Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 259 Abner (thought about the title for 5 minutes)

While Abner was thinking, the trading session had ended, and the Tarot Club naturally entered the stage of free communication.

The scene was silent for a while, and then "Moon" Emlyn straightened his back again, looked forward and said:

"A big shot in the clan is about to arrive in Backlund..."

He paused for a moment, and when he saw no response from the other members, he looked at Miss "Magician" opposite, cleared his throat and said:

"He should have come to meet with the new angels of the Abraham family to complete the deal that was discussed before."

He... is another angel... "Star" Leonard sighed in his heart, and immediately noticed a problem - Mr. "Moon" mentioned the concept of "race", and he has red eyes.

"It seems that my guess last time was right. He is most likely the vampire Emlyn from the Harvest Church!" "Star" Leonard thought of this and couldn't help but look at "The Moon" a few more times. The more he looked, the more he felt that he had guessed it. That's right.

Emlyn undoubtedly noticed Xingxing's gaze and thought in surprise:

Did I just say something wrong? "Xingxing" seems to recognize me? Do I know him? A series of thoughts flashed through "Moon" Emlyn's mind. He subconsciously wanted to move his nose and smell the new members next door, but was blocked by the gray fog, making it difficult to gain anything.

At the same time, "Magician" Forsi, who was focused on herself by "Moon"'s question, was a little confused. She didn't understand what the other party was saying at all. After all, she had brought Abner to see the teacher. , she only occasionally communicated with the teacher through a few letters, so naturally she would not involve such a secret matter.

Seeing this, Abner coughed, turned his head and said to "Moon": "Just tell me, I was the one who brokered that deal."

At his current level, he no longer cares about whether his identity will be known... What's more, except for "Moon" in the Tarot Society, it is still unclear that he is Abner, and only "The Hermit" Cattleya and "The Hanged Man" Alger.

Even "The Sun" has seen his true face.

Although "Moon" Emlyn has a loose temper, doesn't like trouble, and seems a bit "silly", he is not really incapable of thinking, so after hearing "Tower"'s words, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then reacted Come over and blurt out:

"So you are the one..."

He woke up mid-sentence and quickly swallowed the rest of his words to avoid revealing the true identity of "Tower".

However, "Justice", "Magician", "Judgment", "Temperance", "World", and "Stars" all silently answered in their hearts: "Hero/Playboy/Merry Detective" Abner Brain.

So "Tower" is Abner Brain? This is indeed true. The detective's strength has improved in the past year to a level that I can't even see through, and his trajectory is consistent with Abner Brain...

Moreover, the detective is said to have a bad reputation and is very philandering... So, did he have a relationship with the Abraham family through Miss "Magician"?

"Moon" Emlyn looked at the "Tower" for a few times, and then continued: "Several marquises in the family are very interested in the samples you provided... but those adults don't dare to contact the Abraham family rashly. Angel, so I guess they invited His Highness the Duke."

I asked why their decision-making was so slow. It turned out that they had hired someone from the backstage... That's right. When dealing with an angel spokesperson, you should be more cautious. many marquises? Then the "fountain of youth" in my hand may not be enough! After all, unlike the other ordinary people or middle- and low-sequence buyers I found, most of whom only needed a few decades of "quantity", most of these vampire bosses went for the 1,000-year limit of the "Fountain of Youth".

It seems that we have to find a solution for the "Black Saint" and other "Eternal Witches"... Well, the ransom of 1.5 million pounds has been received gradually, and the "Yellow Saint" and "Red Saint" can be released. Think of ways during the process.

After all, for me to "release" the two witches, several high-ranking witches must be present and confirm that Owen has not tampered with them, right?

I just wonder if controlling too many high-ranking witches will attract the attention of the "original witch"...

Well, there is no rush. It will take at least a few days for the balance of the ransom to arrive, and the Duke of the Blood Clan cannot come too soon. I have enough time to prepare... In addition, it is best to go to Vera. After some discussion, the "Black Saint" was actually under her control after all.

Although he was thinking this in his heart, Abner only said to Emlyn on the surface: "When the big shot arrives, you can come to me directly, and I will arrange for them to meet..."

