Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 146 The ringing...

Backlund, in the villa at No. 28 Jinster Street.

After Abner brought Xio back, he arranged for her to rest first while he continued to deal with his backlog of official duties.

After all, the territory of Beldan is in dire need, and the "film and television company" in Loen lacks subordinates like Elaine, so even if Abner has organized a professional team to assist him in management, it still seems to be stretched thin .

He can now say that he is in urgent need of employees who are capable, well-connected and can be trusted.

"There are too few people like Elaine who come from a big family and are dedicated and capable!" Abner sighed secretly and threw himself into his work.

On the other side, Hugh Dilcha did not rest immediately after putting down her luggage. Instead, she asked the servant who helped her put away the bath water: "Which room is Fors Wall?"

——Since Abner became Viscount and hired the professional butler Walter, the division of labor responsibilities among the servants in the family has also become clear. Unlike the Scudders before, who had several maids to do almost all the housework. .

The maid in question had worked at Abner's house for a long time and obviously knew the relationship between Miss Hugh and Miss Forth, so she gave guidance without much hesitation.

Xio thanked her, then took a simple shower, and then came to the room where the maid had guided him.

She knocked on the door first, but got no response, so she opened the door and walked in - she had many charms prepared by Abner for her, and "opening the door" was the most common one.

This bedroom is not big, but it can be seen that it has been decorated according to Forsi's preferences, and it is very her style.

For example, the sofa next to the desk is so that she can lie down when she is tired from writing;

For another example, on the two small tables next to the sofa, one is filled with various magazines, and the other is piled with many snacks and drinks, which are obviously prepared for her "fishing".

There are several pages of manuscripts scattered on the table, and the words "Ice Sea Shipwreck" can be vaguely seen on the top one.

Xio glanced at the manuscripts, and then looked at Forsi, who was lying on the bed sleeping soundly. His frown gradually relaxed, guessing that his friend must be rushing to finish the manuscript before the deadline, so he didn't get up at this time.

She randomly picked up a page of manuscript on the table and read a few sentences, but she didn't expect that this paragraph was about the scene where the hero and heroine were chased and hid in a carriage...

Looking at the heart-racing scene described by Forsi, Xio's cheeks turned red. Then he thought of something and quickly picked up the manuscript and started reading from the beginning.

After discovering that this was a "normal" love story, Xio breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, with the development of the film and television industry, some newly formed similar companies cannot compete with "Brain Film and Television Company", so many of them have evil intentions, filming some despicable scenes and showing them in some hidden theaters.

Hugh had smashed two such companies before in East Chester County and completed the "punishment".

She was just afraid that Abner also wanted to harvest that part of the market, so she asked Fors to help write the script... Now it seems that she was overly worried.

"That's right, how could Abner be so dirty? Forsi is also very proud of his identity as a writer, let alone writing such words!

“What’s more, I feel like there’s no script at all for that type of film…

"Hey, the high-intensity 'punishment' performance that lasted for more than a month, although the effect was very good, still brought me some mental problems... For example, everyone looks like a criminal, and I want to punish everything...

“According to Abner, what is ‘postwar psychological syndrome’ called?

"No wonder both Abner and Sun emphasized 'just acting' when talking about 'acting'!"

While Hugh was thoughtful, she thought that after giving Abner a birthday surprise in the early morning, she might be able to make an appointment for "psychotherapy" with him.

But now she still had to wake Forsi up. Even if she stayed up all night to work on the manuscript, sleeping until the afternoon would be too much.

Thinking of this, Xio walked to the bed, lifted Forsi's sheets, pushed her and said, "Forsi, it's time to get up!"

Foer, who was wearing a light yellow nightgown, tried to snatch the quilt back, but failed. He could only drowsily shout "Let me sleep for a while" while curling up his body into a ball.

Seeing this, Xio was silent for a few seconds, and then the invisible spiritual whip was raised high above Forsi's "soul".

Forsi, who was half asleep, instantly felt the crazy warning from inspiration, and suddenly woke up completely with a jolt.

However, she still didn't have much vigilance. It wasn't until she saw clearly who the person at the bedside was that she said in surprise: "Xiu, why is it you?"

"So, who do you think you are?" Xio raised her eyebrows and asked.

Forsi laughed dryly and didn't answer. Then he put on his shoes and got out of bed. After going to the bathroom to wash up, he came back with the Fenebout pie and Desi Bay sweet ice tea prepared by the servant and put them on the table. At the table, while eating, he asked:

"Hugh, didn't you come back just this afternoon?"

——Feneport Big Pie is the kind of pie that Miss Judy mentioned is more delicious than Disi Pie. Abner, out of curiosity, teleported to Feneport City and bought some back.

"It's already afternoon! Why don't you look at what time it is?" Xio said angrily.

Forsi then glanced at the wall clock, patted his head and said, "My work and rest have been irregular recently, and time has gone a bit upside down."

Xio used this to criticize her a few more times, then looked at the food on the table and said:

"Don't eat this kind of food often, it's not very healthy."

"Why do you say that?" Forsi took a piece of pie inlaid with fruit and ham and took a bite.

"I saw in the magazine that if you want to stay in shape, you should avoid these oily and watery foods," Xio replied.

“As long as you exercise more, this won’t be a problem!

"And since you are a combat professional, you don't have to work too hard to stay in good shape." Forsi said with a smile.

Xio looked at his friend up and down and asked inexplicably: "So, you've been exercising a lot lately?"

Forsi was stunned for a second before he said matter-of-factly: "Of course, I traveled across most of the Northern Continent for the role!"

After saying that, she ate the pie in twos and twos. After cleaning it up, she pulled Xio to the bedside, cleared her throat and said:

"To celebrate your return, I decided to give you a gift."

"Did you get into trouble and need me to clean up the mess? Or did you do something that you need to hide from me and feel guilty?" Xio looked at her friend warily.

"..." Forsi blinked and suddenly reflected on his own state.

She coughed and took out a piece of parchment from the small cabinet beside the bed.

Xio glanced at it curiously, then his expression changed and he asked urgently: "Where did you get this?"

There was clearly a piece of information recorded on the parchment, information about "Sherman".

According to the intelligence, Sherman inquired about the preferences of Viscount Stratford, the chief of the palace guard.

"This is information I got by chance when I was doing astrology. Because it involves the viscount who may be related to your father's death, I paid special attention to it and recorded it."

In other words, in the future Sherman, no, Sherman's lover is Viscount Stepford? He really knew the truth about my father’s injustice!

Xio nodded thoughtfully, and then said solemnly to Forsi: "Don't get involved in this matter anymore, it's very dangerous!

"Besides, if you go out recently, it's best to go with Abner."

Seeing the seriousness of her friend's words, Forsi also responded calmly. Anyway, she usually didn't go out much except for team performances with Abner.

Then, Xio put away the parchment, thanked Forsi, and then asked: "Tomorrow is Abner's birthday. Since you prepared a gift for me, did you not forget his?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten it!" Forsi smiled and took out a small box from the bedside cabinet again, which contained an exquisite cuff pin with a mysterious pattern.

Xio stared at the armpin and was silent for a long time. It wasn't until Forsi asked in confusion, "What's wrong?" that she took out a box from the small bag on her waist.

After opening it, a sleeve pin that was exactly the same from style to pattern appeared inside.

Late at night, early in the morning.

Abner, who was releasing the "Nightingale of Despair" and studying the mythical form of the "Witch" path, suddenly heard the bedroom door and window being knocked at the same time.



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