Mystery: Shadow of Order

Vol 2 Chapter 614: Social Issues

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Klein even suspects that the Psychological Alchemy Society is likely to be a subordinate organization of that organization, helping that organization complete some tasks that are not suitable for it to come forward.

The establishment of the Psychological Alchemists came from the excavation of the remains of Hermes, but the human pioneer who created the ancient Hermes language was still alive a hundred or two hundred years ago, and he was also a member of that organization. It is very likely that he guided some people to discover The ruins, and then established the Psychological Alchemist Association.

If that's the case... Klein Tong Kong zoomed in, and he had an extremely terrifying conjecture. Since the Psychological Alchemy Association may be helping George III complete the "Dark Emperor" ceremony, and it may be a subordinate organization of that organization, is it possible that Amon's brother is also promoting this matter.

Whether it's Roselle's records in the diary or the results of the psychic "Apostle of Desire" Jason Beria, it proves that the organization is pushing the trend of the times to develop towards its own vision. Interfere with the progress of history to make it suit its own needs.

Is George III becoming a **** the trend of the times, or even the final result?

"Monsieur Dantès?"

Audrey's voice seemed to come from far away, and Klein woke up in a flash. Only then did he realize that the shirt he was wearing inside was wet with cold sweat and stuck to his back, making him quite uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you? Did you think of something? Or are you troubled by some psychological problem?"

Audrey frowned slightly. She noticed Gehrman Sparrow as soon as there was an abnormality, but she didn't dare to use extraordinary abilities, fearing that it would cause bigger problems, so she just called out softly and observed.

"I'm fine." Klein shook his head subconsciously, reached out and touched his forehead, it was a little wet, he got up and picked up the cane leaning on the long table, "I think of something, but it's not suitable to say it here, wait until next Monday .”

Audrey, who understood what he meant, also stood up, raised the corner of her skirt and gave a slight salute, then watched him leave the meeting room.

The coachman flicked his whip lightly, and the two brown-red horses hoofed slowly, pulling the delicately shaped luxury carriage away from No. 45 Garton Street, and drove along the road to the North District.

After the consciousness was attached to Edward Leto again, Rawls manipulated his body to lean back, leaning his elbows on the sofa, his right hand supporting his temple, pulling the skin near his right eye out of shape.

He has been having a headache lately, and that is the handling of the Extraordinary characteristics in his hands, especially the demigod-level characteristics. Not counting the "Empire of Ghosts", there are more than three demigod-level traits in his hands alone, the "Whisperer" trait left by "Death", the "War Bishop" trait left by Tony Twain, The "Wizard King" trait left by Russandra of the Rose School.

The best way to deal with it is of course to process these characteristics into extraordinary items, but it is not so easy to find a qualified "craftsman".

After Rawls killed Russandra, he planned to entrust the "Witch King" feature to Countess Dorothy Lovelace, and wanted to ask the demigod she was familiar with in the Church of Steam to create it.

This "prophet" told him quite simply that he could give up this idea directly. If it was the Extraordinary characteristics of the middle and low sequences, it would be easier to talk about it. However, when it comes to the characteristics of the demigod level, it is not so simple. The Church of Steam has strict restrictions on this aspect. Unless it is a characteristic obtained internally, even other churches cannot entrust this kind of thing.

In addition to the danger of Extraordinary items created with demigod-level characteristics, the Church of Steam will also consider many issues such as the source of characteristics, which is also the basic guarantee for maintaining its mission in the two countries.

After all, a sealed item at the level of a demigod is enough to change the direction of a small or medium-sized war.

As for handing over the characteristics in hand to Dorothy Lovelas, who can also simulate the ability of "craftsman", it was also rejected. The Countess said that she was unable to make Extraordinary items at the demigod level, which was one of the shortcomings of the "simulation" ability.

As far as she knew, the angels in the Church of Knowledge were not good at creating Extraordinary items. If it is just learning, they also need to watch a demigod-level "craftsman" create extraordinary items before they can succeed.

