Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 211 Reactions from all parties

Intis, Trier.

The current head of the Sauron family, "War Bishop" Ciri, sat at the head of a long table, and on his left and right sides sat a middle-aged man with distinctive red hair.

The three of them are all demigods and are the current apparent controllers of the Sauron family.

Under the three of them, there are more than a dozen direct family elites who have developed in various walks of life. Most of them are already "reapers", and only a few are still wandering around as "conspirators".

Of course, the Sauron family also has members who serve in the "Eternal Burning Sun" church, and even became "Undark Ones" and became archbishops, but they are no longer part of the family's core circle and are not qualified to attend the "highest meeting" related to the family's development. Meeting".

As the actual controller of the family, "War Bishop" Ciri's clean and beardless face showed no obvious emotions at this time, and her deep black eyes were also unconcerned, but everyone who looked at him , you can feel the excitement in his heart.

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Taste, and Your Excellency Rubin, after collecting the information, it has been confirmed that the top leaders of the Delien family, except for Owen and Sello who are on the run, the rest of the tribesmen who stayed in Trier have all been wiped out... "

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Tast, and Your Excellency Rubin, the Ministry of War, under the supervision of the Church of Steam and the Church of the Eternal Sun, has begun to eliminate the personnel deployed by the Delien family. We took the opportunity to seize many important positions... …”

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Tast, and Your Excellency Rubin, the navy has also received a cleanup order, but some warships have not returned to port yet. The members of the Delien family on board have probably received the news... But we have already A wanted order was issued and some adventurers were summoned to prevent them from crossing Feysac with their ships and leaving the military with no time to pursue them..."

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Taste, Your Excellency Rubin, the members of Congress supported by the Church of Steam and the Eternal Sun Church have jointly issued a proposal to declare a state of emergency in the Republic, and our people have also responded... If we launch a new one now We do not have an advantage in choosing the prime minister."

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Taste, and Your Excellency Rubin, the two major churches have the intention to restore the position of the Grand Consul, but there are no regulations on how to restore it specifically..."

"Your Excellency Shirley, Your Excellency Taste, Your Excellency Rubin, and the Surrey family are building momentum for the 'Saint of Toulon' while also contacting us privately to explain that they have no intention of running for prime minister... However, they contacted us We should not be the only ones...

"I think Elaine's 'Film and Television Company' should be asked to stop supporting Fanny Sari. If she doesn't agree, we can consider directly acquiring or taking over the company. After all, its owner is a noble of Loen..."

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Taste, and Your Excellency Rubin, it has been confirmed that the person who solved yesterday's 'Abyss Coming' incident was not the angel of the church, but the helper brought in by Russell's daughter Bernadette..."

"Your Excellency Xirui, Your Excellency Tust, and Your Excellency Rubin, at the same time as yesterday's 'Abyss Coming' incident occurred, the demigods of the Witch Cult raided the Delien family, but were defeated by Owen Delien. It is said that there The 'Eternal Witch' fell into Owen's hands..."

As family members report back one after another, the context of the incident and the possible subsequent consequences gradually become clear.

"Bernadette Gustave? She was one of the people who blocked the abyss yesterday? Has she been promoted to an angel?" Rubin, the younger "Iron Knight" sitting on the right side of the head, said in surprise.

"I'm afraid so... I was at the scene yesterday, so it's definitely her fault..." "War Bishop" Tast, on the left side of the picture above, sighed slightly, "She looks almost the same as she did 180 years ago. Change."

But as her former "best friend", she has grown into the appearance of a middle-aged man.

Si Rui, who was sitting at the head of the table, knocked on the table at this time, looked at Taster, and said after considering: "Among the people who fought alongside Bernadette yesterday, apart from the vampire with obvious characteristics, the other one should be Bonova. Your Highness...

"Will their joining forces be a precursor to the Gustav family returning to the power game of the Republic?"

Although Ciri is the head of the family, she is not very old and does not know much about Russell's two children, so she can only seek advice from Taster, who has experienced the "Caesar" era.

And precisely because he has not experienced the Sauron family's transition from prosperity to decline, he doesn't have much dislike for Russell, and even admires him a little.

His attitude has also indirectly affected the thinking of a large part of the family, so the current Sauron family is not as crazy as previous generations in denying everything Russell did.

As for Tust, before he was a demigod, he was Florent's youngest daughter, and he had been very close to the Russell family. Although he hated each other's betrayal, he had no ill feelings toward Bernadette.

After thinking for a while while recalling, Taste shook his head and said: "The church killed her father, and Bernadette will never cooperate with them!

