Soon, an illusory sun rose, illuminating the hidden night sky like daylight, and also revealed Abner's body, which was originally covered by "Evans' secret barrier".

At this time, Abner no longer had his usual "joyful" expression. He was in a state of "absolute rationality", like the return of the "ancient sun god".

Such "divine power" made even Amon stop smiling. He observed it carefully for a few times, then resumed his casual posture, shook his head and said: "At that moment, I thought Sasril was resurrected... …”

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have lost his interest in playing. The monocle on his right eye flashed, as if he was about to "steal" the illusory sun away.

This was also the reason why He had noticed Abner's movements long ago but allowed him to prepare.

For Him, although 70% of his energy is focused on the battle between his own "Insect of Time" and Alvin Abraham's "Insect of Spirit", and 20% of the remaining 30% is on guarding against other angels, He realizes that even if Only 10% of the strength is enough to deal with the "insighter".

Although the "Insighter" claims to be able to leverage the greatest power at the least cost, that "power" is not his own after all. It can be easily "stolen" away, and there are even more powerful "thieves" than him in this world. "?

However, the next moment, Amon's expression suddenly changed. He looked at Abner in surprise and looked at him squarely for the first time:

"It turns out it's you... No wonder that paranoid always arranges coincidences to keep me distanced from you... That's really not something I can bear..."

Having said this, he moved his body leisurely and said with a smile:

"just kill me!"

This time it was Abner's turn to be slightly stunned, but he immediately discovered the extra black spots in the "Unknown Land", nodded thoughtfully, and then broke away from the "absolutely rational state" and raised the corner of his mouth and asked : "Don't you consider becoming my 'dependent'?"

Since Amon committed suicide to "steal" things from the unknown land and also explored some knowledge by the way, then he is now meat on the chopping block and no longer needs to be treated with all his strength.

Amon shook his head and said: 'If you can't do it, I can also destroy myself, but in that case, some of the extraordinary characteristics may return to my body. ’

"But in that case, didn't you bring 'pollution' to your body? You should know Him very well. He can't help but explore the temptation of the 'unknown'." Abner said with a smile.

Amon also raised the corner of his mouth and said in the same tone as Abner: "This level of 'pollution' is indeed very troublesome for the body, but if he really can't handle it, he can still go to the paranoid man."

Of course He doesn't want to bring the pollution back, but if there is really no other way, there is still a solution.

Abner thought for a while, nodded in approval: "You are right."

"So, you kill me." Amon repeated this sentence like a friend chatting.

You stole Klein's line, do you know that? Could it be that this is also an act of "theft"? Abner complained in his heart, then no longer hesitated, raised his right hand and pointed at Amon, and solemnly declared in ancient Hermetic language:

"God said you are a 'demon' and a 'whisperer'!"

Silently, Amon's image began to change. He was no longer as gentle as before. Instead, he had horns on his head and wings on his back, truly turning into a demon.

When "God" declares you to be "evil", you are evil, and may even briefly transform into an evil posture to make "God"'s words correct.

This is the upgraded application of the ability of "Mentor of Justice" is up to me to decide between good and evil, that is, "Mentor of Justice"!

Originally in Sequence 3, this ability could define the enemy as evil at most, allowing one's own "Holy Light" to perform "Special Attack". However, after being sublimated by the illusory "Pure White Angel", its effect has also changed qualitatively, and it can be truly Transformed the enemy's form.

This is also the embodiment of the "solar" path in the field of "omnipotence".

Speaking of which, Abner originally planned to give Amon a "solar flame" and use extremely high energy and ultra-high temperature to kill him...

But now that Amon's clone is under control, there is no need to play so big, so after "defining" the opponent as the "Whisperer", he took out the "Holy Sword Bernadette" " and handed it to Hazel, who had just woken up.

——"Justice" also has its limits. At most, Amon, a Sequence 2 avatar, can be reduced to a Sequence 3 "Whisperer". Any lower would be very difficult.

That holy sword was blessed by the "Emperor of Knowledge" and "Teacher of Knowledge", and it could deal damage to "Devils" and "Aliens" at the level of Sequence 1, which was enough to kill Amon's clone.

The reason why the holy sword was handed over to Hazel was to completely end the intersection of "destiny" between her and Amon.

Hazel opened her eyes. She had not lost the memory of being parasitized, so she was both afraid and resentful of Amon.

He was afraid of the other party's strange abilities, and resented that he had killed his two friends.

——Since she had just regained control of her body, Hazel hadn't figured out the situation yet and thought Melissa and Elizabeth were dead.

After listening to Abner's description of the holy sword, Hazel bit her lip, picked up the long sword with her "metal arm" and slashed Amon's clone without any hesitation.

"Escape from the intersection of 'destiny'? As expected..." Before Amon could finish his words, he was instantly hit by the "all attacks", "multiple attacks" and "fatal attacks" attached to the "Holy Sword Bernadette" Cut into powder.

However, He had a "lucky" smile in His last moments before death.

"Although the 'God of Mischief' may do things to pursue excitement regardless of risks, Amon's main job is still the 'God of Deception'!" Abner sighed at this, and then he held his hand as if he was drained. Hazel, who was full of strength, smiled and said: "Well done."

"But...but, it was me who harmed Melissa and Elizabeth..." As she said that, Hazel's eyes turned red.

