Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 164 I am Abner

Under the snow-capped mountains is naturally the protagonist team led by the giant Grossel.

Since Abner had previously sent three official team members from Intis, the current number of team members had expanded to eight people.

They are the "Guardian" giant Grossell, the "Ocean Singer" elf Shatas, the "Priest of Light" ascetic Monk Snowman, the "Dream Stealer" Solomon Empire noble Mobet, and the "Punishing Knight" Loen soldier Longzell.

As well as "Notary" Defoe, "Sun Priest" Dorn, who was sent in by Abner, who belonged to the official team "Purifying Light" of the Eternal Sun Church, and "Appraiser" Da, who belonged to the "Mechanical Heart". Akane.

At this moment, they were gathered at the foot of the mountain, looking at the snow peak whose upper half had completely collapsed, and they all fell into silence.

After a long while, the impatient elf Shatas took the lead and asked: "What happened? Why did Yurisian's lair suddenly collapse?

"And it's such a destructive collapse!"

The person she asked was naturally the aristocratic young man Mobet next to her. Firstly, she had the best relationship with him, and secondly, it was also because the latter was quite accomplished in "decryption" and was more reliable than anyone else.

The rest of the team also focused their attention on the gentleman with flaxen hair, dark brown eyes, a high nose and thin lips, giving people a sense of arrogance.

Mobet Zoroaster observed for a long time before he said with some uncertainty: "It seems to be caused by the confrontation between high-sequence beings...and the reason why we can't see the specific situation is probably because one of the parties has used means to isolate it. Our vision...

"Well, I guess it's for our protection."

At this time, Ms. Darcy from the "Mechanical Heart" team said in disbelief: "A fight between high-sequence extraordinary people? What kind of existence can cause such destruction?"

The giant Grossell scratched his head and seemed to be thinking about this question, but before he could speak, Shatas gave him the answer: "From God...or what you call the attacks of angels on earth can Easily tear apart such a mountain.

"And ordinary demigods, if they have enough time, they should be able to do it... But you also saw that it collapsed in an instant!"

"Angel..." Several members of the Fifth Age team, including Loen soldier Long Zell, were in a trance.

After all, in the Fifth Age, in this world, belief in gods is universal, and the only difference lies in which god they believe in. Therefore, even if Long Zell, Darcy and others have never seen real angels, they are more or less likely to believe in gods. I have heard legends about angels from the priests, bishops and elders around me. I know that they are attendants of gods, powerful creatures that are qualified to be called "him". They can create miracles with every move they make, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the hearts of Long Zell and other four extraordinary people, angels are holy spirits from another level and another world. Under normal circumstances, they live in the kingdom of God and will not come to reality. They can be treated as real legends without considering their reality. Meaning, even if they are already powerful mid-level Extraordinaries and have even met saints, they still don't feel that they can be related to angels.

Because the two are not on the same level at all!

But today, Shaitas talked about the destructive power of angels so casually, which inevitably made them in a trance.

Compared with the four of Longzell, the giant Grossell, the ascetic monk Snowman and the noble Mobet easily accepted Shatas's words. After all, they had all seen angels with their own eyes, and even the gods took action. of.

"So, it is an angel who entered this world this time... and he has already killed the 'King of the North'?" Mobet followed Xiatas's words and gave his own guess.

"It's probably like this... We went to hunt for food separately before, but we all came to the foot of this mountain at the same time... This means that the 'Decisive Battle' should have come, and we will meet the 'King of the North'."

The ascetic monk Snowman, who had not spoken a word for many years, spoke hoarsely.

"Then what should we do now? Go and see His Highness?" Defoe, the captain of the "Purifying Light" team, asked the leader Grosser. He finally recovered from the shock...

When it comes to fighting, Grossel is definitely at the forefront, but when it comes to making decisions like this, he subconsciously looks at Mobet.

He is indeed a silly giant who only knows how to shout slogans and giggle! Mobet sighed, then looked around and said, "Friends, our goal all along has been to kill Yurisian and leave the world of this book.

"But now that Yurisian is probably dead, is there any other way for us to go except to visit His Highness?

"I don't think anyone wants to stay here for the rest of their lives, right?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the faces of each companion one by one and continued:

"Darcy, Donne, Defoe, you have been here for the shortest time, and your relatives outside have not passed away yet. You really want to go back to your relatives, right?

"Long Zell, you are always thinking about your mother in your dreams...Although she has probably passed away, I know that your home in Backlund has always been your spiritual support. Do you want to go back? Even if it is to go to the tomb Would you like to give your mother a bouquet of flowers?

"Snowman, although you don't speak much, after getting along with me for so many years, I also know how devoted you are to your Lord...and now that the outside world has long lost the 'brilliance' of your Lord, don't you want to personally serve you?" Does the Lord restore 'glory'?

"Grossell, the dream destination of all giants is the 'Giant King's Court', and even you are no exception, right?

"Finally, Shatas..."

Mobet's emotions are sincere and his words are extremely persuasive. He has obviously "acted" quite well in the "scammer" stage...

However, as soon as he said this, he was slapped by Xiatasi and fell to the ground, eating a mouthful of snow.

"It's all your fault. Why are you talking so sensationally? It almost made me cry!" Xiatas yelled dissatisfied, then blinked and knelt down to help Mobet up.

To be honest, she was a bit harsh in her excitement just now.

Mobet stood up again with a wry smile on his face, but he did not dare to provoke the grumpy elf anymore, so he had to change the subject and said: "My decision is that no matter what happens, I will go up and take a look... What do you think? "

Grossell inserted the sword as wide as a door panel into the ground and said firmly: "The giant will never retreat! No matter what lies ahead, I will be with my companions."

Soldier Long Zell also recovered from the longing aroused by Mobet, and solemnly said: "Add me."

The ascetic Snowman did not speak, but stood beside the giant Grossel.

And Shatas took the opportunity to help Mobet up and held his hand and never let go.

As for the three official team members, they have been able to persist in Roselle's dream ruins for nearly twenty years. They are naturally determined people, and they are not timid now.

As a result, no one in the eight-person team backed down, and unanimously approved the plan to explore the snowy mountains and meet possible angels.

However, the team stopped moving forward not long after.

Because an exquisite puppet appeared in their field of vision. It flew in the air, and with just a raise of its hand, it "digged" two huge "monsters" out of the snow, and quickly "frozen" them, like Fishermen on Sunia Island use ice to freeze seafood.

"Obnis?" Xiatasi recognized this sea monster that the elves once kept in captivity at a glance, and was very surprised why it appeared on the mountain.

At the same time, a male voice with a deep voice also sounded in the ears of the team:

"Defoe, Dawn, Darcy, long time no see!"

As soon as he heard the sound, the giant Grossel immediately protected his companions. He wielded a giant sword that was wider than a human door panel, used his iconic vertical one-eye to search for the source of the sound, and quickly found the source of the sound. He locked on a man wearing a formal suit and a top hat and asked in a booming voice:

"Your Excellency, who are you?"

Although there was no basis for it, Grossel intuitively felt that the man in front of him was much stronger than the "King of the North".

The person who came was none other than Abner. He smiled when he heard the words, removed the disguise of "professor" from his face, and returned to his original appearance. Then, under the somewhat excited gazes of Defoe and the other three, he pressed his hand on his chest. He bowed and said:

"I'm Abner Blaine."



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