Therefore, Rawls seems to have only one choice now, and that is to not save the Extraordinary characteristics, put them together with certain items, and wait for a period of time to let them combine naturally to form a sealed item.

This approach has three disadvantages, the first consumption time is uncertain. Rawls was not sure at the beginning whether to use the "Witch King" feature in this way. When he was about to go to sea, he wanted to try but it was too late, so he borrowed "Free Walker" and " Iron Reaper".

The second disadvantage is that the combination of Extraordinary characteristics and items is very uncertain. Although Rawls can find some smaller items, such as pocket watches, brooches, rings, necklaces and the like, they may not be able to combine successfully.

According to Dorothy's research, this requires a certain degree of matching. For example, the "Hunter" path will have a higher success rate with weapon-related items.

The third disadvantage is that the ability of the Extraordinary items born in this way will remain uncertain, but the negative effects will be very strong, which is very different from the Extraordinary items created by the "craftsman" at the demigod level.

This is also why the Church of Steam rejects this kind of thing. There is a huge gap between an extraordinary item that can be used normally and an extraordinary item with strong negative effects, especially after reaching the demigod level. And if you are not satisfied with the items born from this combination, you can only ask the angel to smash it and try again.

Not to mention that Rawls doesn't have the power of an angel yet, even if he does, he doesn't know how long it will take to get a satisfactory Extraordinary item.

Similarly, the negative effects are also what he has to consider now. Originally, with the "gift" of "Uncertain Fog", he could ignore most of the negative effects of extraordinary items, but it was only limited to demigods. After reaching the demigod level, the negative effects will only be weakened and will not disappear completely.

According to what Alicia said before and the previous records of the Tamara family, for sealed items at the angel level, the reduction in negative effects will be smaller, or even not weakened, unless the "arbitrator" and "lawyer" "The sealed item related to the pathway.

So this thing has been making him a little bit annoyed.

His original goal was to process "Witch King" and "War Bishop" into extraordinary items. The former can increase his many means, and the latter will further improve his attack and defense. Although the "babbler" characteristic is equally powerful, it overlaps with his own ability to a certain extent, so he can give it up temporarily.

But for now, all of this can only be the goal.

About half an hour later, the carriage turned into Paisfield Street, and after communicating with the guard, it drove into Gate 22 and stopped.

Wearing a black formal suit and holding a silver cane, Rawls got out of the carriage, followed by his personal servant Morris.

After staying in place for less than half a minute, footsteps came from the direction of the corridor, and three or four staff members of the Ruen Scholarship Foundation came out, including Audrey Hall, who was now dressed in "simple" clothes. But it is still much more luxurious than the lady at the head.

"Dear Viscount Drian, good afternoon, I'm Maureen Taylor."

Maureen Taylor is forty-seven years old this year. She has fine wrinkles on her face, and her eyes are warm and friendly.

She was born wealthy, the eldest daughter of the family, has never been married, and devoted herself to charity. She is the person in charge of the Loen Scholarship Fund recruited by the Church of Evernight, and is also the chairman of the council. She is a devout follower of the Goddess of the Evernight. She has held different positions in many foundations with the background of the Evernight Church. This is also the first time she has served as the chairman of the board.

Seeing Maureen reaching out, Rawls flashed the other party's information in his mind, took two steps forward and lightly shook it, then smiled and said:

"Good afternoon, Ms. Taylor, long time no see."

He met Maureen Taylor a few times, and Adrian Law Firm was a partner of a foundation that the other party used to work for. Most of the partners of this charitable organization involving the Church of the Evernight are believers of the Goddess of the Night.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Under the introduction of Maureen, Rawls shook hands with several staff members of the foundation one after another. When he arrived at Audrey, he smiled and said:

"Miss Hall, good afternoon, and convey my regards to Earl Hall for me."

