Sitting in the magnificent and magnificent carriage space, Dorian, Verdu and others were somewhat uneasy.

Although they rely on their family background and are not short of material resources, they are at most middle class, but they have never experienced such a scene.

It's not that they can't do it, but the Abraham family needs to hide it and not be so high-profile, so as not to be remembered by interested people.

After struggling to look away from the "Yellow Saint" Natalia and the other beautiful maids behind her, Dorian swallowed, looked at each other with the family members, and said after careful consideration:

"Ancestor, we want to know what is the root cause of the 'full moon' curse that our family has suffered?"

——It’s not that Dorian, Verdu and others are so lustful, but that in order to create a luxurious character, Abner directly asked the “Yellow Saint” to combine the “Red Saint”, “Blue Saint” and “White Saint”. The projections of "Holy Maiden" and "Desperate Nightingale" were pulled out to serve as maids. Under the superposition of the "charms" of so many high-ranking witches, they did not lose their composure on the spot. This was all because they had suffered from "full moon whispers" all year round and had a strong will.

Abner did not let the marionette change into another appearance, but also retained the appearance and personality of "Yellow Saint" Natalia, and also had the purpose of using this to play the middle and lower orders of the "Soothsayer" path one by one.

The extraordinary characteristics of the "Miracle Master" include a complete set of 9 to 2 characteristics, so you still have to digest them.

In fact, the act of "announcement" to angels all over the world just now, in addition to holding a ceremony, also means playing a "magician".

After all, there were still a few beings who could see through the reason why I did what I did, and they got the "applause" from these audiences.

While thinking endlessly, Abner did not answer Dorian's question directly. Instead, he sighed sadly and asked:

"Do you really want to know the truth? Even if the truth is very cruel?"

When he said this, he deliberately brought some "divine" majesty, which made Dorian, Verdu and others pale. The spiritual intuition from the "astrologer" also told them that the truth may be very important to them. unfriendly.

But this problem has troubled the Abraham family for thousands of years. Dorian and the others felt that they had to figure out the reason even if they died, so they gritted their teeth and said with difficulty:

"Yes, ancestors... we want to know the truth!"

Abner then withdrew his "majesty" and let Dorian, Verdu, Gray, Martha and others in front of him relax.

Then, he sighed and replied: "The so-called 'full moon' curse actually comes from the ancestor... He does not want demigods to appear in the Abraham family again."


"This is impossible!"

"Why did the ancestor do that?"

"Is He crazy?"

After listening to Abner's words, the members of the Abraham family suddenly exploded, blurting out "impossible" one after another, completely unable to believe that their family's misfortunes actually came from their ancestors.

Among them, Verdu's emotions were the most intense. His eyes were bloodshot and he asked with a very ugly face: "Ancestor...why did the ancestor curse us descendants? This does not conform to the logic of mysticism!"

Abner glanced at him and knew that the man who looked like a university professor in the original book would be used by Amon because of his obsession and completely "give away" his ancestor.

But in the final analysis, he is just a pawn of the great beings, and it is not his responsibility.

Facing his question at this time, Abner was not angry. He thought about it and asked:

"Do you know about the pollution that comes from the stars?"

Apart from true gods and angels, when it comes to understanding the starry sky, the Abraham family definitely ranks first. There are countless hints and obscure records left in the family's collection of books.

Verdu frowned, nodded solemnly and said:


"The Ancestor has been polluted by the starry sky, reduced to a puppet, and was finally exiled by the Night Goddess and the Lord of Storms." Abner organized his words and continued to explain, "And the Ancestor also knows that once he escapes from trouble, he will return to reality. , will bring the end of the world, so he takes advantage of the occasional sobriety during the full moon to keep making nonsense to prevent family members from becoming demigods, lest they be bewitched by the puppets in his body and do things that harm the world."

After hearing these words, several "astrologers" from the Abraham family looked at each other. They had considered many possibilities before, but they never expected it to be such a "great" and "noble" reason.

It's just that your actions, the ancestor, are indeed great, but how can we, the younger generations, deserve it?

Some were sad, some understood, some were relieved, and some were angry. For a while, everyone was quiet.

It wasn't until Abner picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea for the third time that Verdu sighed and said:

"So that's the case... But is there a possibility that the real ancestor is asking for help, and the one who prevents us from being promoted is the 'puppet'?"

Abner smiled. Because of his "insight" ability, he had long known that Verdu would have such thoughts, so he replied: "How about the specifics? When you are promoted to demigods, go and listen to the ravings of the ancestor. You’ll know what the content is.”

