Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 227 Miracle Master

"Abner..." After answering the goddess's question, Abner paused before continuing, "Also Alvin."

Through the large-scale RPG game "Alvin's Memory" that he had just completed, Abner knew that "Wanderer" Alvin, or "himself" in that life, had a very good relationship with the goddess.

In comparison, "Abner" is just accepting "gifts" unilaterally.

Of course, now Abner is Alvin; Alvin is also Abner... Although Abner is the main one, there is no difference in essence. Just as Alvin said before disappearing, everything he had was given to Abner. Buna.

At this time, Abner thought for a while and asked thoughtfully: "The leader of the 'Royal Faction' of the Spiritual Religion, the 'Pale Queen' Shia Palenque Eggers, is your incarnation?"

Although Alvin, the "protagonist" in the "game" just now, did not notice this, Abner, who could pause the "plot" at any time and investigate various intelligences, found some clues.

It was after Alvin traveled to the Southern Continent and helped Shia Palenque Eggers become an angel that the goddess paid attention to him.

"Yes, Shia is a container created by Vicente using his and Gregory's blood, combined with the method of 'creation', to help me grasp the uniqueness of the 'God of Death' and the 'River of Eternal Darkness' A tributary. After that, I separated a part of my spirit that was contaminated by the 'unknown' and put it into a container, and used '0-08' to give her a personality." The goddess smiled and nodded without denying, "But even though it is a container, it is also a container. Still unable to escape the erosion of the 'River of Eternal Darkness', similar to the son of Death, he will die every few hundred years and lose most of his memory.

"And when she met Alvin, it happened to be when she lost her memory."

Sure enough, you have long been involved in the path of "God of Death"... but up to now you have not integrated the uniqueness of "God of Death" and just let the incarnation container take charge. I am afraid it is because the main trunk of "River of Eternal Darkness" is still sealed by "Origin Castle". There's no way to accommodate it...and you want to advance to the Old Ones in the "correct" order!

The transfer of the spirit polluted by the "unknown" to Shia will not only reduce the "unknown" pollution you are subject to, but it can also resist the erosion of the tributaries of the "River of Eternal Darkness". It really kills two birds with one stone.

Oh, by the way, the reason why "I" in that life happened to meet you while traveling in the Southern Continent was probably also the aggregation effect of "unknown".

Thinking of this, many of the questions Abner had accumulated in the past were answered, but there were still a few doubts that he had not "insighted" into the answer to, so he asked again: "Then, why did you 'hint' me to pray to you before? Did retrieving the soul of the 'Desperate Nightingale' from the 'River of Eternal Darkness' reveal the secret you had hidden for many years?"

When asked, the goddess said with a little smile: "We have to reveal some information to alert the giant and force him to make up his mind.

"You know, after Vicente entered the depths of Calderon City to sleep, Badheir conducted several explorations there, but nothing could be done.

"After all, it is the 'Origin', even if it is incomplete, it is enough to make the true god sink.

"And he doesn't know the existence of 'Liu Bo'... In his view, the only thing that can take back the power of the 'God of Death' from the River of Eternal Darkness is the 'mystery' of the future.

“So, my previous manipulation of the ‘River of Eternal Darkness’ could only allow it to sense the changes in ‘Calderon City’.

"His response to this was to send out extraordinary people from the church's 'Sleepless Ones' and 'Corpse Collectors' pathways to monitor the surrounding areas of 'Calderon City'... The couple you rescued in Tingen City are currently... performing this task.

"After you complete the ceremony to be promoted to 'Miracle Master' in a while, you will definitely attract the world's attention... And you will enter here tomorrow, and Zhou who has obtained the formula of 'Miracle Master' will naturally be noticed by those who are interested.

"The 'real soul of the spiritual world plunderer', one of the main materials of the 'Cunning Mage', only exists in Calderon City, so Zhou Zai will definitely enter that spiritual world city in the future..."

The goddess stopped talking at this point, but Abner completely understood the other party's plan and suddenly said:

"I am afraid that Klein's 'mysterious' aura cannot be hidden from the gods. His entry into Calderon City and the unusual movements of the 'River of Eternal Darkness' will inevitably make the God of War and other beings misunderstand that you are cultivating 'mysteries' to help you get To Vicente's legacy, and the authority of 'Death'!

"In fact, you have been in charge of the 'God of Death' for more than a thousand years. Although you have not tolerated it, your control over it is probably far beyond the imagination of the God of War.

"No wonder you insist on Klein coming to the Kingdom of Darkness. This is to solidify your cooperative relationship with Mystery.

"In addition, the Abraham family was born at this time, and Alvin was promoted to an angel. This will confuse the situation and make other gods uncertain. I don't know if you are supporting me to become a 'Secret', or you are muddying the water and covering Klein."

The goddess was noncommittal to Abner's guess, and instead asked: "Has Zaratul's historical projection been completely contaminated and assimilated after entering the 'unknown land'?"

Abner was stunned for a moment, then realized something and nodded: "Yes, because it is just a projection, so after several months of constant erosion, he has been completely controlled by me.

"It's just that his body is completely crazy, and the projection can no longer exert any power."

The goddess nodded slightly and said calmly: "You can release that projection, stay here, and be a... mission NPC for Zhou."

