval gun on the bow, which is decadent and rotten. The breath began to spread up along his feet, but then circled around his legs and returned to the mast.

The "Twilight" under his feet roared, and enthusiastic cannonballs jumped out of the gun chambers joyfully, and threw them at the fleet in the distance, creating an explosion of fireworks, and the "Blood Admiral" who was bombarded both before and after. "The fleet was caught in a dilemma, whether to turn the target to the dozen or so pirate ships behind, or continue to target the "Twilight".

Rawls listened to the sound of the explosion in the distance and looked at the illuminated deck. Not far away, "Lieutenant General Dusk" Bratov Ivan and the surprised "Red Spider" standing at the entrance of the inner passage. "Alexey.

He pressed his chest with one hand, and stretched out the other to point towards Bratov. He didn't bend down, and the corners of his mouth, which were not covered by the mask, curved:

"Good evening, esteemed Vice Admiral Dusk!"

Bratov still stood in place, the muscle twitching on his face was particularly evident in the surrounding morning light. He reached out and took out a piece of golden paper from his pocket. On it was the contract between him and the pirate captains. The content has changed.

Now it's Bratov who wants to cover the retreat of Cardan, Thiago and others!

Rawls tampered with the contract and exchanged the two parties.

When he got the contract, he did not tamper with the contract, which would make both parties to the contract react immediately. He just attached the power of a "mist of uncertainty" to it. When he just pointed at Bratov, he used that power. Tampering is done.

Several crimson fireballs flew out from behind Bratov and hit Rolls. This was Alexei's attack, and what he was most worried about happened.

Rawls pointed to Bratov's palm, his eyes were a little deep, and the fireball with the rolling heat wave immediately flew away, hitting the side, sail, and deck of the "Twilight", causing bursts of explosions .

"It seems that now is not the time for me to play, I hope I will still have a chance to meet you..."

The next second, Rawls disappeared from the mast, leaving behind afterimages on the sea.

"Boom boom boom"

The cannonball fell from the sky and landed on the "Twilight". This was not the counterattack of "Admiral Blood", but the counterattack of Cardan and others after the contract was lifted. At such a distance, it was a dark sea again, and most of the shells landed on the nearby sea, splashing billowing waves.

Rawls didn't think that the second round of shelling by Cardan and others could have any effect on the Twilight. He just wanted to send a message to Senor that he could determine the target.

"Captain, what's our next step?" Alexey, who made a few fire crows and detonated the shells in the air, dodged to Bratov.

"What do you think we should do?" There was no tone in Bratov's voice, but the contract that was clenched into a ball proved that he was not in a good mood at the moment.

"How did he make those people break the contract?" As a "conspirator", Alexei must fully understand the prey to use appropriate tactics.

"He is the 'chaos tutor', who swapped me with Cardan and others."

"Since it was him who used Beyonder powers instead of helping them cancel the contract, the two parties to the contract will definitely exchange it back after a certain period of time."

Although Alexei didn't know about the "Teacher of Chaos", he knew very well that unless a contract was established, the effects of the abilities of most Beyonders were only temporary.

"Kardan and the others are definitely going to retreat now, and according to the contract, we have to cover them, then we rush over and use the defense of the 'Twilight' to entangle Cardan and the others. As long as we are behind them, we will not violate the contract. ,after……"

"Do as you say!"

Bratov turned around and walked out of the ship. He wanted to mobilize the power of the Twilight.


"Captain, the ship behind has retreated."

The brown eyes in Senor's sunken eye sockets did not look like a living person, as if the maliciousness of the savings was about to pour out at any time, he glanced at the night sky that was about to become dark, and touched the beard on his lips, the corners of his mouth. Pull:

"Keep chasing!"

Following his order, the fleet formation that was about to unfold changed back to its original shape again, but the distance between them was a little bigger than before.

In the distance, the sea area where the "Twilight" was located seemed to turn back time, from night to dusk. The huge sailboat was bathed in orange-red light, and half of the sky was dyed, as if sailing from distant history and mythology, giving people an unparalleled impact.

In the fleet of "Admiral Blood", the pirates on the deck were all stunned, staring blankly at the huge battleship coming towards them in the distance. Countless soul bodies emerged from the "Tree of Flesh" accompanied by gusts of cold wind, making them calm down instantly.

"Prepare for bombardment!"

Senor's voice echoed inside the fleet.


On the "Angry Lion", Cardan stood on the deck, his face pale, and the "Twilight" was heading towards them with continuous artillery fire not far away, although the orange-red light that seemed to cover the ship was shaking all the time, and it returned from time to time. A little solidified orange-red block fell, but it never received a fatal blow.