While retrieving the holy sword, Abner smiled and patted the back of her hand, comforting: "They are fine. I transferred them as early as when you were staying in that hotel."

"Subcontract?" Hazel stopped her tears and looked at Abner in surprise.

"Yes... when we were in Backlund, I noticed that your 'destiny' was somewhat abnormal, so I took some protective measures on you." Abner briefly explained the preparations he had made, and then brought the sea to the sea. Roule was also included in "Alvin's Answer Maze" and asked her to take care of Melissa and Elizabeth who were still sleeping.

After doing this, Abner expressed his gratitude to the angels who came to help - including Alvin, and then walked towards Leonard.

When Alvin returns, Abner knows in advance that it will be difficult to hide it, so the two are friends and it makes sense for them to help each other.

Seeing the old monster that the old man called approaching, Leonard suddenly became nervous and prepared to fight desperately, although he knew in his heart that it would be useless.

"Don't be nervous. Now that we have become His followers, we are companions. In addition to calling me Abner, you can also call me Mr. Tower."

After Abner briefly exchanged greetings with Leonard and used his vision to "inform" Klein that he was free, he picked up the remains of Amon and disappeared into the cemetery.

Leonard Mitchell stood still for a long time. It was not until the "Secret" dispersed and Nighthawk Fry, who was watching the night, was about to approach, that he suddenly came back to his senses and began to fill the empty coffin.

At the same time, he lowered his voice and asked: "Old man, has Amon's clone died?"

"Six angels are here, as well as my old friend... Even if Amon comes in person, he may not be able to win, let alone just a Sequence 2 clone." Pales said with emotion.

"Six? But Amon only named four?" Leonard asked while filling in the soil.

"The 'Spiritual Angel' should also be here, but he is guarding against another Son of God...

"There is also an aura of 'Desolation' lurking, but it is incomplete. It does not look like the 'Mother' of the Church of the Earth Mother, but more like an extraordinary creature with the personality of the 'Mother of Desolation'.

"They have no defense against me, so I can 'see' what Amon didn't see."

After filling in the soil and rearranging the tombstone, Leonard glanced at Klein's photo and asked solemnly: "Is there a 'Secret Servant' among the angels Amon pointed out just now?"

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken, it's the abbot of the Night Monastery, Her Royal Highness Arianna." Pales replied with an old voice.

"That is to say...the goddess acquiesces to my surrender to the 'Fool'? The goddess and the 'Fool' have a certain tacit understanding? Or are they simply allies?" With his own life at stake, Renner's highly tense spirit made him De's thinking was much quicker than normal, and he thought of many questions.

"Probably." Pales gave a vague answer.

Above the gray fog, after listening to Abner's "showing off" with all his hands cut off, "World" Klein couldn't help but sigh: "Your life is so exciting every day!"

"You don't have to give in too much!" After Abner replied meaningfully, he changed the subject and asked about Melissa, "She is still trapped in my dream by me. If you don't want her, Knowing the secret that you are still alive, I can help her and Elizabeth forget this experience... Well, I will also tell Hazel to keep it a secret."

Klein hesitated for a while after hearing this, and finally sighed and said: "Forget it, just know if she knows, and don't let her know that I am now 'Dawn Dantès'... Well, if possible, Gehrman Sparrow’s identity is also hidden from her..."

Do you think Herman's deeds are too perverted and Melissa can't accept it? Abner cursed, but nodded in agreement, then casually took out the "Trojan of Destiny" characteristic left by Amon, handed it to Klein and said:

"In exchange for my help in finishing the matter for you, the task of asking Mr. Fool to help keep this characteristic will be left to you."

"The World" Klein subconsciously took it, but the next moment, unstoppable horror flooded his mind: Can Mr. "Tower" bring items above the gray fog without the consent of "The Fool"?

Fortunately, Klein had the ability to be a "clown", so he refrained from losing his temper and did not go overboard and ask questions for "The Fool".

In response, Abner, who had seen through Klein's thoughts, just smiled indifferently and didn't take it to heart at all.

He is already a "Miracle Master" and has mastered the correct way to enter the "Origin Castle". He may not be able to do anything about the light gates at the back, but it is not difficult to bring something into the gray fog.

After the "Tower" left, Klein held the "Trojan of Destiny" and thought for a long time before finally smiling in relief.

He and Liu Bo held each other's secrets. If he really had any ill intentions towards him, he would have died long ago.

"As friends, it's better to be honest in everything... Wait until tomorrow, no, this afternoon after the Tarot session, and then go directly to Abner to inquire!"

After thinking about it, Klein put down the burden in his heart and studied the properties of the Sequence 2 with all his strength. He found that by using the "wrong" card to cooperate with this property, his spirit body had genuine "power" above the gray mist. Angel's personality and strength!

Although this power cannot be brought into reality - in reality, my spiritual body cannot withstand the contamination of the "Sequence 2" characteristics, but it is enough to accurately identify Leonard's spiritual body and shock the old man behind him!

Thinking of this, Klein estimated the time, and without much hesitation, he directly let the spirit body fuse the "Error" card and the "Destiny Trojan", and then pulled Leonard's spirit body into the gray fog.

After a while, Leonard pulled out a "Star" card from a large handful of "Star" cards without any surprise.



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