"Okay!" "Moon" Emlyn nodded. He knew where Abner lived.

The reason why Emlyn told Miss "Magician" at the Tarot Club was actually because he was afraid that Abner was unreliable and would set a trap for the vampires. But now that he knew that he was "Tower", there was no problem.

After this topic ended, "The Hermit" Cattleya also shared some of her experiences at sea, including some bombshell news about the Pirate King:

"The 'Immortal King' Agaritu and his 'Sad Death' disappeared. Some of his three newly formed squadrons were self-reliant, and some were annexed by other pirate generals...

"Even so, Agaritu never showed up again and is suspected to have been 'dead'."

As she said that, Cattleya glanced at Abner vaguely. She naturally knew that the pirate king was killed by Mr. "Tower" in a very short time.

The death of a demigod was originally a matter of great impact, but except for "The Hanged Man" and "The Hermit", the "Immortal King" was relatively far away from other people's circles, so everyone besides lamented the fact that The King of the Sea is missing one foreigner, and he doesn’t have many ideas.

Until Mr. "Ta" said lightly:

"The Sui Sui has become my collection."

"Justice" Audrey was stunned at first, and then realized that Mr. "Tower" had actually done something big again quietly.

How many major events has Mr. "Tower" been involved in these past few weeks? Why does it feel like he is everywhere!

Audrey is not the only one who feels this way, even Klein thinks so without even realizing that there are many things happening to him.

Only "Judgement", "Magician" and "Star" were relatively calm. The former two were accustomed to it, and the latter was because they knew that Abner Brain was actually an old monster from the early Fourth Age. Even Amon's angel-level clone can be tricked to death, so what does a mere pirate king mean?

"Hermit" Cattleya didn't expect "Tower" to recognize her directly. Although she was slightly surprised, she wisely skipped the topic and continued to share other information:

"'Vice Admiral Disease' Tracy has been attacking slave ships in recent weeks for some unknown reason and has rescued many indigenous people from the southern continent and various islands. However, her bounty has been increased by 5,000 gold pounds."

"Why will the bounty increase when she cracks down on the slave trade?" "Justice" Audrey asked. Although she vaguely thought of the answer, she didn't dare to believe it.

"Of course it's because the slave-trading ships all have a profound 'background'!" "The Hanged Man" Alger sneered.

After he was "ordered" to join the fleet of "Vice Admiral Disease", he also intercepted many slave ships, so he naturally knew the inside story.

"How could this happen?" Audrey pursed her lips. After thinking for a moment, she asked again, "Who are the people behind those slave traders?"

"Most of them are the military, or their spokespersons...occasionally there are a few cult believers..." Alger answered vaguely.

He guessed what Miss "Justice" wanted to do, but he didn't really want her to target those people, because he had already vaguely realized that the water behind this matter was probably very deep. If Miss "Justice" was exposed, then he also had Risk of exposure.

After all, when Mr. Fool was still unable to accept the "sacrifice", his first transaction with "Justice" actually had quite a few flaws. If someone noticed it, it would be easy to follow the clues to find him.

At this time, "Judgment" Xio said: "Don't worry, Miss Justice, sooner or later they will all be liquidated."

Xio, who has joined the middle and high-level ranks of "MI9", has vaguely realized that the source of many darkness in the Loen Kingdom is actually the royal family, or rather, a member of the royal family... and her father's enemies are also very likely to be there. Among them.

Although Xio still didn't know what the deep secrets were, she believed that Abner would eventually help her father "redress" his grievances... Therefore, those people would be liquidated sooner or later.

Audrey glanced at Xio in surprise and noticed the "determination" in her words. She also "calmed down" and gave up her intention to uphold "justice".

The "audience" cannot be exposed in front of others. Even if it is to be done, it should be done by guiding others behind the scenes.

Abner also smiled at this moment and said: "Actually, there is no big problem in attacking those agents now, they have become abandoned children.

"In addition, 'Lieutenant General Disease' did not suddenly change her temper, but because she is now mine, and this is also to atone for her previous actions."


Additional update at nine o'clock



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