Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 207 Disposal of the Witch

To be able to digest a potion by just is that possible? I'm not digesting "reasoning students"...

Then, it should be my speculation that triggered the change in "destiny", allowing me to successfully "see" the truth of the matter!

Well, the so-called change in "destiny" is probably because my "deduction" just now was noticed by a certain being. He felt that since I had already guessed this point, there was no point in hiding it anymore, so he let me go in this aspect." The hidden knowledge allows me to "see" it at any time...

This is the fundamental reason why the magic potion can be digested!

Who could it be...Adam, the God of Knowledge, or the Goddess of Night?

So far, Adam has not shown how familiar he is with Liu Bo... So, the latter two are more likely!

Moreover, this arrangement method of deliberately withholding information, letting me investigate on my own, and then releasing the truth when a certain level is reached, giving me the opportunity to "insight", is indeed like those two...

After thinking about this clearly, Abner no longer struggled with this - after roughly clarifying the purpose of paying attention to his own gods, he now does not have the same fear as before.

After all, Abner is such a big-hearted person.

"No wonder there are different factions within the Church of the Eternal Burning Sun on matters of faith... This should be a continuation of the spiritual struggle between Oseikus and God!

"And when the awakened part of God's spirit enters the 'unknown land' and loses contact with reality, 'Osykus' condition should be much better... but it is impossible to completely get rid of the influence.

"Well, no wonder I felt that there was something wrong with the 'Eternal Fierce Sun' before... I'm afraid that in the era when 'Liu Bo' came out to act, his mental state would not be very good. After all, every time the 'Pure White Eyes' is turned on, It is equivalent to the remaining spirit of 'God' in the 'Unknown Land' that will once again connect with reality..."

Abner made another deliberate guess in his mind, but this time there was no feedback.

He was not disappointed, after all, this might mean that his previous speculation about the sudden digestion of the potion was correct.

While Abner was thinking about the problem, "Magic Mirror" Richelieu kept Cecia quiet throughout the whole process and seemed extremely well-behaved. It wasn't until he noticed Abner's eyes turning back to him that he respectfully asked:

"Master, do you have anything else to ask?"

Abner did still have a lot of questions that he had accumulated in the past, so after hearing his words, he said directly: "Russell uses you, Andre, the former patriarch of the 'God of War Church', and the last member of the Sauron family to What is the purpose of the sword, mirror, and seal made by the evil spirit of an angel?"

"Magic Mirror" Richelieu recalled for a moment and organized his speech to answer: "Swords, mirrors, and seals are items that symbolize the power of the emperor in the culture and history of some civilizations, or are related to the power of the emperor...

“Although I was confused at the time and don’t have much memory, I think that the three items Russell created, including me, were preparations for the ‘Emperor of Knowledge’ ceremony.

"But I don't know the specific requirements of the 'Emperor of Knowledge' ceremony, so I can't be sure..."

The ritual of the "Emperor of Knowledge"? It is indeed possible... After all, the emperor of knowledge is also an "emperor" and has corresponding symbols...

Abner nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "Then what is the purpose of the 'Seal of Disaster' instigating Russell to build you?"

This was what he really wanted to ask. After all, whatever purpose Russell had in the first place was no longer relevant. The "Disaster Seal"'s future layout was the focus.

However, when faced with Abner's question, Cecia, who was controlled by Richelieu, looked confused: "'Seal of Disaster'? What is that?"

"Have you never seen... no, never heard of the 'Disaster Seal'?" Abner frowned and spoke again.

"Cesia" shook her head slightly and said firmly: "I have never heard of the name 'Disaster Seal'."

Richelieu didn't know... was it because his memory had been erased, or was it that the "Seal of Disaster" had been hidden deeply when he was with Russell, making it difficult for outsiders to see it?

No matter which one it is, it means that the guy is indeed a lyb!

After sighing a few times in his heart, Abner asked about some other things, which greatly enriched his knowledge of the Fourth Age. Then he put away the "magic mirror" and continued to deal with other unfinished matters yesterday.

It stands to reason that after asking about the "Magic Mirror", Abner should go and talk to the twenty-five-year-old "Excalibur", but unfortunately, how could he dare to take it with him when he was not in good condition yesterday?

Therefore, the sword is still in the hands of "Black Knight" Cero Delion.

And Abner, who had just made such a big fuss in Trier, didn't want to return to Intis so soon. He planned to avoid the limelight for a few days, so he had to postpone the conversation with "Excalibur".

Of course, he can actually ask "ancient scholar" Daphne to pull out his historical projection to find the "Excalibur", but the projection cannot connect to the "unknown land" and prepare to shock or further install the "Excalibur" Abner, who was brainwashed by Andre, thought it would be better to wait for the real body to do this.

After postponing the issue of "Excalibur", there are only two things before Abner, and that is how to deal with the two witches...

After releasing the well-behaved and dull "Red Saint" Margaret and the sleepy "Yellow Saint" Natalia from "Alvin's Answer Maze", Abner observed their status. I couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If Abner's original intention is to follow, there are no innocent witches in the witch sect, so they should be killed directly.

But after all, Margaret is a descendant of the "God of Luck" and the "Queen of Natural Disasters". She is also a "spy" sent by the "Men in Black" into the Witch Sect, and most of the people she kills are extraordinary people. Although Still stained with a lot of innocent blood, but...

Well, Abner couldn't even make it up himself.

He spurned his own double standards, but felt that the previous treatment of "Lieutenant General Disease" Tracy could be used as a reference... Let her become a puppet worse than death, and perhaps do good deeds to atone for her sins. A more appropriate punishment.

Anyway, the lifespan of the "Eternal Witch" is long enough, and it won't be too late to set her free after doing good deeds for hundreds or thousands of years.

As for the "Yellow Saint" Natalia... it would be better to get rid of the evil witch who is full of evil as soon as possible for spreading this "disaster"!

Well, once my secret technique is completely completed, Alvin's body is retrieved and he successfully advances to "Miracle Master", then the "Yellow Saint" can be made into a "Secret Puppet".

Before that, let Him sleep in the breath of the "River of Eternal Darkness".

Thinking of this, Abner condensed the light of the "sun" in his hand, pointed it at Margaret's forehead, and performed the secret technique he had used on Daphne.



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