Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 256 Public Vest

Did Mr. Men forget Lao Liu’s daughter? Why do I smell a "dog blood" smell... Could this be the plot of a "Korean drama"? Huang's role is the second male villain?

By complaining, Klein sorted out the "plots" before and after, and felt that Huang's guess might be correct, but it just needs to be looked at together... Who said "forgetting her" wasn't to "protect her"?

The direction in which things are unfolding is getting weirder and weirder... Klein shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He thought it would be better to leave this matter to Lao Liu, after all, she was his daughter.

While thinking this in his mind, he picked up the third page of the diary and read it carefully:

“On March 11, after receiving tips from Ms. Yarolan and ‘Queen of Natural Disaster’ Goshinam, after a month of searching, I finally found the palace of the ‘God of Luck’ deep underground in Bayam.

"Although there are some banning rituals arranged here, it is not an obstacle to an 'Emperor of Knowledge'. I quickly found the main hall where the body of the 'God of Luck' is located.

"After thousands of years, this elf god has not decayed, and his characteristics have not even been separated, as if he might open his eyes at any time.

"But I know that He actually can't wake least not now, because the time has not come yet, and His arrangement has not yet been finally 'unfolded'.

"Haha, if 'Liu Bo' sees this diary page in the future, then I have to remind you that the 'God of Luck' may be more dangerous to you than the 'unknown', so don't rush to obtain his memory. , and don't go to 'resurrection' Him without adequate preparation!

"As for what 'well prepared' means? Haha, actually I don't know too much...but I suggest you learn more about the arrangement of the 'Disaster Seal'!

"As far as I know, although the 'Seal of Disaster' has some mental problems and acts inconsistently, he represents the 'unknown' will at least half of the time, and most of his 'conspiracies' are aimed at the 'God of Luck'. of.

“So, take advantage of this while you can!

"But having said that, it doesn't matter to me which 'Liu Bo' is dominant in the end, I just ask you to give me a last hand..."

"Well, I placed a 'Card of Blasphemy' and a Sequence 2 'Knowledge Tutor' characteristic that I separated from myself in the palace, as a welcome gift to you!

"Of course, as a return gift, the decorations in your palace have a very 'historical' feel to them, so I took them away to build my mausoleum..."

Another diary about the "God of Luck"... And Abner told me about this. Not only did Huang use the characteristics of the "Knowledge Tutor" to create a "God of War" in the palace of the "God of Luck" King Kong", and also placed a "Perfector Card", and the latter has been collected by Lao Liu.

Well, it should be that the "God of Luck" and "Liu Bo" appear at the same time very frequently on these three pages of diary, and the "Queen of Mystery" cares about "Liu Bo" very much, so she selected them for me...

So, the question Ms. "Hermit" will ask later is most likely about the "God of Luck"!

Thinking of this, Klein withdrew his gaze, let the diary disappear, looked up at "Hermit" Cattleya and said:

"Tell me about your problem?"

"Hermit" Cattleya thought about it for a moment and asked cautiously: "I wonder if, with the three pages this time, the accumulated contributions can get the answer to the last question?"

Huh? Didn't you directly ask the "God of Luck"? Let me think about it, the last question seems to be the relationship between Giuseppe Castilla and "Liu Bo"... Does "Queen of Mystery" care more about the answer to this question than "God of Luck"?

"The Fool" Klein was thoughtful on the inside, but said calmly on the surface: "It's still not enough."

In fact, he had discussed this issue with Abner after the last meeting, and Abner's response was - don't tell Bernadette for the time being.

Although I don’t know what kind of game Lao Liu and Bernadette are having in private, since it is their privacy, Mr. Fool still has to respect it, so he can only delay it for now.

Fortunately, the answer to this question is indeed quite "valuable" and involves the core secret of a "hidden being", so the high price is reasonable.

"Hermit" Cattleya seemed to have expected this result, so she was not disappointed. After a short pause, she spoke respectfully:

"Then let me change the question...Dear Mr. Fool, I want to know the meaning of these four symbols together."