He didn't have much friendship with Earl Hall. Although he was also a follower of the Evernight Goddess, his status was not high enough to talk to him at that time. After he chose the Conservative Party, there were not too many exchanges between the two sides, and both parties considered political influence.

But this kind of greeting is one of the etiquette among nobles.

"I will convey it." Audrey smiled sweetly.

Rawls nodded slightly, and went to the VIP lounge with the foundation staff to learn about the current operation of the foundation, specific articles of association and other things, and then signed the letter of appointment of the legal counsel.

With the background of the Luen Scholarship Foundation, legal counsel is more like an honorary title, and it is rare that Rawls is really required to act.

"...these measures of the foundation are very thoughtful, taking almost all situations into account, I am afraid I have nothing to add here. However, if you have law students, you can recommend them to my firm , can be regarded as a little help for me."

After signing the letter of appointment, Rawls, as a legal adviser, was naturally consulted if he had any ideas and suggestions that could better promote the work of the foundation. However, the article he proposed can only be said to be icing on the cake, and the real effect is not very great. Whether it is a solicitor or a barrister, the cost is not ordinary, and few low-level families can afford it.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, the topics related to the foundation came to an end, and Rawls took the opportunity to say goodbye, and left the VIP lounge surrounded by everyone.

"How did Ms. Hall come to work for the Foundation?"

After Rawls bid farewell, Audrey also expressed the same wish. Normally, it doesn't matter if she is here or not in the afternoon. Although she is in charge of the fundraising and external liaison departments, the former plays a bigger role, and she does not need to come forward for such welcome matters.

But after the discussion, Rawls was still invited to participate in consideration of his status as an aristocrat. Now that Rawls is leaving, she can naturally choose to leave.

While waiting for the coachman to drive the carriage over, Rawls could only speak out of politeness.

"It was my father's suggestion. He hoped that I could increase my knowledge and experience." Audrey tilted her head and replied with a smile.

"That's right..." Rawls rubbed his cane, "The Earl of Hall should have thought about it carefully. The age of the people the foundation helps is not much different from Miss Hall, and it is much more convenient to communicate with."

The first batch of targets assisted by the Ruen Scholarship Fund are basically concentrated on 15 to 18 years old, the former is the age of graduating from elementary school, and the latter is the age of entering university.

Further down there are public elementary schools and church Sunday schools. Although tuition fees of one to threepence a week are still prohibitive for lower-class families, compared with grammar schools, public schools and universities, the cost is pitifully small.

"I once asked Ms. Taylor, why don't you go down and subsidize those eleven or twelve-year-old children who want to study, and don't let them go directly to the factory, but..." At this point, Audrey shook her head with a low expression, "This is not something a foundation can take responsibility for."

"There are too many children like Backlund..." Rols paused his cane, "When I first participated in the parliament, some members asked whether to implement stricter laws so that there would be no more child labor in factories. , sparked heated discussions, and was ultimately rejected."

"Why is this happening?"

"There are many reasons, one of which is very interesting is that a complete ban on child labor will not send them back to school and have a happy childhood, but it will completely disable their ability to support themselves and send them to the streets and gangs. gangsters, hooligans, and thieves, boys would join the group, and girls would become prostitutes on the streets...”

Even though she had no, after hearing what Rawls said, Audrey felt more and more that this possibility was not impossible, it would definitely happen. She couldn't help asking back in horror:

"Is this going to keep happening?"

"Perhaps there will be no change until the machines are further improved, no child labor is required, or even workers are not required." Rawls looked at the carriage parked in front of him, "It's just that before this change comes, there will definitely be more people become victims.”

Although Rawls said so, he remembers very clearly that the child labor problem had not been solved in the country across the ocean before he crossed the ocean, and the promulgated child labor laws tended to be reduced instead. Capital never squeezed profits. Consider whether it is male or female, old or young.

"At that point, we're going to have another problem."

After Rawls nodded to Audrey, he boarded the carriage, followed by his personal servant Morris, leaving only Audrey and her personal maid standing blankly in front of the Hall family's carriage.

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