Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 268: Chance Encounter

Returning to the castle, Hugh, the "knight princess", immediately announced the news of victory to the soldiers and adventurers, and after everyone cheered, introduced Abner, the "new brave" to everyone.

Although Abner is actually a black man without a "destined identity", based on his performance just now, even if he says that he is not a "brave", no one will believe him.

The arrival of the new "brave" master and the elimination of the monsters that besieged the country was naturally exciting news. The king immediately ordered a grand banquet to be held to celebrate the victory and entertain the "brave".

But how could Abner delay this time? He said that he would immediately go to rescue the neighboring country and politely rejected the other party's kindness.

Xio also took the opportunity to volunteer and said that he would serve as a guide and follow the "brave man".

Because the situation was indeed urgent, although the king regretted it, he did not refuse it and also sent a lot of supplies and equipment.

——Although Abner has no use for these things, after resisting the rules of the "Hand of Order", he and this "world" are no longer in the same system.

"The new hero is so awesome! It's a pity that he has to leave now, otherwise I would have to go have a drink with him."

"Your Highness the Princess seems to be following the Brave Lord... I'm so envious. It's a pity that I'm only level 8, so I'm a burden next to the Brave Lord."

"Only a strong person like the 'Princess Knight' is worthy of teaming up with the 'Brave', right? I hope the new brave can destroy the Demon King's Castle."

Amidst the discussions of many adventurers, Abner and Xio walked out of the royal city and headed towards the neighboring country.

"This is the distance from Kingster Street to the 'Brave Bar', and you're actually abroad... You can't even reach a single stop on the Backlund subway." Holding the map gifted by the king, Abner complained.

Xio responded absentmindedly, and occasionally looked back at the king who was standing on the balcony of the castle and looking at them.

The king looks very similar to her father, Mason Dill. Combined with what Abner said just now, her "identity" comes more from her own "subconscious", and the king should be the image of her father in her heart.

Seeing him like this, Abner sighed and said: "That's just an illusion, no different from a dream."

After you go back, I can satisfy you as many dreams as you want.

"I understand..." Xio nodded, and then remained silent for a while before asking: "What do you think will happen to this kingdom if we leave here?"

"Two possibilities. One is that it is because of your 'subconscious', a 'module' that was temporarily added. When you leave, this part of the information may be removed...

"Secondly, you can also let a 'ghost' play your role and continue the story of this 'world'."

Abner thought for a moment and replied.

This battleship is known as the "Ghost Empire", which is not without purpose. The "worlds" inside it are filled with countless "ghosts", and they have all been implanted with "identities", making up all the living beings in the "worlds". .

As for the origin of these "ghosts"? Some of them are subjects who once believed in the "Night Emperor" and were received by this ship after their death. Others are people whose faith has been weak for thousands of years and died in various "disasters".

Of course, there are also people who occasionally fall into the "mirror world" and die unexpectedly.

"'Story'?" Xio noticed the content revealed in Abner's words at this time.

"The main body of the 'Ghost Empire' is the former 'Doomsday Witch' Monica, the unknown 'Planeswalker', and a 'Hand of Order' left behind by the 'Night Emperor' after his death.

“‘Planeswalkers’ turn what they see and hear on their journeys into ‘worlds’, but under the influence of the witch, the ‘story’, or ‘script’, of these ‘worlds’ will inevitably encounter ‘disasters’ and even ‘doomsday’.

"But the 'balance' of the 'Hand of Order' will bring vitality to these 'worlds'...that is, us 'interlopers'." Abner explained while thinking, "In other words, Even the former 'Doomsday Witch' Monica herself seems to be looking forward to a 'savior' or a 'hero', which is why the current rules are formed."

It's just that these "worlds" have a strong past-life game style, which is very wrong... Abner did not say the last sentence.

"In other words, we can only save the 'world' in the 'story' and the correct 'exit' will appear?" Xio thought for a moment and understood the hidden meaning of Abner's words.

Abner nodded and said: "That's right... However, 'salvation' actually has different levels, corresponding to different 'exits'...

"For example, just after we eliminated the army of monsters besieging the castle, an 'exit' appeared in the royal city... Theoretically, if we stay and attend the king's banquet, we can leave directly through that 'exit'.

“However, that ‘exit’ is not at a high level and will definitely deviate from the ‘correct’ route and become further and further away from the ‘end’.”

Xio had experienced such "rules" once in "Daniel's Labyrinth", so he wasn't too surprised. He then asked, "So, after we find Edwina, we go directly to the Demon King's City?"

"Yes, by the way, recycle the extraordinary characteristics of the former 'Brave' Giuseppe and use them as materials for your promotion to 'Law Master'." Abner said with a smile.

He didn't pay much attention to the so-called "Devil King". He was just a level 3 monster. In this "world", it was only level 30. If Giuseppe concentrated on leveling up, he might not be able to beat the opponent. .

While the two were talking, they had entered the territory of a neighboring country—it wasn't that far after all.

However, what surprised Abner was that the place was already covered with ice and snow, and countless monsters were "sealed" in pieces of solid ice, like large ice sculptures.

"Such a wide range of 'ice and snow' spells... Are there any legendary mages above level 20 in this country?" Abner asked doubtfully.

Xiu thought about the memories related to his "personality", shook his head and said: "The most powerful person in this country is their queen, a level 16 'arcane scholar'... it can't be her!"

"Then it's possible that Edwina took action!" Abner's eyes lit up, and he took Xio straight to the castle in a neighboring country.

Soon, a tall building that had mostly collapsed appeared in front of them.

"Is this... the city wall being breached?" Abner frowned and slowly landed.

Hugh grabbed a soldier who was digging something in the ruins and asked, "What happened here? Where is your queen?"

The soldier raised his head numbly, and then he seemed to recognize who the person who caught him was, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "You are Her Royal Highness the 'Knight Princess'?!

"Great! Please save our queen!"

Even if she didn't use her extraordinary abilities, the level difference of more than ten levels filled Xio with "majesty". She asked again: "Soldier, tell me, what happened?"

"Yes, Your Highness!" The soldier who responded organized his words before continuing, "Not long ago, the monster broke through the city wall. Just when the Queen was about to die in battle, the giant frost dragon in the 'Horn Abyss' in the north Arriving, it killed all the monsters with its dragon breath...

"But that dragon didn't come to rescue us... It then stole all the gold coins and books in the kingdom. The queen went to negotiate, but was kidnapped by it..."

"Stealed the gold coins and the collection of books..." Abner repeated these two words with a strange expression, and the flag composed of gold coins from various countries on the "Golden Dream" could not help but appear in his mind.

"As expected of the 'Pirate General'... a character that fits him subconsciously, and he is also a habitual robber!" Xio sighed in his heart.

Obviously, they have determined that the evil dragon is "Iceberg Vice Admiral" Edwina.

At the same time, in a cave in the "Horn Abyss", the queen captured by the dragon gradually woke up from her confusion.

“I’m the ‘scholar’ queen of the kingdom?

"No, that's not right! I am Felina from the Loen Kingdom!

"I remember that after I separated from Stuart, I accidentally fell into the gap of the 'Looking World' during an attempt...

"Why did you suddenly come to this strange world?"


Today is another busy day...but the chapter in the middle of the night should be updated on time



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