As she spoke, she asked for permission and manifested the four Chinese characters for "luck", "luck", "zhi" and "神".

Sure enough, is this the second goal? In other words, the "Mysterious Queen" who was promoted to "Sage" is really keen. Is this the revelation she got from spying on "destiny"?

If she really dared to make the connection, she might be able to guess Giuseppe's identity.

While his thoughts were spinning, Klein said casually:

"When they are put together, they refer to the god of the elves, the 'God of Luck'!"

"The God of Luck"? "Justice" Audrey, "The Hanged Man" Alger and other members of the Tarot Club who were trying to memorize the shapes and meanings of the four symbols turned their heads in surprise and looked at Mr. "Tower".

After all, this gentleman has been exploring the secret of the "God of Luck" since very early on. Later, he found his palace and learned the secret of the "Redemption Rose".

And now, they discovered that even Russell had recorded this follower god, which shows that he is no ordinary follower god, and may be involved in more secret and major events.

"Hermit" Cattleya also had this idea, and was even thinking about what conditions should be used to exchange information from the "Tower".

Well, judging from the actions of the Queen and Mr. "Tower" to save Trier, they should be connected in private. Maybe I don't necessarily need to provide this condition.

While Cattleya was thinking, "The Fool" Klein didn't say anything more, leaned back on the chair and said:

"You guys start."

"Star" Leonard had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He immediately looked at Abner and asked with some expectation:

"Mr. Tower, is the item with the 'Witch' ability completed?"

Are you in such a hurry to "transform"? Abner and Klein looked over at the same time, thinking in unison.

In fact, I have already completed it, but there were too many things last week and I didn’t have time to find Klein to give it to you... And now if I show the effect in public, you might not want it, so...

Thinking of this, Abner smiled and responded: "It's almost ready, and I can give it to you tonight or tomorrow morning.

"You can prepare the funds...I can tell you it will never be less than 13,000 pounds."

After all, it is an extraordinary item created by combining the characteristics of a Sequence 5 "Druid" and a Sequence 6 "Witch of Joy". The side effects are not that unacceptable. 13,000 pounds is definitely the "cost price".

In fact, without the hundreds of years of experience of the "Mechanical Emperor" and relying solely on Abner's own accumulation, the effect of this item would probably be much worse.

At this time, "Star" Leonard frowned and said, "But how do I know whether it is worth the price?"

Abner smiled and said meaningfully: "I will ship the goods first, and you can let the old man behind you 'appraise' it."

The old man behind the scenes... This statement is quite appropriate... Leonard muttered, completely ignoring the thoughtful looks of "Justice", "The Hanged Man" and others, and just nodded and said: "I understand. "

Then, he was just about to ask "The Sun" about the main material he needed, but due to the long interval, Miss "Justice" beat him to it:

"I have an investigative task to entrust."

Investigation mission... "The Fool" Klein suddenly felt something in his heart, and "The World" Gehrman Sparrow's expression was a little dull.

"What investigation mission?" Xingxing, who was about to speak, asked directly.

"Justice" Audrey organized the following words:

"I want to ask someone to investigate the real situation of the next rich man named Dwayne Dantès."

Dawn? Isn't that Dai Li's husband? Miss Justice asked him what he was doing? Is that guy dishonest and flirting with women behind Dai Li's back? Have you harassed Miss Justice?

While "Xingxing" was guessing in his mind, he had to ask specifically.

But at this time, "The World" Gehrman's deep voice suddenly sounded:

"Dwayne Dantès is a public identity."

What? ! "Xingxing"'s face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, and he almost stood up.

Dawn's identity is fake...Does Daley know about this? !

Facing the disbelieving gaze of "Star", "The World" Herman added:

“He is an identity that my companions and I share.

"The person pretending to be him now is me."

Having said this, he glanced at the "star" meaningfully.



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