"This time, she should just be protecting her hometown."

Shiri Soren believed in the judgment of the family elder. He nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the family elite who served as minister in the military department and said: "You don't need to get involved in the vacancies in the navy for the time being. You will try your best to fight for the army." As long as we have control... Even if there is a war in the future, there is a high probability that it will not be at sea."

After the family member responded respectfully, he turned to several elites in Congress and ordered: "Agree to all the conditions of the Surrey family. We now need the support of them and the forces behind them, otherwise we will definitely not be able to compete in 'Eternity'." Candidates promoted by Lieyang's Church.

"Whether it is the Prime Minister or the Grand Consul, we must strive to win it."

The "elite" who proposed to take possession of the "film and television company" wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Xiri with a wave of her hand: "Don't think that just because Elaine has no backing, you can do anything to her 'film and television company'!

"Not to mention that she is now a 'conspirator' and is no weaker than any of you. The Abner Brain behind her is even more difficult for you to provoke.

"That is a favored person of the gods, and the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth is not without power in Trier!

"The blood angels who appeared yesterday are most likely followers of the Mother Earth Goddess.

"So, put away your petty thoughts,"

Listening to the solemn and stern words spoken by the family leader, it was obvious that even he attached great importance to the new nobleman of Loen. Naturally, the other members were awe-inspiring and did not dare to say anything more.

The meeting continued and ended after several hours of discussion.

After all the others had left, "Iron Knight" Rubin looked at the head of the family and asked doubtfully: "Why do you pay so much attention to that 'hero detective'?"

Ciri glanced at the two family demigods, and then said meaningfully: "Because this is the order of the 'ancestors'."

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Loen, deep inside Thordrak Palace.

King George III is also discussing the changes in Intis with William Augustus, Drink Augustus and other core family members.

As an ally, the "Black Saint" Medea was invited to observe.

"After seeing the images sent back by our spies in Intis, I can confirm that the ones blocking the 'Abyss' are Roselle's children, and the other one is Rhine Carenldia... But he has already It has been destroyed by the 'Eternal Fierce Sun', so it should be just a 'historical projection'." William Augustus I, who has lived from the Fourth Age to the present, said solemnly, "As for the figure that appears in the 'Arc de Triomphe', it is a historical projection. Sent Miranda, an Archon of Death!”

"So, what exactly happened in Intis? Why did such a terrible incident suddenly break out?" Drink Augustus also frowned.

At this time, after thinking for a while, George III looked at the "Black Saint" who was invited to listen, and asked in a calm tone: "Your Highness the Saint, I heard how many members of the 'Witch Sect' were there at the time of the incident. A saint is besieging the Delien family... You should know the inside story, right?"

The "Black Saint" rolled her beautiful eyes and responded with a smile: "How could I know the inside story?

"But why don't you ask Owen? According to the information reported by the 'White Saint', he called several angels, including the former Pope Richelieu of the Eternal Sun, to kidnap the 'Yellow Saint' Female' and 'Red Saint'..."

Owen? You can really try to ask... George III and several family angels looked at each other for a few times, then nodded and said: "I will notify Vera later and ask her to try to understand the situation or arrange a meeting."

In the villa at 28 Kingston Street.

After sending Lilith away, Abner took the small "scepter" that turned back into a chopstick and waved it in his hand a few times. He found that it had no other ability except to strengthen a person's physical strength. He was finally satisfied. nod.

This is much more reliable than his previous "seal"... You know, when he first brought the little "scepter" home, it almost lost its temper and caused a tragedy in which all the women on the street became "pregnant" .

Well, the reason why it is called a "tragedy" is because Abner "insighted" that if those children are successfully conceived, their future appearance will be similar to his...

Just thinking about it made Abner feel his scalp numb, and then he sent the little "scepter" above the gray fog in time.

Fortunately, I don’t have this worry now. As long as I breastfeed regularly, it won’t be a big problem.

After complaining a few words in his mind, Abner recalled his last conversation with Lilith and thought to himself thoughtfully:

"As I expected, the 'God of Luck' is indeed a member of the 'Rose of Redemption'... Well, if it is true that the earlier 'I' travel, the younger I am, he should not have had the 'Lord of Mysteries' at that time related memories...

"And when Sasril invited Him, he might not have used the 'unknown' mind in it."

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly realized that someone had pulled out his own projection from the pores of history.

who is it? Daphne? Klein? Or someone else?

While guessing in his mind, he also developed his "eye of wisdom" and passed his consciousness along the connection.


Kevin, it's a little late



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