Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 247 The Path to Wealth and the Real Fountain of Youth

"The child of 'Primal Hungry' devoured your body..."

"Is it the 'Infinite Greed, Star Eater, Lord of Soul Eaters'?"

Abner asked thoughtfully.

When he roamed the stars as "Alvin Abraham", he had heard this name in multiple civilizations, but without exception it was notorious and was more disgusting to intelligent creatures than demons.

Because wherever He goes, everything is devoured and nothing is spared.

And the path where the "Goddess of Wealth" is located is itself a path controlled by "Primal Hunger", so it is normal to attract his terrible son.

Sighing slightly, Abner said apologetically to the clone of the "Goddess of Wealth": "Sorry, Helena... If I hadn't collected a large number of 'Collector' path characteristics from different planets and concentrated them on the 'Golden Star' Go up, maybe we won’t attract that greedy Galactus so soon.”

Alien planets are not like the Earth, which has a large number of extraordinary characteristics or even a collection of source matter. When Alvin first arrived at the so-called "Golden Star", except for half of Sequence 2, there were only sporadic extraordinary materials, which were not systematic at all.

And the "human beings" there are still enslaved by half of the Sequence 2-level monsters, and are being squeezed out of all their value, living a very miserable life.

As for the "Goddess of Wealth" Helena, she was just the leader of a small "resistance army" at that time, a lucky person who was lucky enough to directly swallow the Sequence 6 characteristics without losing control.

Later, for some reason, Alvin established a friendship with Helena, took her to travel around the planets, and gradually found the subsequent potions, helping her to be promoted to an angel and become the "Goddess of Wealth" before returning to "gold" "Star", defeated the monster that enslaved "human beings", and the characteristics of the opponent were also made by Abner into the current "palace".

The reason why "human beings" are put in quotation marks is because the people on that planet are not exactly the same as the people on Earth. They are more like the halflings described in Western Fantasy, and they are all very short in stature.

Of course, Helena has been able to adjust her body after being promoted to an angel, so she looks almost like a normal earthling.

When Abner was lost in memories, Helena shook her head and said: "'Graz' is actually just the 'Herder' that Galactus put on our planet... We are actually his preparations." Food'...he will come sooner or later to harvest.

"At least the barrier you left has allowed us to sustain ourselves for more than a hundred years."

"Graz" is the name of the monster that enslaved "human beings".

Recalling the planetary civilization that completed the technological revolution and accumulated huge wealth in just over a hundred years, Abner sighed again and put it down temporarily... After all, it is useless to think about it, it has been destroyed...

After calming down, Abner returned his attention to his "palace" and asked Helena: "What other 'collections' does the 'palace' currently have? Well, just report on the angel-level ones."

“There are 3 abilities collections full and 3 vacancies.

"3 biological collections are full and 2 are vacant. The collection 'Goddess of Wealth' currently has 1 minute and 26 seconds left.

“The item collection is full of 3 items and there is 1 vacancy. There are currently 3 minutes and 15 seconds left in the collection ‘First Floor of the Box of the Old Days’; there are currently 5 minutes left in the collection ‘Holy Avenger’.

"Three collections in other categories are full and two are vacant. There is currently one copy of the collection 'The Wrath of the Ancient God Sunia Solem' left."

The clone of "Goddess of Wealth" Helena reported meticulously... She is now essentially just the "intelligent housekeeper" of this palace.

"Collection Space" is one of the "core" abilities of the "Goddess of Wealth", the alien path. Through "valuation", you can forcibly "purchase" the right to use or even ownership of the people, objects, abilities and other things you encounter. .

For example, Zaratul's "miracle" was purchased as "ownership", so it became the key to Abner's resurrection of Alvin.

The "Goddess of Wealth" only sold the "right to use", or "time of use" - Alvin only bought her for five minutes and almost went bankrupt. This was because the other party fully cooperated and agreed to his transaction. ...If you buy it "forcibly" at a higher price, God knows how much you will have to pay.

Generally speaking, Abner feels that this ability is not as practical as "Historical Projection". Although the "Forced Appraisal Purchase" ability is outstanding, when fighting against others, directly buying the opponent's ability can definitely achieve unexpected results.

But in this regard, "Stealer" is better than it.

As for the definition of "price", this actually comes from the concept of "all things have divinity"... Precisely because "all things have divinity", everything has value... The "primordial hunger" at the top of this path, It is these divinities that He wants as food.

The reason why the "Answer Maze" recognizes the value of "gold pounds" and "real estate" is because they can be exchanged for extraordinary characteristics or other items that contain "divinity".

Another core ability of the "Goddess of Wealth" path, "Wealth Leverage"...or "Divine Leverage", is based on this. It can forcibly increase the "value" of an extraordinary person and allow him to temporarily increase his rank; It can suppress the "value" of an extraordinary person and weaken his ability.

Unfortunately, this "palace" only has half of the characteristics of an angel, and it does not possess the latter ability.

However, the "Goddess of Wealth" in the collection can do it... but after losing the "Golden Star", she is probably a "poor ghost" now, and her strength may have declined greatly.

And in terms of my "wealth" seems that my current industry is not big enough. I have to run Beldan as soon as possible and make the "film and television company" bigger and stronger.

In addition, I actually still have a quick buck to make... and it can be used to accumulate "wishes".

Bridge South District, Rose Street.

Early on Tuesday morning, while Emlyn pushed open the door of Harvest Church and was thinking about where he could find another 2,000 pounds to pay the final payment for "The World", he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder from behind.

Emlyn was startled and quickly looked back, only to see the "hero detective" Abner looking at him with a smile.

"What's the matter with you?" Emlyn glanced at the tall figure of the semi-giant priest behind the pulpit, feeling a little confident.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that this detective had no good intentions when he came to see him.

"Short of money?" Abner pulled him to the corner and asked.

Why do you detectives always behave in this way? Emlyn immediately thought of a certain bearded detective, and his heart moved. He raised his head and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"I have something to sell to your vampire...Marquis Nibais, and I want you to be the middleman." Abner said with a smile.

"What is it?" Emlyn was even more vigilant when it came to his own race, even though Master Nibais was not kind to him.

"It's a good thing... I remember that he was very old and had to rely on deep sleep to prevent himself from decaying, right?" Abner said with a confident smile, "And I happen to have the 'Fountain of Youth' in my hand. The spring water is not a fake fabricated by the 'Immortal King', it is the real 'Fountain of Youth'!"

And it was the "Fountain of Agelessness" newly squeezed out of the "Eternal Age Witch" through various means last night.



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