Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 228 Abner talks about pomp and circumstance

From Sequence 3 of "Gate" to "Sequence 2" of "Fool" across paths, according to Alvin's deduction, not only must the promotion ceremony of "Miracle Master" be completed, but there are also requirements for the ceremony of "Cunning Mage" and "Ancient Scholar" .

That's why Alvin laid a trap more than a thousand years ago. Under the witness of the goddess, he used the "unknown land" to cut off Zaratul's "resurrection" plan, making the angel completely crazy, lose control and turn into a monster. Completed The ritual of the "Cunning Mage".

Therefore, after Alvin's "death", he was isolated from reality in the church of the Kingdom of Darkness for more than a thousand years, exceeding the requirements of the "ancient scholar".

And now, what the "Miracle Master" requested to "bring a forgotten piece of history back to the current era" has also been achieved because of his "resurrection".

After all, as Abraham, the only angel in the long-lost angel family after Mr. "Gate" was exiled, his return meant bringing the glorious history of that family back to the present day.

In short, because the effect of the ritual was quite good, Alvin, or Abner, quickly passed the most dangerous stage, and then his spirit encountered the two anomalies of the promoted angels described in the original work:

An extraordinary characteristic fused with his body, a strong, terrifying, aloof, and irresistible idea seems to have awakened a little, conveying one picture after another, some of which are about the "Miracle Master" Some of the occult knowledge is dust ignited into the sun, and the majestic scenes produced by various stars. They all carry the spiritual imprint of wilderness, indifference, cruelty, madness, condescension, and no emotion, and quickly assimilate Abner's spirit. Let him change his state uncontrollably;

The other type is Alvin's "anchors". There are not many of them, only a few light spots. They all come from the prayers of Abraham family members, but they are obviously not very firm, and the illusory "image" they condense also appears It is quite thin and cannot compete with the divinity in its extraordinary characteristics.

Therefore, soon, divinity completely overwhelmed the "anchors" and compressed them to the extreme, and then it was about to completely assimilate Alvin's spirit.

But Abner wasn't too worried about this and just waited quietly.

Sure enough, just when the divinity in the extraordinary characteristics was about to "succeed", "unknown" breath appeared out of thin air in Alvin's soul. They seemed inconspicuous, but they could turn the pollution of divinity into invisible, and just help “Anchor” balances with divinity…

Seeing this scene, even Abner, who had already known this in Alvin's memory, secretly said "Sure enough", and then thought:

"In Sequence 2, no matter how overbearing the divinity in the characteristics is, the 'anchor' can get spontaneous 'assistance' from the 'unknown', allowing the divinity, anchor, and unknown to be dynamically balanced. That's why Hermes said Wesen Neither Te nor Rhine need an 'anchor' to maintain their humanity very well.

"Well, according to my observation, this should be a manifestation of the 'unknown' authority. He has defined the extra 'pollution' of divinity into an 'unknown' state, causing it to lose its original effect.

"If the pollution of 'anchor' overwhelms divinity, He would probably define the attributes of 'anchor' in this way...

“Speaking of which, the passive effect of ‘Unknown’ should not be unique to Sequence 2, but it was just not reflected before.

"For example, when I 'analyzed' the gray fog at Sequence 8, my spirituality was completely exhausted. Logically speaking, it would cause my own characteristics to be eroded, and there would be signs of losing control... But I just fainted at that time, and the teachers were very surprised by this. He also told me to keep quiet...

“Now it seems that the passiveness of ‘unknown’ is also at work.

"Oh, Russell is keen on balancing the pollution of the three sources. Is he also simulating this state?

"Hey! If it weren't for the fact that every time I live my life, I actually have my own 'mission'. If I don't get promoted for a long time, I will probably encounter various dangers. In fact, staying at Sequence 2 is the most 'comfortable' choice.

"In addition, 'Unknown' provides protection and various conveniences to 'I' in Sequence 2 and below, but it explodes after Sequence 1, assimilating and taking over clones like 'I'... indicating that what he desires is at least the Sequence 1 level. Extraordinary characteristics.”

As his thoughts swirled, Abner confirmed his improved state and digested the occult knowledge he had just acquired:

"The abilities of the 'Miracle Master' are intact, and most of the abilities of the previous 'Wanderer' have been retained. A small part has been combined with the abilities of the 'Soothsayer' path to generate some mutant abilities.

"Among them, the most interesting one is this...well, let's call it the 'Uncanny Realm' for now...

"This ability called 'Uncanny Realm' can distort time and space and create a 'secret' space that is completely isolated from the outside world and cannot interact with information.

"In this space, anything that has been 'recorded' or 'historical projection' can be 'revealed' and can exist for a long time - as long as the spirituality can hold on.

"And as long as someone gets the token of the 'Uncanny Realm' or establishes contact with the owner of the 'Uncanny Realm', they can be 'teleported' in instantly..."

