Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 213 Abner’s speculation

Abner's dizziness did not last long. He regained consciousness after about half a minute.

However, due to the "strike" of the "intelligent eyes", he was still in a slight "overload" state and somewhat unconscious.

Of course, it could also be that the fragrance of Xio's arms made him so greedy that he subconsciously didn't want to leave...

However, as a "Punishing Knight", Hugh Dilcha was naturally aware of everything within the "jurisdiction", so he immediately discovered the fact that Abner had woken up.

Xio wanted to let go of his hand, but suddenly he saw that Abner looked a bit "stupid", and couldn't help but feel strange: Abner always looked "erudite" and "confident", and he showed a dull expression like this It's really rare.

"It's a pity that I don't have a camera at hand..."

Xio muttered regretfully, then picked up Abner and put him on the bed in the bedroom.

——With the physical quality of the "Punishing Knight", Abner's weight is nothing.

Taking advantage of such a minute, the "intelligent eyes" have gone back to work and started to complete the tasks assigned by Abner before. The "overload" state has finally subsided.

Abner rubbed his forehead to relieve his headache. Then he recalled the hard touch just now and asked Xio at the bedside: "Are you wearing a breastplate?"

After the words came out, Abner's still not very bright brain realized what he had asked, and immediately added: "I mean, is your mission today dangerous? Why are you wearing inner armor under your clothes?"

Xio glanced at him angrily, not delving into the "irregularity" that her friend often showed, and just nodded:

"There is a certain danger... I tracked 'Sherman' before and briefly fought with the 'Witch' Triss..."

"Triss?" Abner was not surprised by this, because he had already "insighted" the answer before he spoke. "You and her goals should be the same, so you have temporarily cooperated?"

Xio rolled her eyes at him again and said angrily: "Asking while pretending not to know is meaningless!"

Although she didn't know that Abner had been promoted to "Insighter", her unreasonable "intelligence" ability had always impressed her.

Xio paused here and then asked, "By the way, what happened to you at home during the day? Why did you faint suddenly?"

Hearing this question, Abner's mind flashed to the murals he saw in the original island church. He became serious for a moment, but then relaxed his body, shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I just went to help." The World' and 'The Hanged Man' are doing a favor, I'm just a little tired..."

Xio knew her best friend very well. When she heard this statement, she knew that he told the truth, but not the whole truth.

But she also knew in her heart that if it suited what she knew, Abner would generally not conceal it, so she did not expose the other party. She only looked at her friend deeply, then skipped the topic, took out a small bottle from her pocket and handed it to him. He said: "It's for you."

"What is this?" Abner asked casually after taking it without using his "insight" ability.

"This is a potion made from 'mummy powder'..." Xio said seriously while suppressing a smile.

"Mummy powder..." Abner only felt that he was offended, and couldn't help but look back at Hugh, and said "viciously", "Dear Miss Hugh Dilcha, what is your motivation for buying such a thing?" Give me?"

"I didn't buy this!" Xio shook his head, covered his mouth and smiled, "This is what a friend of yours asked me to give to you after he happened to meet me..."

As she said that, she turned her head and glanced in the direction of the living room before continuing: "I didn't want to give it to you... but I heard that you had a private meeting with a visiting lady from morning to evening, so I thought you should use it. Get it.”

Abner's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this, and he immediately understood the next second, and said lightly: "It turns out that Darkwill returned to Backlund...

"This guy's 'hunter' skills have really improved. He can 'taunt' me from afar without even meeting me!"

After saying that, he destroyed the potion in front of Xio to prove his "innocence".

Next, the two of them had a habitual quarrel, and they stopped until Forsi came back, preparing to clean themselves up and then join Forsi for dinner.

After Xio left his bedroom, Abner's originally happy expression gradually subsided. While going to the bathroom to fill the water and take a combat bath, he thought about the mural he had seen before.

“Without a doubt, that was the birth of ‘Unknown’.

“It turns out that the symbol of ‘unknown’ comes from ‘original’…

"That's right, the 'origin' in the mysterious world is the source of everything. Since the 'unknown' has this symbol and conforms to the rules of the 'mysterious' world, it must also be part of the 'initial'.

“It’s just that ‘unknown’ is completely opposite to ‘omniscient’. This symbol is ‘big’ enough, ‘big’ enough to fill a ‘pillar’!

