Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 198: Arc de Triomphe

On the roof of a tall building not far from the white house.

Faced with the sudden "divine" level disaster, Abner and Bernadette made "prophecies" almost at the same time, and got a common key word to break the situation in a second:

"Arch de Triomphe"!

The Arc de Triomphe, the only wonder preserved in the post-Russell era, is located on the White Maple Square a few hundred meters behind the white house where the Prime Minister works...

But that's just an ordinary building... Wait!

Abner was full of doubts and was about to ask Bernadette for any clues. An old building he accidentally caught sight of out of the corner of his eye caused a flash of lightning to flash in his mind!

etc! Arc de Triomphe... door? ! I remember an article in Russell's diary that recorded that the "Night Emperor" and Mr. "Gate" cooperated to build a "Gate" on a small island in the violent sea that was still calm at that time...

And Russell later found this ruins!

"Mr. 'Gate' told me that he had actually cooperated with the 'Night Emperor' in private and briefly built a 'gate' in an attempt to attract great power.

"But their action failed, and the 'Night Emperor' went crazy and even died. He was also exiled from the world because of this incident...

"I can't tell how much of his words are true... However, maybe this is not the reason why he was exiled by the gods, but cooperation with the 'Night Emperor' should exist.

"Because I once found the ruins of a 'Gate' on a small island in the violent sea... and its shape is consistent with what Mr. 'Gate' described."

Recalling the content recorded on that page of the diary, Abner remembered that after reading it, he guessed that the "Night Emperor" wanted to "open his mouth" on the seal of the "Origin Castle" and send his corresponding "Country of Disorder" Power leads over.

After all, the "Night Emperor" himself is a special soul that came out of the "God's Box"!

At that time, I also speculated whether Russell would follow suit when he was desperate in his later years...

Well, the Arc de Triomphe was completely completed decades after Russell’s death. The reason why the project did not stop was because the Delien family continued to inject funds behind the scenes;

The "ancestor" of the Delien family is most likely Mrs. Julia, the former Loen MI9 spy, and her relationship with Russell is obviously very close;

The secrets in the treasure house of the Delien family's old house are guarded by that "ancestor" and have not left it for hundreds of years;

The old home of the Delien family is not far from the Arc de Triomphe, and its underground treasure trove may even be directly beneath that wonder;

Boisano once reminded me that the treasure house of the Delien family, even the container of the gods, is not willing to approach easily...

Taken together, I am afraid that the real key to breaking the situation lies in the short-term task that Lilith gave me to "explore the hidden secrets of the Delien family"!

So, does He really not know the secret inside? What role did he and the goddess play in this matter?

Different "insights" brought together issues that were considered separately, allowing Abner to understand what he needed to do at once.

At this moment, the other "intelligent eyes" suddenly "insighted" into a series of "unwanted" words from Jaldabaoth, and Abner also instantly learned more inside information, and what the church might not be able to do in a short period of time. To deal with the cruel reality.

Without hesitation, Abner immediately spread the information he had "insighted" around in the form of information.

He and Bernadette are both good at using "knowledge". In emergencies, this method is much faster than verbal communication.

Almost at the same time, Bernadette completed the capture and analysis of the information, and realized that the only ones who could prevent the disaster now were her and Abner beside her.

Her expression didn't change. She turned her palm and found an additional item.

The object was golden in color, like a shrunken kettle, but a wick protruded from the spout.

And as Bernadette's right hand rubbed the surface of the object covered with mysterious and complex symbols, the wick ignited silently.

The light it emits is like thick water, spraying upwards, forming a blurry and twisted pale golden figure.

"Eternal Djinn, my second wish is to gain the power of the 'Emperor of Knowledge' for one day." Bernadette spoke solemnly in Giant language without any hesitation.

The item in her hand is the "Wishing Magic Lamp" that Vera has been looking for. It first came from the First Age. It was made by Tianzun after he captured the soul of the outer god "Son of Chaos" and stuffed it with the characteristics of "Miracle Master" Although the items have never been obtained by the seven major churches, they have corresponding "0" level sealed item numbers:


This item can grant any ten wishes of the holder, but this will either be done in a twisted form, or it will have unpredictable and extremely terrible consequences.

None of its previous owners met a good end, including Russell Gustav.

But today, Bernadette keenly discovered that the "Djinn" seemed to be easy to talk to, and did not do anything "distorted" in her wishes.

Although this attitude made Bernadette more vigilant, time was running out and she had no time to delve into it at the moment.

Feeling the power of the "Emperor of Knowledge" in her body, Bernadette glanced at Abner and conveyed the message to him to activate the "Arc de Triomphe". She and her younger brother Bonois, who flew at high speed, welcomed the arrival. The "abyss".

"Dark Side of the Universe", "Demon Lord", "Abyss" Fabuti is a true god, a true Sequence 0!

Even if He had just escaped from the trap, even if the "Abyss" had not fully entered reality, it was not something that a mere fake Sequence 1 "Emperor of Knowledge" could resist. If Bernadette rushed forward like this, the probability of death would be as high as 90%.

Although she didn't care, she could have bathed comfortably at Backlund's house. It was he who pulled her here to face the disaster...

But obviously, like the Church of Steam, I underestimated the Prime Minister’s handiwork!

Yes, it seems that neither I nor anyone else, including the members of the "Psychological Alchemy Society," once heard that the Prime Minister wanted to summon the "Abyss", they all thought that he was crazy and could not succeed...

Where does this "arrogance" come from? If I am also so "arrogant" under the influence, then the person behind the scenes can at least break through the level of mental protection of "Pure White Angel" in "Pure White Eyes"!

Forget it, there is no point thinking about this now... In short, since I brought her here, I must take her back no matter what!

After thinking about this, Abner took out a charm with complicated patterns.

This is a replica he made using the "Spirit Worm" of "ancient scholar" Daphne to imitate the "Historical Projection" spell given by the goddess.

But the effect is much worse than the original version. Not only does the projection not last long, the range of pulling people is also the same as the "transformation" card he made. It can only summon Liu Bo's "previous life" with a 100% success rate.

Those "Liu Bo" are no more than Sequence 2, and they would not be able to participate in the dispute with the true god, but among them, "Rhine Caronldia" is the most special... because he, no, it is her, now Lilith container!

As long as the historical projection of "Rhine" is summoned, it is equivalent to Lilith controlling it herself!

Unfortunately, I can only summon the Sequence 2 version of Rhine at the moment... If I summon two copies of the Sequence 1 King of Angels version of Rhine, coupled with Lilith's substitution, it may not be impossible to block the "dark side of the universe" back.

But now the best thing is to keep Bernadette and Bonova alive!

While thinking, Abner used his spirituality to ignite the charm, then stretched out his hand and pulled a "beautiful" man in a red shirt out of the historical gap.

The man's eyes were a little dull at first, but they became lively in an instant.

Abner did not exchange any greetings with Lilith, only nodded slightly, and then "teleported" to the door of the Delien family's old house.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, such as bloodline testing and other rituals in the family treasure house, he released Owen at the moment of "teleportation", and his own body entered "Alvin's Answer Maze".

But just when he was about to enter the old house, he suddenly found himself surrounded by four bewitching figures.



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