Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 166 Destination

On the "Trident", because he had just witnessed the "Snow Queen" doll entering "Grossell's Travels", Klein already knew that something was definitely going on in the book, so he called Sharon and the messenger lady After saying hello, he went to the bathroom, then walked four steps backwards and climbed onto the gray mist, intending to use his contact with Mr. "Tower" to see if he needed help.

But as soon as he sat in the seat belonging to "The Fool", he saw the crimson stars symbolizing the "Tower" rapidly expanding and contracting.

Abner really needed help... Klein's heart moved, and his spirituality spread immediately.

But then, his expression became strange, because looking at the background of the picture among the crimson stars, Abner had not only returned to the "Trident", but even the things he prayed to "The Fool" made him speechless for a while.

"Milk? Where can I get 'milk' for him? No, what does he need 'milk' for?"

Klein cursed, and continued to listen to Abner's explanation before he understood the other person's intention.

"It turns out that a 'living' item is needed, and this item is not satisfied with the milk that Abner 'forged' with materials, and the milk that Ms. Daphne took from history is not recognized...well, if If it is not satisfied, it will modify the surrounding creatures to produce milk for it to drink?

"This... Frank, a 'biologist', can make the 'Future' produce milk. Now, according to Mr. 'Tower', this 'scepter' is essentially an angel of the 'cultivator' path?

"If it really 'riots', I'm afraid the entire Trident, including me and Sharon, will not be spared!"

The image of himself and Sharon constantly gushing milk flashed through his mind, and Klein couldn't help but shudder. If the "tower" hadn't been able to temporarily suppress the chopstick-sized scepter, he would have just taken Sharon and used it. "The Endless Teleportation Book" ran away.

"By the way... Frank! Frank must have milk there. For this reason, he also cultivated hybrid bacteria that allow organisms to produce milk smoothly even when they are not lactating!"

Thinking of this, Klein manifested the dummy of "The World" as quickly as possible, made a "praying" scene and threw it into the crimson star of Ms. "The Hermit".

At present, only the "Future" can get a large amount of "milk"...Other than that, even Miss Justice is unlikely to get a few buckets of milk in the middle of the night without being suspected.

In the waters of the Rhoside Islands, on the slow-sailing "Future".

"Star Admiral" Cattleya had already fallen asleep, but after receiving the "communication" from Mr. Fool, she quickly woke up, put the glasses on the bedside table on the bridge of her nose, and then "reverently" received the message. "picture".


Cattleya subconsciously pushed up her glasses. If "The World" hadn't acted anxiously and specified that Frank should "sacrifice" all the milk he cultivated, she would have thought that the crazy adventurer was teasing her...

After all, there is a similar plot in the book "The Story of Gehrman Sparrow and the Female Pirate General".

After retracting her messy thoughts, Cattleya did not waste time because the "world" was in urgent need. While instructing the "invisible servants" to arrange the "sacrifice" ceremony, she opened the window of the captain's room and shouted to the night watch crew:

"Have Frank come over here."

On the "Trident", after receiving the milk, Klein immediately controlled the two marionettes, "Admiral of Hell" and "Admiral of Blood", to carry two buckets out of the lavatory and sent them to the captain's room.

Seeing that the milk finally arrived, Abner couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and quickly put the scepter into the milk bucket... After all, the "little ancestor" that contained the characteristics of the "Desolate Mistress" was really hard to coax. .

But this time, unlike the fakes that Abner "synthesized" with materials before, the little "scepter" felt a "satisfied" emotion in his spirit.

Until then, Klein pretended not to know anything and asked, "What exactly happened?"

After all, "The World" just prayed according to the instructions of "The Fool", and he "didn't know" what exactly the "Tower" reported to Mr. "The Fool".

Abner glanced at him, and cooperated with not exposing his trick, and sighed: "This scepter is a by-product of the battle just now... It is actually a special creature created because time was urgent at that time. , I took a clever trick in the 'setting'. In addition to the appearance, I directly let it fit the 'template' of a 'human'... That's why it has to 'feed'...

"As to what exactly happened in that book, this is not a good place to communicate."

In other words, we can wait until a "small meeting" to discuss it? Klein immediately understood the meaning of Abner's words and stopped asking further questions.

In fact, Abner is not trying to avoid Sharon, Reinette, and Daphne. They are all trustworthy, but the Trident is not safe enough, and there are Defoe, Dorn, and Darcy and three outsiders exist.

At this time, Klein also noticed the three "cocoons" wrapped in flesh and blood, and couldn't help but ask again: "Who are they?"

"Just three poor people." Abner briefly told the story of these three official extraordinary people who had fallen into the tomb in Roselle's dream, and finally said, "After they left that fantasy world, although I let the little The 'Scepter' saved their lives with the refined 'Stone of Life', but the massive loss of body elements was still enough to make them gradually approach death... So I used 'Veolite's Perfect Restoration Technique' 'Help them replenish enough 'blood and flesh' and repair the damaged body tissues."

I see! Klein nodded clearly, but suddenly remembered the sleeping "protagonist" team he encountered when he and Abner entered "Grossell's Travels", and asked again:

"These three people who have been trapped in the dream world for twenty years are so dangerous. What about the other 'characters' who have been in the book for hundreds or thousands of years?"

It's not that he is a "Mother" that everyone wants to take care of, but Klein, who has seen Longzell's dream, can relate to this Loen soldier's obsession with wanting to go home and return to his relatives.

Both are ordinary people who suddenly entered a strange world, and both are travelers who try their best to find their way home. The two have too many similarities.

Abner naturally saw what Klein was thinking, but there were some cruel facts that it was difficult to expose right now, lest it affect his spirit and delay his promotion to demigod.

After all, although Mr. Fool's spirit at this time is much better than in the original work, he certainly cannot withstand the blow of hope turning into despair.

"Don't worry, I have arrangements for Grossell and the others, and a 'miracle' will come when the time comes." Abner could only comfort him.

Although Abner doesn't know how to achieve the "miracle" of Klein returning home...

I hope Miss Sharon can become his new destination!

Abner sighed secretly, and then heard Klein change the subject and finally asked about "business":

"Where are the two Obnis sea monsters?"

Hearing this, Abner took out two ten-centimeter-square ice cubes from his pocket, one with a "strawberry" embedded inside, and the other with a frozen "mango", just like two fruit ice cubes...

No, this is fruit ice, right? ! Klein stared at the ice cube seriously for a long time before looking up at Abner. The meaning in his eyes was obvious: Are you kidding me?

“After they were frozen, they suffered a deformation curse, and they became like this…

"Tolzina feels that they are easy to carry in their current form, and they are not easy to 'die'..."

"Of course, if necessary, the 'curse' can be lifted at any time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four blond heads with red eyes held by the messenger lady all turned around, showing "learned" expressions on their faces.



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