The main hall of Harvest Church was as deserted as ever, with only a few believers listening to Bishop Utravsky's sermon.

After all, there are not many believers of the Mother Goddess in Backlund, and most of them joined after receiving assistance from Emlyn during the great smog incident. The family is not rich, and they have to work during the day, so apart from meal time I hardly ever come to church except to receive Holy Communion.

And those who live a little further away don’t even come during meal time.

Therefore, devout believers like Mrs. Fassin who come to listen to the teachings of the Mother Goddess every day are really rare. There are only three or four of them, and half of them are rich ladies who come to Emlyn.

——Ever since he starred in the "Impression of Backlund" series of films, he has become famous in the circle and attracted a lot of bad love to himself.

Seeing Abner come in, Emlyn, who was extremely impatient after being harassed, seemed to have seen a savior and ran to sit next to him in a few steps.

The lady did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Abner, so she had to return her attention to the teachings of the Mother Goddess.

——Those who can come to the Harvest Church to chase Emlyn are at least apparently converted to the Mother Earth Goddess.

"Hazel isn't here today?" Abner asked after looking around a few times.

On weekdays, it was Hazel who helped Emlyn get rid of those entanglements.

"She and her student were investigating Sherlock recently, and she should be visiting his old neighbor now." Emlyn replied casually.

It seems that Hazel believed what I joked about, "As long as Sherlock's secret can be unlocked, the magic potion of the 'Decryptor' can be completely digested"...

But this was good. Although it could not deflect her fate from meeting Amon, it also delayed the time for her to be discovered by Amon.

While Abner was thinking about it, Emlyn asked in a low voice, somewhat unnaturally: "When will the limited edition dolls of the 'Snow Queen' series that your company mentioned in the magazine be launched on the market? And what is the price? of?"

how could I know? I just mentioned that the manager hired by Hazel is in charge of specific matters...

But Emlyn, you just made a few hundred pounds from me, and your back is getting tougher again!

Abner thought for a while and did not answer directly. He only told him that the most perfect set of dolls would be auctioned.

auction? Emlyn's face froze, feeling that the little money he had saved might not be enough...

After the two chatted for a few more words, Bishop Utravsky's sermon finally ended. Abner deliberately stepped forward to ask if Lilith would receive him.

But Bishop Utravsky shook his head.

Seeing this, although Abner was helpless, he also knew that it was impossible for gods to stay in reality for a long time, so he had to do the next best thing and turned into the bathroom of the church, and then stepped into a full-length mirror inside. .

——This is the meeting place agreed between him and the "spiritual angel".

After entering the mirror world, Abner looked around and found that it had not been "renovated" and was just a reflection of the bathroom.

And a simple, palm-sized doll was sitting on the sink, turning his head to look at Abner.

"Good morning, Your Highness Torzina." Abner greeted him first.

After fighting together and having dinner together before, he and this angel became familiar with each other.

The doll possessed by Torzina nodded slightly in response, and then asked in an illusory voice: "What do you want from me?"

Abner knew her style, so he didn’t waste any more words. He immediately described the “Battle for the Sea Monster on Sunia Island” and finally asked: “Do you think Adam is playing tricks in this matter?” What’s the idea?”

Torzina was silent for a few seconds, and then she spoke carefully: "I don't know Him very well, and I don't know what He wants to do... but there is a high probability that there is no malicious intent."

"Why?" Abner asked in surprise.

"If He was really malicious, you wouldn't see anything wrong with him... After all, you should also know what level of power is behind you.

"Once you are alert, what will He use to support His malice?" Torzina simply replied.

Indeed, if I calculate carefully, I can't count the number of angels I can invite with one hand, let alone demigods... Adam has not become a god yet. Even if he has malicious intentions, facing such a lineup, he has to put away his small... thought.

What's more, Adam should be controlled by divinity, and he would not do such unwise things.

Thinking of this, Abner relaxed a little... I have to say that he was still a little afraid of Adam, the former "Creator".

"Just in case, I can go with you, but unless an angel takes action, I won't show up." The doll possessed by Torzina raised her right hand and added.

"What do I have to pay?" Abner felt happy, but still asked in a deep voice.

"No need. When I was protected by Lilith and that one, I promised to be your angel... I should serve you." Torzina paused here and then said, "Of course, if Okay, please help me prepare a new doll... Well, the 'Snow Queen' advertised in the magazine is very good."

My angel? Abner couldn't help but be a little stunned when he heard this:

"Mr. Fool has five angels under his command, the old, the young, the sick, the disabled and pregnant. Is it possible that I also receive the same treatment?"

Thinking of this, he glanced at the slightly rough doll on the sink, then felt the "Yalo Blue Clone" in his eyes, and thought a little uneasily:

"It's just that my angel is either a strange doll, or something like the 'Hair of the Monkey King'... This is even weirder than Klein's 'old, young, sick, disabled and pregnant'..."

Of course, Abner wanted to think so, but he embraced the fact that he had an angel following him and promised to help her get the latest limited edition doll.

Speaking of which, the film "Snow Queen" has not yet been released in Loen, and the surrounding areas are naturally not ready, but Intis is already ahead of the curve because of Elaine's efforts.

Therefore, after leaving the Harvest Church, Abner teleported directly to Trier. While going to the company to get the doll, he also called "ancient scholar" Daphne.

As a devout believer in his own right, the vice-president of the secret order is trustworthy.

As for "Parasite" Flora, who is more pious and has devoted herself wholeheartedly to "Liu Bo", Abner did not let her participate in this operation...

First, he guessed that Adam's work this time was likely to involve "Liu Bo", and it would not be appropriate to bring a fanatical believer of "Liu Bo" with him.

Secondly, if you bring an Extraordinary with the "wrong" path to the demigod level with you, what should you do if Amon is also recruited?

Third, the opponent is just a lineup consisting of two Sequence 4s, two Sequence 3s, and two Sequence 2s... The combat power on our side is already enough, and there is no need to expose more power.

At six o'clock in the evening, Abner took "ancient scholar" Daphne and walked through the "portal" in one step and came to a chess and card room in the "Brave Bar" - this was also the agreed meeting place.

Klein, who changed into Hermann's appearance, glanced at the strange lady next to the "professor", muttered "another unknown person", and then asked in a deep voice: "Are you ready?"

As for Miss Sharon and Miss Messenger, they are all possessed by him together with the "Blood Admiral" marionette...



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