The person who has the most experience of Abner's power now is "Lieutenant General Twilight"'s father, "Demon Hunter" Peter Ivan.

This is a burly middle-aged man with a typical Fusac name. He has a strong build and his arms are thicker than Abner's waist. Abner stands in front of him like a child.

But at this time, Abner, who was like a child, firmly took the initiative on the battlefield. With just one person, he put the "demon hunter" and the entire fleet at a disadvantage.

The person who leads this historical projection is naturally Abner himself.

After Daphne failed more than a dozen times and finally pulled out his image, Abner immediately separated a "smart eye" and took over the historical projection and took over his actions.

This feeling is similar to when controlling the "Owen" clone. The only difference is that Daphne needs to provide spirituality to maintain it.

Of course, this projection does not have a "pure white eye", nor does it have many convenient magical items, but even if it loses all the "plug-ins", a "complete analysis" of the 22 extraordinary paths "incomplete mythical creature forms" "Prophet" is also extremely scary!

Abilities from various channels are at your fingertips, various powerful secret techniques emerge in endlessly, and you can also "predict" the opponent's most likely actions through information... Thinking about it makes people feel headache and difficult to deal with.

Although the "Demon Hunter" possesses the "Demon Hunting Eye", he is also good at restraining targets in a targeted manner based on the weaknesses of different enemies.

But apart from slightly restraining Abner in his "counter-prophecy" ability, he was completely at a disadvantage in other aspects. He even had to build invisible and solid defensive walls to protect the fleet from time to time, otherwise he was now afraid of There is no place to stay.

Looking at the five offensive and defensive fireballs surrounding the "Professor", constantly bombarding and replenishing the fireballs, "Demon Hunter" Peter Ivan knew that he could no longer be so passive, so he immediately took out a talisman and used Ancient Hermes Yu recited the opening mantra:


As his words fell, the charm immediately turned into a red "shooting star" and appeared in front of Abner in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, under the influence of the "analytic" ability at the demigod level, Abner quickly judged that the attack contained in this spell was a "fatal blow" at the "War Bishop" level. With the intensity of his own projection, he was directly If it hits, it will definitely "dissipate".

So he immediately simulated the "Flash" ability of the "Mystic Mage" level and let the afterimage take the blow.

If it were a real "War Bishop" who launched this "fatal attack", he would definitely not be able to deceive the opponent with a mere "afterimage"... But unfortunately, this is just a spell. Although it is powerful, the change is not enough.

However, when Abner's projected body "flashed" to another location, a long sword flashing with a special mark happened to appear there!

It turns out that this is the real killing move of "Demon Hunter" Peter Ivan. With the help of counter-prophecy and anti-divination, he can conceal his own actions and intentions, and complete the killing move of "Demon Hunter".

He had long expected that the "Professor" would be able to dodge the "fatal attack", so he used this as a cover and relied on his own senses, mental observation and rich experience to predict the enemy's response and carry out a decisive kill.

Abner was indeed a little surprised by this, but in his "absolutely rational state" he remained calm. With a wave of his hand, he condensed a large sword of orange light and inserted it into the seawater at his feet.

In an instant, the power of "guarding" spread all over the body, and the invisible barrier actually caused the long sword in the hand of the "demon hunter" to disintegrate inch by inch. Completely shattered.

"How is this possible?!" Peter Ivan's eyes were full of incredulity. As a former "Guardian" and now a "Demon Hunter", he knew the power of "Guardian" very well, and knew that it could only Only when you are connected to the earth will it be truly difficult to shake...

And here is the sea! The "guardian" power in the sea shouldn't be so strong!

At the moment when Peter Ivan was stunned, Abner had already turned from defense to offense, condensing a long flame with abilities such as "fatal blow", "notarization enhancement", "mental deprivation", and "occult disease". The spear suddenly took shape and was thrown towards the "Demon Hunter" not far away regardless of the distance.

Although this blow is not as terrifying as the aura of the talisman just now, once it is hit, even a demigod will probably be seriously injured.

Feeling the crazy warning of spirituality, the "demon hunter" came back to his senses.

Looking at the flaming spear that was so close, he could only thrust the broken sword down in a similar manner, concentrating the power of "guarding".

Seeing his response, Abner couldn't help but laugh and thought to himself:

"The 'Guardian' power of the 'Warrior' path should have been developed by the ancient god 'Giant King' by combining the authority of 'Twilight Giant' and 'Nature Walker', just like the 'Gatekeeper' developed by 'Phoenix Ancestor'. Similar to the 'Fear Projection' developed by the 'King of Demonic Wolf', it is the use of multiple channels of authority, so it requires the cooperation of the power of the 'earth' to achieve the best effect.

"And my 'guardian' power is strong because I have the blessing of 'the earth'... If you imitate me like this, you are completely imitating others..."


With a loud noise, "Demon Hunter" Peter Ivan flew several hundred meters away before stopping. The armor on his body and the long sword in his hand were all completely damaged, and even he himself had an arm. Drooped.

Not to mention, at least half of the people in "Vice Admiral Twilight's" fleet died suddenly on the spot. The remaining ones who were still alive were all languid. A few people even had mental problems and could lose control at any time.

"It turns out that this 'Demon Hunter' also has a magical item with the ability of the 'Iron-Blooded Knight', which can spread his own damage..."

Abner "analyzed" for a moment and nodded clearly...but he did not continue to attack.

First of all, he was just here to contain him, and he had no deep grudge against the other party, so his desire to kill the other party was not strong.

Secondly, the continuous use of multiple demigod-level abilities consumes a huge amount of spiritual energy, and Daphne also has to stop the "War Bishop", so there is no need to increase the burden on her.

Thirdly, despite the fact that the "Demon Hunter" was injured, every demigod was not simple. Abner was not sure whether the opponent might still have any powerful cards hidden, so he did not want to press further.

Arrods also said that you should not force a demigod to a dead end before you are sure that you can kill the opponent completely.

Just as Abner's historical projection was fighting the fleet led by the "Demon Hunter", Owen's clone, who had changed his appearance, also faced the "Silver Knight" Ivan Salik, the Archbishop of the God of War Church who came from the church.



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