Mystery: Shadow of Order

Chapter 360: newspaper process

Backlund, East End, a cheap cafe.

Klein opened the door and walked out. He adjusted the scarf around his neck, put on a top hat, turned around and waved to old Kohler, who was still warming up in the cafe, and put his hands in the pockets of his wool coat to the nearest Go to the site.

Although the old Kohler got paid from him, his previous experience has changed him a lot. In this cold morning, he often stays in the cafe until noon.

The second round of investment in bicycles has been almost negotiated recently. If it weren't for the steam-powered car tycoon Franmy Cage, who was busy talking with the military to create a "steam tank", the two sides should have entered the final stage by now. .

And he conservatively estimates that he can get a profit of 1,000 pounds, and the funds in his hand are about 4,000 pounds, which has given him the confidence to buy the two main materials of "Faceless Man".

In fact, Klein's property is more than these. Apart from the extraordinary items in his hand, Miss Justice owes him 2,000 pounds, which is a bounty from Lieutenant General Hurricane Qilingus. Normally, the money should be settled to him last month, but Mr. "Emperor" sold a copy of the "Psychiatrist" feature to Miss "Justice", so it was delayed until the end of this month.

Fortunately, there is no news for the two main materials of "Faceless Man" for the time being, and there will be no situation where there are materials and no money... Unfortunately, as "The Fool", he is not good at urging his favored ones.

Klein is not short of money. Most of his current expenses have gone to the account of the big man behind Talim, including the remuneration to old Kohler, some of which are very unreasonable, but the big man has reimbursed them in full.

Alas, he sighed in his heart, if it wasn't for the fact that he was not willing to get involved in the disputes of those big men, the big man behind Talim would be pretty good.

A pungent cold wind blew, and Klein shrank his neck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a double-decker public carriage with rails heading for the station in front. Relying on the physical fitness of Beyonders, he not only got on the bus, I also bought a newspaper.

After paying the 6 pence fare, he took the newspaper and sat near the window, opened the newspaper in his hand, it was a copy. The newspaper has no political leanings, but publicly supports certain politicians according to its own values, but never caters to public opinion.

Klein looked at the newspaper in his hand in disbelief. Another pirate general died? According to what Mr. Hanged Man said, this is a Sequence 5 Beyonder! Not including his crew, cannons, who died like this?

In amazement, he quickly searched the newspaper for relevant information. This report was divided into four parts, introducing the pirate general and the one-eyed knight Andreevich, the cause and result of the incident, And once again pointed the finger at the ironclad ship of the Loen Navy that sank two frigates on its first voyage.

Klein has no opinion on the last item. From Mr. "Emperor", he knows that the reason is not the ironclad but the leakage of internal information, but for a boatswain who can kill the captain, the chief mate and the navigator, and then It's a little strange to dare to call yourself "Admiral Demon Hunter".

Even though he was injured after fighting with "Admiral Blood" Senor, but he could do this. That "Admiral Demon Hunter" should be a Sequence 5, but he was just a sailor? Or does he have someone else to support?

The report said that this incident happened last Wednesday, and neither Mr. "Emperor" nor Mr. "The Hanged Man" mentioned it at the Tarot meeting the day before yesterday. It should have just come out. Next week, they will definitely Will talk about... Klein, who was unable to think about it, directly put this matter to next week, and then continued to read the news above.

Halfway through the trip, he put down the newspaper with some doubts. Why did he feel that the reports were getting sharper and sharper. It didn't seem like this before?

"Sir, have you read the newspaper in your hand?" The rich-faced old man turned his head and asked while sitting at the window on the other side.

"Huh?" Klein looked at him puzzled.

"Haha, the one in your hand seems to be the one? I just saw the recent change in the reporting style of Criticism, and it has returned to the previous style of only accusing but not being able to come up with real solutions, thinking that it is deliberately attracting the public's attention for the sake of sales. Hehe, so I..."

Klein, who knew the old man's thoughts, passed the newspaper in his hand carelessly, and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter, if I can, can I take a look at that article?"

"Of course." The old man smiled gently and handed the newspaper in his hand, "Actually, I liked it very much when I was young. At that time, Mr. Walter, the head of the newspaper, reported the fastest news, with sharper comments and opinions. . But when his son Walter Jr. took charge, it eased a lot."

Klein, who didn't understand this, had a smile on his face and listened carefully. This is one of the most important skills of a keyboard scholar. Listening and then finding out the weaknesses of the opponent, although it is not necessary to do this now, it is also good to pass a boring time.

Seeing Klein like this, the old man didn't read the newspaper after he got it, and began to talk about the two parties behind them and the grievances between those news families. As he spoke, he handed out a business card and asked:

"You should be a detective, right? Come to me if there is any important news."

As he listened with interest, Klein was stunned. It wasn't because he was recognized as a detective. After all, his clothes could reveal a lot of information. He took the business card in a daze, glanced at it, and then looked at the old man dumbfounded:

"So you are an editor!"

"Hehe, yes, it turned out that I was the editor-in-chief. Later, I had a bad relationship with my boss, and because I was getting older, I had to choose to retire and return to Tingen, but I couldn't resist the temptation of gold pounds and came back here again."

Tingen... Klein repeated the word in his mind, and once again looked down at the business card in his hand:

"Editor: Sean Barrow."

Why have I never heard of this newspaper? When he bought advertisements for his detective career, he had compared many newspapers, and finally had to reluctantly choose, a month's advertisement cost him a full 30 pounds.

Despite some doubts, Klein politely handed over his business card.

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Editor-in-Chief Sean took the business card and explained:

"This newspaper has not been officially published. The first edition will not be published until the middle of this month. By then, it should be free to read in taverns, subways, and public carriages."

