Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 195 1 Detective

"Hello, Mr. Dorian Gray Abraham."

Hearing the gentleman next to his student speak his surname bluntly, Dorian felt that he was no longer lucky. He exhaled and responded to the other person's greetings before welcoming the two of them into the private room.

After both parties sat down, Dorian didn't bother to say more and asked directly: "Your Majesty the Viscount, I wonder if what you said before about the return of ancestor 'Alvin' is true?"

"You are Forsi's teacher, just call me Abner..." Abner said politely first, and then answered his question, "At the end of this month, or at the beginning of next month, His Highness Alvin will definitely Restore the glory of Abraham.”

If the glory of Abraham is not restored, the ritual of the "Miracle Master" cannot be completed, right?

Hearing the affirmation in Abner's tone, Dorian was excited and asked again: "Did ancestor 'Alvin' receive help from the God of Knowledge or the Mother Earth?"

In his opinion, since Abner, as a favored person of these two gods, took the initiative to reveal this matter to the Abraham family, he must have had his instructions behind it.

The biggest driving force behind Alvin's promotion is actually the goddess of the night!

Inwardly he was cursing, but on the outside he smiled and shook his head and said, "No...the reason why I asked Forsi to inform you is actually for your own good.

"As far as I know, His Highness Alvin had a very unhappy relationship with the Abraham family before he disappeared...

“If you want to bridge this gap, you’d better greet Him when He returns!

"And Alvin, who has been promoted to Sequence 2, should be able to provide shelter for some of you during the full moon."

Hearing these words, Dorian couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up suddenly and asked excitedly: "Your Excellency, is this true?"

Is the nearly two-thousand-year painful curse on Abraham's family finally coming to an end?

"Really!" Abner replied affirmatively.

With the ability of the "Miracle Master", even without borrowing "unknown" power, it can help a small number of people complete the miracle of "not hearing gibbering".

And the reason why he asked the Abraham tribe to greet him was also because of the "ritual" requirements. Enough Abrahams had to gather together and appear in front of people to show that this angel family that disappeared from the "stage of history" had returned again!

After Dorian was excited for a while, he gradually calmed down. He pondered for a moment, looked at Abner again and said:

"Can you give me a reason to trust you?"

After all, the risk of gathering clan members is not small. If it is a trap, they are likely to be caught in one fell swoop.

Abner glanced at him, raised the corner of his mouth and asked: "Although it will take a lot of risks, compared with the gains, will you really not take the gamble?"

Even if you don’t bet, now that you appear in front of me, your breath is recorded by me, and your destiny is observed by me, it means that most of Abraham related to you has no secrets in my eyes...

If you really don't want to go then, I can directly tie you up.

Dorian didn't know what Abner was thinking about "robber". He chewed on the other person's words and finally gave a wry smile:

Yes, hope is right in front of him, can he not take a gamble?

You know, he tried his best to cultivate Forsi, not only because of his excellent character, but also because of the vague "prophecy" of a family senior.

At most, make some safe arrangements, hide the sealed items, formulas, etc. deeper, and leave some of the descendants as seeds...

In this way, even if it is really a trap, the Abraham family can still continue.

After thinking for a long time, Dorian took a deep breath and made up his mind to ask: "Sir Brian, do you know where we should go to welcome the return of ancestor 'Alvin'?"

“The main peak of the Honakis Mountains…

"But remember, don't try to climb the mountain, just wait at the foot of the mountain." Abner solemnly warned.

Beside the Backlund Bridge late at night, Klein was looking for traces of the "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette based on the location provided by "The Hermit".

——This is the information he got when he had a private chat with Cattleya about the blood of mythical creatures at the Tarot meeting.

At this moment, he suddenly saw green pea vines hanging down from the sky, intertwining into a lush and dense forest.

Klein was stunned for a moment, then entered the "forest" along the vine path.

After walking in this fairy-tale scene for a long time, he saw the green plants connected into hammock-like seats, gently swaying at a high place.

The "Queen of Mystery" was sitting there, wearing a white Intis-style shirt and a dark black jacket, with a thin rapier on her waist. She was not wearing a three-cornered hat, and was dressed in a standard maritime captain's attire.

She did not reveal only a pair of black leather boots like she did when she came into contact with Sherlock Moriarty in Backlund. At this time, her long chestnut hair was naturally let down, and her blue and deep eyes looked over, soft but soft. He said without emotion:

"It's good that you can take the risk to see Him for Cattleya...

"Well, I can provide two kinds of rewards. One is to look at the 'Wheel of Fortune' card once. I believe you should know what this blasphemous card he made represents. The other is to provide a way to temporarily restore a certain amount of strength during the weak period. "

Provide a way to temporarily restore a certain amount of strength during a weak period? Take the risk to see Him? Did you guess that the "Queen of Mysteries" is related to the "Mercury Snake"? She felt that Will Asceptin was in danger of being hunted and that I was taking a risk by going to him?

This is unreasonable. The angels obviously include the Sequence 2 "prophet"... but the "Fool" is not allowed to be served by an angel with a destiny path?

Believe it or not, I can directly ask Mr. "Tower" for a drop of the blood of "God of Luck"? !

Forget it... His blood might have some side effects. It would be bad if it contaminates Ms. "Hermit"...

Well, I don’t know that Will Asceptin doesn’t know his own way to achieve Sequence 0. If he doesn’t know, then looking at the “Wheel of Fortune” card once will be a temptation that he can’t resist. However, it may not be likely. He will survive. It’s been so long, and it’s Sequence 1 again. It’s not like I haven’t mastered the ritual of becoming a god...

Haha, I wonder what Russell looks like on the "Wheel of Fortune" card...a snake and other animals with an emperor's face? Klein thought with some expectancy, while nodding indifferently in Gehrman's habit:


Bernadette's eyes did not move, she still looked at him and said:

"What else do you want to do with me this time?"

Klein paused for a second and spoke the words he had already prepared:

“I would like to ask your help to put him in a state where he has been corroded by the core power of the seal behind Chanis Gate of the Church of the Night for a long time.

"In exchange, I can take you through the eighth and seventh floors of the 'Dream Maze Tower'."

As he spoke, Klein let "Resentful Spirit" Senior appear beside him.

Bernadette's eyes lit up when she heard this, and then she looked deeply at the "Blood Admiral" who was standing upright. She didn't ask Gehrman Sparrow why he knew he had a way, and why he knew he couldn't get through the "Dream Maze Tower" On the eighth floor, he just nodded slightly and said:

"I can let him be corroded accordingly, but in this way, your marionette will be basically destroyed. It can still be used normally at first. As time goes by, as the erosion deepens, he will gradually fall asleep, and then I won’t wake up either.”

She paused for a moment before adding: "It can be used for up to two months."

Klein struggled internally for two seconds and replied expressionlessly:


He immediately pressed his hand on his chest and saluted:

"Thank you for your help."

"Queen of Mystery" Bernadette said no more. While she summoned her "servant" to deliver the corresponding extraordinary items, she casually warned: "The conditions need to be slightly modified. They are ninth, eighth and seventh. These three floors.”

Klein was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then realized that the "Mysterious Queen" could not even guarantee a stable passage through the ninth floor of the "Dream Maze Tower"!

On Tuesday morning, Bernadette, who had remained silent since coming out of the "Dream Maze Tower", finally couldn't help but asked: " did you do that?"

For the rare occasion, Klein did not maintain Hermann's character and replied with a smile:

"You know, I used to be a 'detective.'"



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