"But because of the 'Full Moon Curse' we can't continue..." Verdu said this, but suddenly paused, then suddenly looked up at Abner, and said excitedly, "You... you can solve the curse on us. ?”

Dorian and others also reacted at this time and cast their surprised eyes on Abner.

Abner casually took out a few cards and "teleported" them to several "astrologers" and said with a smile: "It is still impossible to completely solve it, but it will not be a problem to protect you on the night of the full moon...

"Well, when the full moon comes, you can hold the card and recite the corresponding incantation on it, and you will be able to enter this strange... well, enter this space that I named 'Yu Yutian'.

"And here, you can isolate yourself from the 'full moon babble'."

Yu Yutian... While chanting this name, Dorian and others subconsciously looked out through the windows of the chariot compartment. They saw that it was pitch black outside and could not see anything.

But even so, their spiritual intuition is telling them that the name "Yu Yutian" contains a deeper mystery.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your protection!" Dorian and Verdu expressed their gratitude in unison, feeling a little more close to this angel-level ancestor who suddenly appeared.

Abner nodded and continued: "As for the other tribesmen, I can't take care of it yet... However, I have another way here, but I don't know if they are willing."

"What can I do?" Dorian endured his excitement and asked.

Abner pretended to be serious:

"Let all family members convert to my Lord. That way, during the full moon and blood moon, they will be blessed and no longer be troubled by the curse."

"Lord... have you believed in a certain great being?" Verdu suddenly became alert and couldn't help but say.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think I am the only one in the family who is not worried about the full moon curse and has become a demigod or even an angel?" Abner asked with a smile.

Hearing this, all the Abraham members showed a look of astonishment on their faces, and the question in their hearts that they wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask was also explained.

"...Who is your master?" Dorian was silent for a moment and then asked.

"My Lord calls himself 'The Fool'!" Abner solemnly introduced, "In the past, present, and future, He is the great master who controls the spiritual world, and is also the king of yellow and black who controls good luck. He is also the king of everyone. Every living being pursues the goal of eternity.”

"Is it the one from the Antigonus family?" Verdu asked after careful consideration.

As a member of the angelic family of the Fourth Age, Abraham naturally had relevant records about the "half-fool".

Abner shook his head and said only: "My Lord is the true 'Fool', the light that redeems the end of time."

After saying that, he continued without waiting for a few more questions, "Actually, you have enough time to think about it, because this is just a suggestion, and I haven't even obtained Mr. Fool's consent. He may not actually be willing to protect him." you."

Even if he wants to be protected, he still has to wait for the Demigod Queen Klein. His current spirituality is not enough.

Hearing that there was no need to reply immediately, Dorian and others were relieved, and at the same time they were thankful in their hearts: The ancestor is still friendly enough, otherwise with his angel-level power, they and others would not be able to resist, how could there be such a thing? A chance to choose?

Dorian and Verdu looked at each other, and then the former reported respectfully: "Sir Ancestor, the family still has two '0' level sealed objects, namely the 'Picture Scroll of God' and the 'Stand of Stars'. Since you You have returned, and it is up to you to take charge."

This was what they had discussed in advance. If ancestor Alvin really returned as an angel, he would hand over a "0" level sealed object to the other party in exchange for protection.

But now the ancestors are much friendlier than they thought, so a few people decided to completely bind each other... Anyway, the "0" level sealed objects are actually of limited use to them. Every time they are used, a large number of tribesmen will be killed. Death is basically a "trump card" that is only used when the two of you die together.

This is what Abner is waiting for. Although he was a demigod in Alvin's life, to be honest, he is not close to the Abraham family, and he has only seen the "Old Box" of the family's "0" level sealed artifacts. "Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

"Very good...but it's not necessary to take charge. Just bring it over and show it to me." Abner said with satisfaction.

For a "Miracle Master" promoted from "Wanderer", whether from the perspective of "historical projection" or from the perspective of "recording", extraordinary items will always be his as long as they have belonged to him.

Dorian and others are not too surprised by this. Although they don't know the abilities of the angels in their own path, they can guess a few things just by looking at the effects of the "Star Staff".

——While holding the ‘Stand of Stars’, if some extraordinary abilities or characters appear in your mind, the cane will appear as the person with the corresponding abilities, and the latter can launch an attack.

After agreeing on a time to retrieve the sealed artifact, Abner ended the topic, looked around and said:

"I have informed all the forces about my becoming an angel. They should soon send someone to contact me, put out a bid, and ask me to join... I need one of you as a liaison officer."



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