Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 132 Transformation Belt

A promise for the future?

The "Machine Emperor" claims to be the subordinate god of the "God of Steam and Machinery"?

The second point is actually understandable. After all, Russell's "Industrial Revolution" helped the "God of Steam and Machinery" to digest the "enlighteners of civilization" that he had not fully digested when he became a god in a hurry.

However, the "Mechanical Emperor" started the steam era in the "Floating City" obviously earlier than Russell. Once the "Morning Star City" returns to reality, it may have an impact on the status of the "God of Steam and Machinery"...

From this point of view, the "God of Steam and Machinery" only requires the "Mechanical Emperor" to become his subordinate god, rather than directly intervening in my "Floating City" transportation plan and completely burying "Morning Star City" in "Afternoon Town" ", I'm afraid it's already a step back.

Is this the condition that He and "Disaster Seal" negotiated in advance?

Well, after "Mechanical Emperor" Liu Bo, apart from me, only "Disaster Seal" and Giuseppe Castilla can recall the past of "Morning Star City"...

Without mentioning Giuseppe, he has never done anything serious, so no matter in terms of time or motivation, the dream of the "Floating City" in the sea area of ​​​​the ruins of the God War and the guidance of "Alchemist" Klaus are 100% It is the handiwork of "Disaster Seal", which shows that it is serious about bringing "Morning Star City" out of the land abandoned by the gods.

Therefore, it is very necessary for it to communicate with the "God of Steam and Machinery" in advance and negotiate good terms to prevent him from overreacting at critical moments... This also explains why the "God of Steam and Machinery" Know the existence of the "Mechanical Emperor".

But the question is, what exactly did that guy promise to the "God of Steam and Machinery", and whether he dug a hole for "me" later on, I have no idea!

Finally, what is the “future commitment” in the first condition? How dare I agree to such vague conditions?

After all, the "ring of fate" revealed in the little snake's mouth has already let me know how good the "me" was in the past!

As for the "benefits" provided by the "God of Steam and Machinery", Abner doesn't care. After all, he doesn't actually ask for much convenience from the Steam Church, as long as it doesn't hinder his actions.

However, if I refuse this deal, will it be equivalent to tearing up the agreement between the "Seal of Disaster" and the "God of Steam and Machinery" and completely becoming hostile to Him?

At this juncture, if we have a bad relationship with an Intis mainstream church, I'm afraid all plans will have to be scrapped and started all over again!

After weighing for a long time, Abner looked at the expressionless Bonova again and said after consideration:

"I need some time to think about that okay?"

He felt that the deal could still be negotiated, so he tried his best to do so. After all, although the support of "Steam Princess" was just that, once the relationship broke down, the damage she could do to his plan was unpredictable...

But since it’s a transaction, I have to make a counteroffer. You can’t just say whatever you say like now. There is no room for me to intervene... So, I have to take the opportunity to ask Lilith, the goddess, and the two and five dragons for their opinions. It's best to bring them along with you during the next "negotiation" so that you can "lower the price."

While muttering in his heart, Abner saw Bonova nodded and said: "Yes...but a deadline must be set."

Abner thought for a moment and then replied: "How do you feel about next Monday?"

Just after the Tarot session, I pulled Mr. Fool to make a tiger skin.

"Okay." Bonova nodded again, "With the result, you can come to the Gustav Church in the Riva District."

Gustav's Church, formerly known as St. Russell's Cathedral, was once the headquarters of the Steam Church in Trier. However, after Russell was assassinated at the White Maple Palace, the church was not only renamed, but also lost its headquarters. status, once declined.

Recently, due to the popularity of the film "Russell Gustave", this church has also been glowing with the "New Year" and has become a "check-in" place for many wealthy men and young ladies who have watched the film.

After saying this, Bonova was about to leave, but before he turned around, he seemed to have remembered something, and turned around to remind: "The treasure house of the Delien family's ancestral home is very dangerous, even the gods Do not approach any containers at have to be careful!"

After saying that, countless symbols were shot out from the backs of the three puppets, including "Peng Lai" and "Shanghai", forming a "Triangular Holy Emblem" shape in the air, and Bonova stepped into the space enclosed in the middle and disappeared.

After he left for a while, Abner took a long breath and put away the "Spirit Worm" he held tightly in his hand.

——Because he has studied and used the "Historical Projection" spell given by the goddess, Abner is 30% sure that he can use the "Insect of the Spirit" to create something with a similar effect on the spot and summon Rhine Kallendia or Wesen Miranda and Miranda in their former "big boss" stages.

As for Yaluolan's clone, it's okay for him to bully ordinary demigods, but it's not enough for a real angel.

"This incident happened suddenly, and the preparations are still not enough... Even if Bonova really wants to take action, I can still escape if I can't fight... And if it doesn't work, I can also kill those behind the 'Pure White Eyes' Let the stuff out...

"Not to mention anything else, just using the 'Wheel of Fortune' to give him 'bad luck' is enough for Huang Bobo to drink a pot."

After some internal reflection, Abner had no intention of going to Fanny and Elaine to talk about work, and it was already late at night, which was a little too late, and he couldn't disturb their rest.

So, after Abner met Daphne and comforted her, he took her to the workshop he had built in the manor outside Trier and started "forging iron"...

"Name: Shining Mirror

"The appearance is an ordinary full-length glass mirror.

"Function: It can store the appearance characteristics of the person who has looked in the mirror with it, allowing the holder of the mirror to change into the stored person.

"In addition, this mirror can also store various types of clothing and allow users to have the illusion that they are wearing specified clothes when looking in the mirror, which is very helpful for dressing.

"Negative effect: This item has the characteristics of being alive and has a bad temper. Sometimes it will deliberately manipulate the figure in the mirror to cause injury, and the damage will be transferred to the corresponding position of the user.

“Once you are addicted to changing faces and clothes, there is a high chance that your spirit will be contaminated by this mirror, and you will eventually lose yourself completely.

"Special note: This mirror needs to contain at least three faces or three sets of clothes every day. If it cannot be satisfied, negative effects will inevitably occur."

Looking at this full-length mirror made by himself for Miss Temperance, Abner was quite satisfied. After all, although the characteristic of being alive seemed troublesome, this kind of item from the "Soothsayer" pathway was in Klein's hands. , they should be more "obedient" and can completely cooperate with Sharon in games such as "Shine and Warmth".

After "analyzing" the "Shining Mirror", Abner turned his attention to a cool-looking white belt with card slots.

This belt has no power. It only has some simplified rituals engraved on it. Its function is actually to stimulate the two cards made of "Spirit Insect" placed on the other side.

"Yesterday Came Back Card - Rhine Carenardia" and "Yesterday Came Back Card - Vicente Miranda".

When using it, just insert the card into the card slot of the belt and recite the corresponding incantation to activate the "reappearance of yesterday" effect, allowing you to temporarily transform into your previous "big boss" form.

Speaking of which, for these two cards, Abner spent more than a dozen "spiritual insects". If Daphne hadn't been by his side, it wouldn't have been enough...

In the end, he still prayed to Mr. Fool and borrowed power from the "Origin Castle", and finally succeeded.

"I'll call you the 'Transformation Belt'." Abner said as he touched the white belt full of chuunifu.



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