Whether it is a group of souls snarling and howling with the cold wind, or a corpse that is either rigid or rotting, or a black flame burning, snowflakes flying all over the sky, and a bewitching red mist that erodes flesh, It all slowly dissipated in that piece of orange.

Even Senor's flagship "Tree of Flesh" did not dare to approach the "Twilight" easily, for fear of being enveloped by the light, causing the hull to decay and sink into the sea, and could only bite hard behind it.

Before that, Cardan never believed that there was a ship that could withstand such an attack without being damaged, whether it was those ghost ships with mysterious power or the ironclad ship boasted by the Loen Navy, but now the shocking scene in front of him on his mind.

Suddenly, his legs softened, he stood up while holding the ship's side for a while, and staggered into the ship. Then the pirate captains, who were fleeing frantically, gave orders to slow down the ship and prepare for shelling.

The contract was restored, and they had to complete the contents of the contract and cover the retreat of the "Twilight".

Senor's icy brown eyes reflected an orange light, and he coveted "Twilight". Although his "Tree of Flesh" also had certain abilities, he had previously summoned "Silent Disciple" Jakes from a distance. Most of the power has been consumed, and its power cannot be exerted in a short time.

In addition to coveting, there is also a trace of fear. It has developed into this situation, and Lord Jakes has not yet appeared... Suddenly he looked into the distance in disbelief, the pirate ships on the dark sea slowed down, and "twilight" The light from the "No." also dissipated, passing through the pirate ships and leaving the sea.


"Twilight", the entrance to the deck, "Lieutenant Admiral" Bratov Ivan walked out slowly, followed by his first mate "Red Spider" Alexei, and the navigator "Speeder" Kayevich, it's just that the latter two are paler, which is a manifestation of spiritual depletion.

In order to withstand such a dense attack by the Senor fleet, it is necessary to instill enough spirituality into the Twilight, so now the three of them are the only remaining combatants on this ship.

"We meet again, esteemed Lieutenant General Dusk."

On the deck, Rawls took off the hood on his head, revealing his half-masked face, with the corners of his mouth raised. In front of him is a serious-looking "one-eyed knight" Andreevich, holding two silver-white rapiers, and wearing a "dawn armor" that covers his entire body.

"Is this all in your plan?"

"This is not a plan, but a guide!" Rawls replied with a smile without taking off his mask.

When he decides to create a chaos to accomplish the goal of hunting "Lieutenant General Dusk", he needs to consider the factors that can be guided by him in this chaos.

The first is the biggest destructive factor, "Admiral Blood" Senor. He is not only a pirate general, but also a member of the "Rose School", and it is very likely that he is so fanatical about the identity of Rawls, so refer to In Klein's treatment, there is a high possibility that the "Rose School" demigods are involved, and it may even lead to the arrival of "God's Sin" Sia in the later stage.

The only way is to limit the demigod before that. Alysia, who has the sealed item corresponding to the "Mystic Mage", has a chance to do this.

And then it was how to use Senor to inflict heavy damage on the "Twilight" and had to give up the pursuit. Among them, the only factors that Rawls can guide are the pirate captains such as Cardan, so he did not use all his strength when tampering with the contract, and it would return to normal in about seven or eight minutes.

After Cardan's betrayal, "Lieutenant General Twilight" will have two choices. The first is to delay until the contract is restored, as it is now; The Blood Admiral".

Unless Bratov is behind the Church of God of War and he chooses to reveal his identity, he can only avoid the northwest where Sunia Island is located and go all the way north, but he will still face the pursuit of Senor, but the chance of escaping still higher.

After that, Rawls had no choice but to let Alysia, who had freed his hand, take action, suppressing the people other than Bratov, and let him continue the hunt. It's just that it will be difficult for him to digest the magic potion of Chaos Mentor. After all, the chaos he created has little effect on Lieutenant General Dusk.

But judging from the current situation, the "chaos" he guided was very successful!

"...I can appear here, it means that everything you do has been guided by me..." Rawls linked Bratov's actions to his own guidance. On the one hand, it was to combat his mentality. One is for acting.

Although the "mentor" suffix of "chaotic mentor" was added later, there must be some truth, and the mentor will naturally answer the doubts of the mentee.

"Lieutenant General Dusk" sighed, and the deck was suddenly covered with dawn-like rays of light. These rays of light first diffused and then condensed on him. A layer of silver armor wrapped around him, and an exaggerated shape appeared in his hand. The silver giant axe has a wide axe face, a sharp long thorn at the end of the axe, and a fist-sized hammer on the other side.

In front of a senior "weapon master", every structure of the weapon has a unique use.

"You'd better pray that you don't only have a good mouth!"

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