"Who...are you?" The "heart" of the "Death", or the voice of the former "God of War" Gunter, sounded directly in Abner's heart.

This voice is complex and unspeakable, sometimes hoarse, sometimes messy, sometimes like babble, sometimes like singing...

However, the various "desire" thoughts that accompanied it were completely intercepted by the "Pure White Eyes" and did not have any impact on Abner.

In response, Abner smiled and said: "It seems that even if you are 'cautious', you are still very dishonest!"

At this moment, "Qiu Sui Hao" also discovered that his ability could not break through the opponent's mind at all, and he even vaguely sensed danger from the depths of his mind... as if the "sun"-like protection in his eyes was not protecting the person in front of him. Young people are protecting themselves.

"Who are you?" "Suihao" repeated the previous question.

Abner withdrew his right hand from the ugly "heart", took out his handkerchief and wiped it, and then said meaningfully: "Who am I? Haha, you probably thought that you had taken refuge in the 'Mother Tree of Desire'. Can you get rid of the means I originally reserved?"

Hearing this, the heart of the "Sad Death" beat violently for several times, making the "Immortal King" Agarito and other pirates on the deck almost unsteady. They thought there was an enemy attack, but after being alert for a while, they realized that it was a false alarm. One game.

"'Oliver Constantine'?!" At this time, the heart of "The Death" also read out the name it hated so much.

Hearing the other party's tone, Abner was also slightly startled. He didn't quite understand where the "Qiu Sui Hao" came from so much hatred for him.

Could it be that Torzina's intelligence was wrong? It was not that the evil spirit came to the hands of the "God of Luck" after the "God of War" was killed, but "I" killed Him?

Well, the "God of War"... is most likely an ancient god with the extraordinary characteristics of the "Hunter" path... Wait, Yaluolan once said, I actually planned the "Disaster Seal" very early on Try, for this reason, he also specially helped the ancestors of the Sauron family to be promoted to Sequence 1 "Conqueror".

Did the "Conqueror" trait that eventually became the "Seal of Disaster" come from the predecessor of the "Summer"?

If it is true, then "God of War" Gunter is really miserable...Not only were people killed by me, evil spirits were also used for experiments, and even the characteristics extracted were full of calculations...

He was really taken advantage of to the extreme, and the methods were outrageous!

No wonder this guy hates "me" so much... This hatred is probably deeper than the "Glory One" who intercepted and killed me in "Grossell's Travels"~

However, I didn't "insight" into this information just now... Was it the influence of the "Mother Tree"?

Maybe it also hides other secrets.

As his thoughts flashed, Abner didn't care about the increasingly intense emotional fluctuations in the heart of the "Sorrow". He just separated his "eyes of wisdom" and entered the "unknown place". After finding the corresponding "spot", he lightly With a light "touch", the heart calmed down involuntarily.

No matter how hard it tries, it can no longer accumulate the power of "emotion".

——As soon as he put his palm to the surface of his heart, Abner "insighted" into the hidden hand left by the "God of Luck", and quickly activated it, allowing the evil spirit of the "God of War" and the "unknown" to reappear. A connection was made.

"It seems that the 'Mother Tree of Desire' doesn't think much of you!" Seeing how smoothly the process went, Abner sneered.

In fact, this is also true. The level of power that the "Mother Tree of Desire" retains in its body is even worse than that of Miss Sharon, who was only a little polluted and collapsed in the face of the "unknown".

But at this time, "Qiu Sui Hao" could no longer give him any response.

Although it did not completely sink into the "unknown" because of its "angel" nature, it inevitably lost control of its 'body' and its subordinates. It could only watch the guy it hated the most use itself to In the name of the "Immortal King" and his subordinates, he issued an order to kill each other...

On the Future, Cattleya, who had just asked the crew to clean the deck, had not had time to clean the stains on her body, take a shower and change clothes, when she saw Mr. "Tower" appear in the air, and looked like the goblin. The creatures lowered their height together.

Abner did not use his true identity, but still wore the vest of "Professor" to avoid being recognized by Cattleya and having difficulty explaining.

After all, he was just an ordinary person this time last year.

Although Bernadette knew that the "Tower" was Abner, because he was also involved in the "Disaster Seal", the queen probably would not tell the "Star Admiral".

Seeing that the two "people" were about to fall, Cattleya first sent away the other crew members on the deck, and then came up to express her gratitude:

"Mr. Tower, thank you for letting this... this lady take care of those mushrooms. She did me a big favor!"

Abner, however, looked embarrassed. After he came back, he had "insighted" into what happened here. The reason why he came to see Cattleya was actually to bring "Rose" to apologize.

——Because the final form of the little "scepter" resembles the "Rosemon" in Digimon, Abner, who was reluctant to name her, simply called her "Rose".

"Actually, I asked this child, Qiangwei, to apologize to you... Because she was greedy, she inadvertently 'manipulated' some of your words and deeds just now..."

Abner said, pinching "Rose" and letting it immediately remove the influence on "Star Admiral".

Cattleya was at a loss at first, but when she met "Rose"'s watery eyes, she suddenly realized:

Yeah, am I crazy? You actually want to help Frank buy the 'Druid' trait after he caused such a big mess?

Even if you buy it for him in the end, you have to wait until he is punished to make him realize the danger...Immediately agree to buy it for him. Isn't this a disguised way of encouraging him to let "Future" spray milk?

So, the decision I just made was the result of this goblin-like little guy?

Thinking of this, her eyes looked at "Rose" full of fear.

Seeing this, Abner coughed and said: "This child likes to drink the milk that Frank made, so I want him to go further...

"Anyway, I apologize for her ignorance and am willing to make amends."

As he spoke, he pulled out a card, unsealed a head from it and handed it over.

Cattleya subconsciously took it, and then she saw clearly what the "Tower" gave her! She couldn't help but feel a little speechless. If she hadn't gained experience in her pirate career in the past few years, she was already used to these "scary" things. If she were still next to the queen, she would probably scream now.

But she soon no longer had the mind to think about those messy things, because at this time she had already recognized the owner of the head in her hand:

"'Immortal King' Agaritu?

"You killed him?!"


It’s too late to code~~ Let’s do this first



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