"But after all, He is just an 'original' emotion, a spiritual imprint... empty of symbols and personality, but lacks the corresponding essence and characteristics... In other words, it is just an 'empty shell' of the past without power.

“If this conjecture is correct, then the motivation behind ‘Unknown’ repeatedly throwing ‘I’ into reality will be clear...

“He wants me to try my best to collect suitable characteristics, uniqueness, and even essence, and then bring them back to the ‘unknown’ after death, so that the ‘unknown’ can be filled into the genuine ‘old days’.

"The so-called 'Unknown Land' should have been formed during this period...

"No wonder the first time I deduced the name of 'Pure White Eyes', I came to the conclusion that the 'unknown land' is not in the spiritual world, not in the star world, nor in reality, but an 'unknown' region within this universe...

"I don't know which pathway this 'unknown land' is the 'unknown' embodiment of? Well, the initial release of 'unknown' must be relatively random, not necessarily on the earth, maybe it is the sequence pathway of an alien planet." Not allowed.

“It’s just that the ‘I’ at that time would not leave a mark, and there was no way to integrate memories, so everything was ‘unknown’.

“But the ‘Unknown’ launch plan had a big flaw during the ‘God of Luck’ period.

"Because the 'God of Luck' had his own ideas after getting the 'Box of God', and not only deflected the 'unknown' delivery method, but also combined with the status of the special souls in the 'Box of God', so that the follow-up Every 'I' who has achieved divinity will turn into a 'soul stone' state after death.

"And this state is not really 'dead', so it will not bring the characteristics back to the 'unknown land'..."

"Except for the 'Disaster Seal'!

"Only after its 'death', it entered the 'unknown land' with its 'conqueror' characteristics... Fortunately, it was blocked by the illusory 'sun' transformed into a 'pure white angel', and did not directly merge into the 'unknown' .

“The difference between the ‘Disaster Seal’ and other ‘Liu Bo’s’ is that it is a Sequence 1 level sealed object.

"Well, Sealed Artifacts shouldn't be the focus... Sequence 1 is!

"I'm afraid Sequence 1 is the warning line set by 'Unknown' for the 'soul' I released like this.

"Once you exceed it, you will always be assimilated by the 'unknown'!

"That's right, for 'Owen', I also synchronize it regularly...'Unknown' cannot have no restrictions.

"As for the so-called 'threshold' of Sequence 3, it should be an early warning line, only worthy of allowing the 'unknown' to open their eyes and take a look...

“Hey, the most I can think of is this, no matter how much ‘insight’ I have, I will be on strike again…

"Haha, as my 'eye of wisdom', this is unlikely to be their spontaneous behavior after receiving a spiritual warning...

"So, is it the 'God of Knowledge' who is using the authority of this path to place restrictions on me?"

Thinking of this, Abner sighed slightly, then got up from the bathtub, got dressed and went downstairs to the restaurant.

During this period, he thought about another question:

"What is the purpose of Adam letting me see this mural?"

"Of course Adam is showing his kindness...or in other words, he is compensating you for the actions he took during the life of the 'Machine Emperor'!

"You are in the best condition in this life. You have passed the 'threshold' of Sequence 3 perfectly, and you are very hopeful of breaking through the shackles of Sequence 1!

“So, there are some things that I have to let you know while the ‘unknown’ alert level is not yet high...

“And Adam, who has not been contaminated by the ‘unknown’, is the best candidate!

"And He doesn't need to do anything. He just arranges it and places the murals there. The rest is all up to you to 'see' it."

For safety reasons, Lilith, who had never left No. 28 Kingston Street, thought secretly.

At around 7 o'clock on Friday evening, Klein, neatly dressed, brought his wife "Sharon" and valet Ludwell to the house of his neighbor, Congressman Macht, to attend a dance held at his house.

After the opening dance, while holding Sharon's arm and eating various delicacies at the venue, Klein declined the invitation to dance when he suddenly saw a familiar face walking towards him.

Alan Kress!

The well-known surgeon held his wife, who also had a tall belly, looking for delicious food just like him.

Pregnant woman... Klein's heart moved and he greeted her with a smile on his face.


Please give me a monthly ticket. I have to get Minghuo’s monthly ticket to 2,000 this month.



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