"Free?" Klein raised his voice. Fortunately, there were not many people on the carriage at this time.

"Yes, our newspapers are all free, and we have communicated with the Backlund Transportation Group. They allowed us to try it out for a week, but the tavern is a bit difficult, and we need to run from house to house."

"Then what are you going to rely on to make money? Advertising?"

Klein remembered that he seemed to have heard of free newspapers in his previous life, but in his era, there were very few printed news. But looking at it now, there is indeed a certain prospect. After all, there are not many things to pass the time, but I am afraid that I will lose a lot of money in the early stage!

A newspaper costs 1p, 100,000 copies a day, plus the rest of the cost, at least three or four hundred pounds a day! After a simple calculation, he couldn't help swallowing, and looked at the rich-faced old man across from him in disbelief. No, Mr. Sean Barrow, how rich the people behind this newspaper should be!

"Of course, our newspapers have been published in cities such as Tingen, Conston, and Ston, and the response has been good. Last week, our boss decided to enter Backlund."

Editor-in-chief Sean said with a smile about the achievements of his own newspaper. To be able to publish such a newspaper that is destined to go down in history in his later years is like a dream for him.

Well, I still underestimated how rich your boss is... Klein shook the newspaper in his hand and said with a smile:

"Then I hope I can see it as soon as possible."

"Haha, yes, the officials in Backlund are much better than we expected, and they gave us an answer in less than a week."

Yeah? I remember that Mr. Hanged Man also complained about the slow response of these officials! What's more important is that the bigwigs of the two parties have no objection. This is squeezing the living space of the newspapers they control...

Klein thought while talking with Mr. Sean Barrow. Soon, the carriage drove to the terminal on the edge of the Eastern District, and both of them had to get off.

Backlund’s public carriage system is similar to Tingen, and the pricing is similar. The only problem is that most of them are limited to a single area. If the distance is too far, you need to transfer several times on the way, and the price will naturally vary. Just went up, which is why Klein is quite optimistic about the prospects of bicycles.

Unlike him, who had to continue to transfer, editor-in-chief Sean stopped directly at the station, where several people were already waiting for him, and everyone seemed to be strong, not like people in the newspaper industry, but more like thugs.

After saying goodbye to the old gentleman, Klein thought while walking. After a while, he suddenly stopped, turned to look, and found that he had already left the street.

Even if those people are Beyonders, what can I do, I'm not a "Night Watcher" anymore... Shaking his head, he secretly complained.


At the station, Sean Barrow had a smile on his lips. The people in front of him were all here to discuss with him and the tavern owner about putting newspapers at the counter and giving them to customers for free. I have to say that my boss is very good at finding people. Although none of these people seem to be engaged in this line of work, they have done a good job of advising the bar owner.

Backlund is different from Tingen and Stonn. The millions of people, the capital of Loen Kingdom, nobles, councilors and many other factors make Sean Barrow, an old man who used to live here for many years, to do everything. Be careful, or you can easily lead to disaster.

"You're all doing well, but be careful not to provoke pubs with gangster backgrounds. Although what we do is good for them, they don't think so. Now that the subway and stagecoach have agreed, the pub We don't have to force it here."

"we know."

Edinson Tamara, who goes by the pseudonym Edinson Luca, did not despise Sean Barrow because he was just an ordinary person, and he did not want to be forcibly recalled by the elders for violating certain things. You must know how many people in the clan envy him for being able to go out, and clansmen who go to other cities also want to come to Backlund.

"Then you go to rest and eat first, and continue in the afternoon. There will be more guests in the tavern at that time. If you can, you can advertise us to them first."

After a few words of advice, Sean Barrow left with satisfaction.


"The City of Generosity," 103 Basil Avenue, the residence of Quest Bayer, owner of the Bayam Spice Trading Company. Not only was he a millionaire, he also had close ties to the Governor's Palace and the Navy.

Recently, he has been in a very irritable mood. Nast, the "King of the Five Seas", can't go out in the waters of Rhodes. Many merchant ships have to change their original sailing plans, and a large amount of cargo is backlogged at the wharf and cannot be transported away. , especially freshly-ripened coffee beans.

Although his company is mainly engaged in the spice business, it also involves coffee. After all, many nobles are accustomed to mixing spices and coffee to drink.

But now he is immersed in sweet A heart-shaped mirror is upside down beside his pillow.

On the chair beside him, Rawls yawned and rubbed his eyes to make himself more awake. Recently, he has been awake during the day and not sleeping at night. He has been using the "Dream Catcher" to complete his plan.

Natalia's side has been influenced by the past few days. Although George Negan, who is nearly sixty years old, has no intention of letting go, he stays longer and longer. Every day, he walks out of No. 45 Peace Avenue with his waist. of.

Rawls suspected that if he did not act sooner or later, the Governor would die in the bed of his mistress sooner or later.

In addition, according to the memory of Vincent Hoffman, the owner of "Gold Coin Casino", he found the major companies that Mr. Governor used Edward Leto's power to intervene, and increased them by affecting the dreams of the heads of the companies. Disgust with George Negan.

In fact, even if he did not exert influence, these people did not have a good impression of Governor George's.

For example, Quest Bayer in front of him, his spice trading company was inherited from the Central Sunia Company, a group used to extract economic benefits when the Rhodes Islands had not been fully colonized. Most of the managers in it were from noble families, but Inheritance is very backward. His father was one of them. In the end, he could only rely on his personal connections to protect his company after dedicating part of his interests.

Without inheriting the title, he could only curry favor with the governor of Rorsted and the admiral stationed here to maintain a balance and try to ensure his own interests. But George Negan completely disregarded Admiral Amelius Leavitt's style of doing things, causing the Baia family to lose a lot of interest.

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