Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 150 Adam’s Purpose

"Weakening the power of the Church of Storms at sea?"

When Klein heard Abner's words, the doubts he had accumulated in the past suddenly became clear, and he said thoughtfully:

“The military nobles of Loen, especially the nobles in the navy, basically believe in the ‘Lord of Storms’, so the Church of Storms has unparalleled influence in the Loen military.

"But Duke Negan was assassinated under the protection of the Church of Storms... The bad thing about this incident is that it may have shaken the trust of the nobles in the Church of Storms...

“After all, even a nobleman of Duke Negan’s level may be assassinated, let alone others!

“And this kind of wavering will inevitably affect the influence of the Church of Storms on the Loen Navy. It will be difficult for the fleets of both sides to cooperate closely as before... which means that the strength is weakened in disguise.

"And this time the sea monster incident is a way for the Twilight Hermits to get rid of irregular forces affiliated with the Church of Storms like Mr. The Hanged Man?"

Abner nodded and said with a smile: "That's about it, but I'm afraid they will also control it to a certain extent and will not let those affiliated forces be completely destroyed... Otherwise, the power of the Church of Storms will drop too much, and those behind the scenes are not willing to see it. of."

He reiterated his previous guess.

"But why do the people of the Twilight Hermits do this? What benefit does this have to them?" Klein asked with a frown.

"You should know the goal of the Twilight Hermits, right? I remember it was written in Russell's diary." Abner asked rhetorically.

"Secretly manipulating the general trend of the world, interfering with the progress of history, and leading the trend of the times..." Klein subconsciously replied, and combined with the information he had obtained before, he suddenly understood, "The 'Twilight Hermits' want to provoke a war. ?This is the so-called trend they expected?"

"Yes!" Abner gave a direct affirmative answer.

"Isn't peace good?" Klein couldn't help but mutter in his heart. After all, he knew very well what kind of trauma a world war would bring to mankind.

Especially those at the bottom, who are already struggling on the edge of death, will only become more miserable in the context of war.

He took a deep breath and asked, "Can you stop it?"

At this moment, what Klein was pursuing was no longer just helping The Hanged Man steal the sea monster.

"The war in the future will probably be very difficult...but this time there is a solution to the sea monster dispute." Seeing Klein's solemn question, Abner also became serious, "The most direct way is, Before Mr. 'The Hanged Man' and others launched an attack or suffered no major losses, the 'Sea Monster' was stolen and handed over to the Church of Storms.

"Of course, before handing it over, you can let The Hanged Man use it to complete his promotion...

“After the Church of Storms achieves its goal, it will naturally not continue to fight to the death, so that it can more completely retain its power at sea and continue to deter the Fusac Navy...

"In this way, it can be considered as indirectly delaying the outbreak of war."

Based on Abner's understanding of Klein's character, he knew that he already had the idea of ​​taking care of this matter, so he spoke in more detail.

Klein pondered for a moment and asked again: "If I want to interfere in this matter, will it attract Adam?"

That was the King of Angels. Although he wanted to destroy the plan of the "Twilight Hermits", he had to give up if the danger was too great.

At this time, Adam is unlikely to conflict with you, the holder of the "Origin Castle". He is still waiting for you to 'open the door'... Abner thought for a moment and replied: "Most likely not. ...After all, this can't shake the trend he predicted... After 'Hurricane Vice Admiral' Qilingos failed to assassinate Duke Negan, he didn't personally take action, right?

"However, this plan should be made by members of the Twilight Hermits... They will definitely not watch the plan fail... they just don't know if there will be angel-level power behind it.

"Even if not, but counting the demigods stationed in the military port and the archbishop of the God of War Church in Sonia, it is conservatively estimated that it will take three to four saints to break through the blockade in order to steal or kill the sea monster."

Three or four saints? That's not without a chance... Sharon, the "Witch of Despair" grazing in the upgraded "Creeping Hunger", Abner, Miss Messenger, plus my "Poseidon Scepter"... All in all, on my side His combat power is not weak either...

As for the angels that may exist... I remember that "Tower" prayed to me before, borrowing the power of "Grey Mist" to make a special material into a "Yesterday Reappearance" card...

If we could make a few more cards like this and give them to Miss Messenger or Mr. Azik, we would have the means to deal with angels.

The biggest problem now is how to convince Mr. "Tower" to take this risk for him.

After all, I just "tricked" him once... Although I don't think it was a "trick", he seemed to enjoy it at the time...

As for Sharon and Miss Messenger, it's not a big problem, especially Miss Sharon. Her attitude towards the war is similar to mine and she will definitely be willing to help me.

When Klein was in trouble, Abner had already understood his thoughts and said with a smile: "Do you want me to join this commission of 'The Hanged Man'?"

"I think!" Klein nodded without hesitation.

"It's very simple, you just need to ask Dwayne Dantès to donate thirty thousand pounds to Beldan for city construction!

“You don’t have to pay it all at once, you can pay it in installments!”

Abner smiled and made his request.

Before coming to the small meeting, he formulated a "policy" for revenge, and the core of this "policy" was to make Klein "bleed"!

There is no better way to "retaliate" from the poor god than by asking him to spend money.

Therefore, Abner deliberately led the other party to understand the purpose of the "Twilight Hermits", allowing Klein to take the initiative to increase the difficulty of an already not simple commission several times, and finally had to ask for help...

The price of 30,000 pounds was Abner's estimate of Klein's bottom line. If it was any more, he would be trying to sell it, and he wouldn't be able to give it out for a while.

Of course, in a sense, this was also the "intelligence fee" for informing him of Adam's purpose in advance. From this perspective, he still made money.

"3...30,000 pounds?" Klein swallowed the saliva that the spirit body did not exist, but then he heard that it could be divided into installments, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Klein did not agree immediately. He planned to wait until he had performed the divination, and then went to Arrods and "Snake of Destiny" Will to inquire before making the final decision.

After all, this matter involves the organization of a "King of Angels", so no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

In the villa at No. 28 Kingster Street, Jowood District.

Abner, who returned to reality, no longer had the calmness he had before on the Source Castle. He frowned, lowered his head and thought:

"Another incident that does not exist in the original also involves the 'Trident' that I need...

"With Adam's ability, he wouldn't have failed to calculate that Klein and I would intervene...

"Is this just a private action by members of the Twilight Hermits, or is Adam planning it?

"But this method is more like guiding me into the game to discover something...

"Why do these guys like to be 'The Riddler'? Can't they just speak out if they have something?"

"In any case, with the 'Transformation Belt', I have qualified as a 'chess player' in a short period of time..."

"At least escaping isn't a big problem. It's okay to go and see what tricks Adam is playing..."

Thinking of this, he arranged a ceremony, prayed to the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", "Goddess of Night", and "Mother Earth" respectively, and reported the incident.

Time passed by, and half an hour later, Abner still had not received any response.

However, he felt relieved now. After all, the three gods did not stop him, which in itself showed that he could handle the matter.



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