"This ability should be the product of the combination of the 'Secret Space', 'Record' and other abilities that were sublimated by the 'Mystic Mage' and the abilities of the 'Fool' path..."

"Tsk, it's more or less the prototype of the space above the gray fog.

"It's a pity that its degree of 'secretness' is far inferior to that of the 'Origin Castle'. Ordinary people and low- to mid-sequence extraordinary people are fine, but demigods with corresponding means may be able to crack it if they are pulled into the 'Uncanny Realm'. Find a way out.

"Of course, it is impossible for high-sequence extraordinary people to easily establish contact with me and the 'Uncanny Realm'.

"Generally speaking, this is a good way to pretend to be a ghost, but it is not very practical for direct combat.

“But no matter what, ‘I’ am now a genuine ‘Miracle Master’!

"After all, the clone is also me!"

Thinking of this, Abner glanced at the members of the Abraham family at the foot of the mountain. Instead of letting Alvin use "Flash", he pulled out a gorgeous ""car" from the "historical gap", pulled by nine extraordinary creatures. Chariot".

This "chariot" was the vehicle used by the "Goddess of Wealth" that Alvin met on an alien planet when traveling, and now it is just "borrowed" for use.

——In terms of ostentation, Abner has never seen anything that can compare to that alien "goddess".

Of course, she is said to be the "Goddess of Wealth", but she is actually just an angel. Strictly speaking, she can only be regarded as a god... It's just that there is no Sequence 0 on her planet.

Under the main peak of the Honakis Mountains, the only few Sequence 7 Extraordinaries of the Abraham family, as well as some Sequence 8s, gathered here under the call of Dorian and have been camping for two days.

Although they all had doubts about Abner's "prophecy" relayed by Dorian, or even more doubts than they believed, they still chose to come here to welcome the return of "Alvin Abraham".

Because they all know in their hearts that with the current situation of the Abraham family, it will not be long before they are completely wiped out... This is not a pessimistic prediction, but a fact that can be "seen".

Even the most optimistic members of the family can't see any hope of revenge or the dawn of the family's glory again.

Therefore, when Dorian brought the news that Alvin, the ancestor of the family, was about to be promoted to an angel and return, even though most of them were suspicious, they still arranged their backup plans and resolutely gathered under the main peak of the Honakis Mountains to wait. That illusory miracle can really happen.

A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looked like a university professor looked at the tribesmen around him and comforted him:

“It’s only June 2nd, we still have to be patient…

"Moreover, this matter boils down to the apprentice from Dorian... She is the person in the 'prophecy'!"

Hearing this, Dorian's originally anxious mood eased a little, and he smiled and said: "Verdu, I didn't expect you to be more confident than me."

"I firmly believe that the great Abraham family will not restore the glory of the family and return to the top of the North and South continents. I have always believed that this ideal can be realized!" Verdu pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said in a deep voice.

If such an obsession cannot be realized, it may increase the risk of losing control... Dorian frowned and was about to persuade Verdu to stop going too extreme.

But at this time, the two men and two women besides them suddenly raised their heads, and then their eyes widened. They were so surprised that they could only repeat a few words such as "Look" and "Ancestors are on top".

Dorian's spirituality was also touched. He subconsciously looked into the air and saw a chariot that was shining with golden light and decorated with countless treasures. It was slowly descending, pulled by a powerful extraordinary creature that Jiutou had never seen before. Come down.

Sitting on the chariot was a tall, handsome man wearing a gorgeous silk robe.

The man had long black hair and blue eyes, exactly like the ancestor "Alvin Abraham" in the family portrait.

Of course, looks are unreliable, but the spiritual intuition of the "astrologers" and a "1" level sealed artifact in the family convinced them that the man on the chariot also had the blood of Abraham!


"Abner Brain's prophecy turned out to be true!"

"The ancestors of the family have truly become angels!"

"Abraham is about to stand on top of the continent again!"

"Dorian's apprentice is indeed the person in the prophecy. Her news allows us to welcome back our ancestors!"

At this moment, all the Abraham family members became excited, and some even covered their faces and did not let go for a long time.

For them, starting from today, Abraham's suffering is finally over!

After all, an angel is enough to deter the enemies who covet the Abraham family's treasures, and the family's great feud also has hope of revenge.

As for the "full moon gibbering" problem, everyone is optimistic that angels have a solution.

At this moment, the chariot finally landed slowly, and then a blond beauty wearing a transparent gauze dress appeared out of thin air, respectfully opened the door, and welcomed Alvin out of the chariot compartment.

This blonde woman is Natalia, the "Yellow Saint". She has been trapped in a dream since she was contaminated by the water of the "River of Eternal Darkness" during the battle in Trier.

Abner had no good way to deal with her before. Attacking her forcefully might even make her wake up from her dream... But now that Alvin has become a "Miracle Master", there are more methods at his disposal.

Therefore, during the landing, the Sequence 2 "Disaster Witch" had already become Alvin's "Secret Puppet".



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