Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 224 Before Resurrection

After sorting out the relevant content of the secret technique, Abner recalled his impression of the "God of Luck" extracted from the memory of "The Death", or the "God of War" Gaunt, but he sighed again tone.

“Cruel, cunning, despicable, and lascivious… this is what the ‘God of War’ says about the ‘God of Luck’…

"Although this evaluation is definitely biased from the enemy's perspective, it can generally reflect the status of the 'God of Luck'.

"Well, the 'me' who traveled through time to the 'God of Luck' is probably 'Liu Bo' when he was still in high school.

"At that time, 'I' was still relatively middle school, and because I was exposed to Internet literature and was very energetic, I always had many rosy fantasies about other worlds...

"And because 'Liu Bo' is an angel, and as an ancient god with mixed paths, he is heavily influenced by divinity and the 'unknown', this character has become one of his few human qualities. Deliberately magnified by Him...just like the little snake is always obsessed with ice cream.

"The outward manifestation is that the 'God of Luck' is sometimes a bit average, and is willing to hang out among multiple goddesses and make 'friends' with them.

"In addition, He is still an ancient god, and he is still an ancient god contaminated by the 'unknown'... He has done many cruel things that I would not do at all now...

"Not to mention anything else, just looking at the tragic experience of the 'God of War', you know that something was definitely not right with him at that time...

"It stands to reason that at that time, the 'God of Luck' had already cooperated with the 'Queen of Natural Disaster' Coshnam to eliminate the redundant characteristics, and there were still many elven survivors, and his anchors were sufficient, so the influence of 'divine nature' was not It should be that big...

“So, is it ‘unknown’?

"What exactly is the manifestation of the 'unknown' influence? Does the character of the contaminated person also remain in an 'unknown' state?"

When he thought that he would face the same problem in the future, Abner could no longer sleep and was filled with irritation.

He appeared on the roof of the villa in a "flash", looking at the crimson in the night sky, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, Xio and Forsi also appeared on the roof. They walked up to Abner, looked at each other, and sat on either side of him.

Forsi had always had the habit of working on manuscripts late at night, and when he had no inspiration, he would come to the roof to blow in the air. But today, he unexpectedly discovered that Abner was worried, so he quietly went back and pulled Xio over, intending to enlighten him together.

No, it was too much to say that she was enlightening. She knew that there was nothing she and Hugh could do about the things that would bother Abner, but they could still do it by comforting him.

Abner had discovered them a long time ago but did not stop them. He really needed comfort now.

"What are you thinking about?" Xio on the left asked.

Abner was silent for a few seconds and asked: "If the me in the future no longer looks like me... but it is indeed me... I have my memories and my feelings for you... what will you do? ?”

"Of course I want to find the lost you! Only you are the Abner we know, and only you are our friends!" Xio replied without hesitation.

Forsi on the other side also nodded and said: "Yes, you are the only one worthy of us coming to the rooftop in the middle of the night to enlighten you!"

Having said this, she paused and then asked: "Did you encounter any problems? If so, why not ask Mr. Fool for help?"

"The Fool"... He can't protect his own future! Maybe my situation is better than him...

Although he slandered, the unhesitating and firm tone of Xio and Forsi really made Abner feel much better, and the trace of "weakness" that had just arisen was thrown out of his mind.

After all, Abner is such an optimistic person.

And it was only then, by looking at himself, that Abner discovered that his "insight" into the "Sad Death", even with the protection of the "Pure White Eyes", was not without side effects...

It actually used this connection to influence itself and shake its confidence despite being at an absolute disadvantage.

He is indeed a "devil" who is good at playing with people's hearts! He is worthy of being the former "God of War" and the top "conspirator"!

Sure enough, no angel is simple. Even if there are only evil spirits left, even if they are controlled by the backhand reserved by "I", they must not be underestimated!

After sighing a few words secretly, Abner's spirit also cheered up. After all, he was not alone. He had many good friends.

"Thank you." Abner stretched out his hand, held the hands of his friends on both sides, and said sincerely.

Next, the three of them lay down on the roof while talking and laughing, and enjoyed the night together.

Thursday, June 2nd.

Backlund, Hillston District, Seventh Avenue.

Defoe, the former captain of the "Purifying Light" team and the "notary" of Sequence 6, and Ms. Darcy, the former member of the "Mechanical Heart" team and the "appraiser" of Sequence 7, came together to a man named Islan. In front of the special psychiatrist's house.

As for "Sun Priest" Dorn, another member of "Purifying Light", he has not come over for the time being because he has to take care of his elderly parents.

Moreover, his psychological problems are not as serious as the other two, and he is the type who can leave them alone without harming others.

In fact, "Notary" Defoe's condition was not bad at first, but when he returned home, he found that all his relatives were dead, and even his wife and son were killed in an accident. This was a huge blow to him... If he hadn't had companions and had not repaid the debts he owed to Mr. Blaine and Grossell and others who had helped him, he would have committed suicide long ago.

The only woman among the three, "appraiser" Darcy, has the most serious symptoms on the surface. Her son has grown up, not only has a successful career, but also has a very harmonious family, which makes her very happy to see him from a distance.

And after the relief, there was crazy jealousy of the woman who appeared in his son's life.

She knew this was wrong, but she just couldn't restrain this impulse... After all, she kept living in the dark dream, a large part of the reason was to see her son again... But her son obviously no longer needs her... This caused The hole in her heart.

The two took the address Abner gave them and after confirming that the house number was correct, they rang the doorbell of Esilante's house.

Audrey, who had been notified by Mr. "Tower" in advance, was already waiting here with Susie and bag-carrying assistant Miss Islant - although Susie was a little reluctant to go with Islant.

The moment the two patients entered the room, Audrey used the "Depravity Box" to pull them into their dreams and began her treatment.

Abner, who secretly followed the two here, saw that with the help of Audrey and Susie's abilities, Defoe and Darcy gradually shed tears of relief from the corners of their eyes, and then began to cry bitterly. He knew that they had been "redeemed", so He no longer cared about this side, but took a deep breath and walked towards St. Samuel's Cathedral in the North District.

The "secret technique" for resurrecting his past self has been deduced this morning. Although he has not practiced it, Abner has a premonition that the matter cannot be postponed any longer.

Among all the "selves", "Alvin Abraham" must be resurrected first, because only he can create more "miracles" to resurrect more of himself.

So, what Abner has to do now is to try to enter the Kingdom of Darkness again!

And this is not difficult, just sneak into Chanis Gate and come into contact with the sealed object "0-17".



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