"Are you trying to create the illusion that 'Zarath' was also released?" Abner guessed thoughtfully after hearing the song and knowing its elegant meaning.

"After you become a 'Miracle Master', with the help of the 'projection' of Zarath that you have assimilated, it is not difficult to pull out a real Zarath from the pores of history..."

"Moreover, you have a projection to cover you up, and no one can tell if you transform into 'Zarath'... Even Amon, unless his true form comes... the clone cannot be 'decrypted'." The goddess spoke softly. responded.

Regarding the goddess's request, Abner thought it was nothing, and nodded directly in agreement.

The other party has helped so much before, and now it is normal for him to repay him a favor, not to mention the friendship between "himself" and "Shia Palenque Eggers".

After the matter was finalized, the goddess seemed to feel that today's exchange was enough, so she stretched out her hand, and then, a huge squirming thing appeared out of thin air in front of the two of them.

This indescribable thing is Zarath after losing control, but it is motionless now, looking extremely well-behaved, as if it is asleep.

"You go ahead and take a copy of Sequence 2. I will control it so that it doesn't wake up easily... I remember that Alvin has 'recorded' many similar methods, and as an 'Insighter', you won't be short of them if you think about it. This kind of ability." The goddess's voice was as soft as a nocturne.

Hearing this, Abner and Alvin pinched their chins at the same time, their movements synchronized.

Then, they... He playfully let himself and himself start "rock, paper, scissors."

Under the somewhat helpless and doting gaze of the goddess, Abner finally won the victory and used a secret technique to "steal" characteristics through the air.

Speaking of which, this developed from "Lion" Leon's secret technique of cutting his own brain.

The success rate of this move is very low, and if it fails, it will inevitably arouse the opponent's alertness. It is difficult to get a chance to use it, and it has little practicality.

But now that there is a goddess who forcibly "coaxes" the monster to sleep, Abner can naturally use it repeatedly until he "steals" it.

About three minutes later, Abner, who had finally "opened" after stealing dozens of times, had an extraordinary property in his hand that was as transparent as a heart and crystal.

Small bubbles pop up from time to time on its surface, and each bubble seems to contain an illusion, making it look extremely dreamy.

Seeing that the main material was in hand, the goddess waved her hand again to make the monster transformed by "Zarath" disappear. Then she took out a vial containing blood and handed it to Abner and said:

"This is the blood of Antigonus. In terms of the effect of blending the potion alone, it is better than Kotar's 'Dark Demonic Wolf'."

What a good sister who was afraid that her brother would be over-nourished, so she bled him! Abner complained silently, then took the vial and began to brew the "Miracle Master" potion.

As for the other two auxiliary materials, "Time Worm" and "Star Worm", they were kindly provided by Flora Jacob and Alvin himself.

Soon, a bottle of dark and deep liquid that seemed to have endless eyes opening at the same time was poured into the prepared container by Abner.

He picked up the container but did not drink it immediately because the ritual of changing paths was not yet completely completed.

Abner thought for a while, and first released the historical projection of "Zarath" from the "Pure White Eye" and asked him to sit in the seat in front of Alvin, and then turned his attention to the page of parchment on the ground. ...To be precise, it is the symbol symbolizing the "Lord of the Dead" inside the second "door" of the parchment.

Seeing this, the goddess shook her head slightly and said: "Now is not a good time to 'resurrection' Vicente..."

I understand that the God of War and the presiding judge have been staring at him, and now that he is resurrected, he is afraid that he will die again... However, after the presiding judge knew that I was Vicente, Rhine, and "The God of Luck" Oliver, he actually Didn't you tell the God of War about this?

The relationship between him and the God of War is probably very subtle...

Well, since the goddess and Lilith let him escape, maybe they were sure that he wouldn't tell the God of War!

From this point of view, it is very likely that He is the "Giant King" Ormir, but why does the blood stained on "1-42" have nothing to do with Him?

In addition, why are the goddess and Lilith so sure that he will not tell anyone... You must know that this involves the core of the goddess's plan, and there is no room for sloppiness... and the goddess and Lilith are by no means lucky existences.

So, there is only one answer. The presiding judge's actions seemed to be autonomous, but they were completely under the control of someone...Adam?

Narrowing his eyes, Abner retracted his distant thoughts, and then nodded to the goddess.

The next moment, Abner and Alvin disappeared from the Kingdom of Darkness and appeared on the main peak of the Honakis Mountains.

The core members of the Abraham family had already been camping here three days ago.

Looking at the Abraham tribe below, Alvin nodded ceremonially to Abner beside him. The latter even pretended to look at him, and then used his illusory "omniscient eye" and "pure white" "Angel" as the fulcrum, leveraged the power, and made a worldwide "broadcast".

Although this "broadcast" can only be "seen" and "heard" by beings above angels, it is enough.

At the same time, in Backlund, in Trier, in St. Milon, and in Feneport City, there were "people" who suddenly stopped their movements and frowned.

"Abraham? This family has given birth to another angel since its ancestors, making the glorious history of the past come into reality again?"

Many beings looked at the scene that suddenly appeared in front of them and muttered to themselves in unison.

At this time, Alvin Abraham picked up the bottle of magic potion without hesitation and poured the liquid inside into his mouth.



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