Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 298 The Ring of Ornia

On the road on the other side of Pete's Hotel, the carriage Leonard and Cindy were riding in was also forced to stop.

As soon as the two came out of the car, Cindy, who had long burgundy hair, came closer and took Leonard's arm.

Leonard's green eyes glanced around. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he did not make any move to twitch his arm.

As he walked forward, he lowered his voice and said to Cindy beside him: "Are you familiar with the identity information that MI9 has 'arranged' for us?

"If you encounter cross-examination later, don't reveal any flaws."

Because there were many people around, the noise was noisy, and the two of them were very close, so even if someone noticed them, they would only think that they were a couple whispering and would not pay special attention to them.

Of course, the reason why Leonard dared to talk about such a topic directly on the street was because he had an "old man" to help him.

Cindy looked around covertly for a few times, but when she saw that no one was looking over, she breathed a sigh of relief and responded coquettishly: "I'm familiar with everything, don't worry..."

While speaking, she pinched Leonard's arm held by her to signal him to pay attention when speaking.

Leonard smiled and was about to reassure her, but he suddenly noticed something out of the corner of his eye and immediately stopped.

Cindy was almost staggered by his sudden stop and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

However, she did not receive a response. Leonard was as motionless as a stone, staring at the location on the other side of the road.

Cindy was surprised, followed Leonard's line of sight, and found a car accident on the other side of the road.

A carriage that looked cheaper than the one they rented "rear-ended" a luxurious carriage with a noble coat of arms, and then tipped over on its own.

At this time, a man in a white dress and a top hat of the same color crawled out of the overturned carriage in a slightly embarrassed manner, and looked at an aristocratic lady who was getting off the luxury carriage.

The two parties briefly exchanged a few words, and seemed to be moved by the man's temperament and language. The noble lady did not pursue the other party's fault for "rear-end", and even invited the man to board her carriage and rearrange her clothes.

The man hesitated briefly and nodded in agreement, disappearing together with the noble lady in front of the onlookers.

"Looking at the coat of arms, it should be the carriage of the 'Countess of Louth'... Gee, is that man a blessing in disguise?

"Sure enough, regardless of gender, nobles everywhere have the same virtue!" After watching the whole process, Cindy got angry as expected. As a commoner, she couldn't like the nobles.

Leonard also retracted his gaze at this moment, and his clenched fists gradually loosened.

He took a deep breath, turned his head, and asked in an almost inaudible voice: "Old man... was that person just now Ince Zangwill?"

"'s him." An old voice sounded in Leonard's ears, "It seems that your 'enemy' also aims to sneak into the 'Twilight Day Celebration'. You should be careful and don't get too hot." Just rush forward regardless.

"If I hadn't 'stole' your 'angry' emotion just now, I'd probably have to find another parasitic target now."

"I know...I'm not his opponent now...I won't be impulsive anymore!"

At most, it would be a secret sabotage of what he wanted to do... Leonard did not say this last sentence.

But if he didn't say it out loud, it would mean little to Pales. The old man sighed secretly, then sensed the familiar breath not far away, and thought to himself: Forget it, Lai Yin is here anyway, this Nothing big can happen to a stupid boy.

In an open space not far from the site of the car accident, Abner looked at the man boarding the "Greedy" Ksenia carriage and couldn't help complaining: "The 'old' bridges for this kind of car crash are all used. Already?

“So many coincidences and forced ‘reasonableness’… A third-rate writer is a third-rate writer!”

"Lazy" Crossfia said thoughtfully: "That person... is Ince Zangwill, right? No wonder 'Gluttony' said that he has the opportunity of 'insighter'... Oh, it's not just that" It’s possible for an “insighter” to be a “writer”!”

Having walked with Dunn for half a year, Crossfia was naturally familiar with his enemies, but thinking of the ability of that "0" level sealed object, she quickly switched to one who didn't know the specific situation of "0-08" The "virtual personality" covers her current self.

Abner instantly noticed that the "young lady" beside him had become "cold" and was no longer as cheerful, playful and enthusiastic as before.

And for some reason, he felt a bit like Dunn's version of "Iron Man" from the other party.

Sensing Abner's increasingly weird expression, Crossfia simply explained: "It is indeed the personality template of 'Iron Man', but I have adjusted it, so it is not completely consistent."

Abner nodded, no longer paying attention to these small things, and began to recall what he had just "insighted" from Ince Zangwill and Leonard's "River of Destiny", and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

As his understanding of this "game" became more comprehensive, he gradually realized what the core of the "game" was.

"We have to look again...especially the 'Two and Five Dragons'. She seems to have taken sides in this game, but I vaguely feel that it is not that simple...

“Moreover, both parties have given me leverage, does it ultimately depend on how ‘I’ choose?

"No, what they value is not 'me' who only has the strength of an angel now, but the goddess and Lilith behind 'me'..."

Thinking of this, Abner squinted his eyes, and then said to Miss Lazy next to him: "It's getting late, let's enter the Pete Hotel."

"Okay." Crossfia, who was loaded with "virtual personality", said coldly.

In the neighborhood near the Pete Hotel, Karen transformed into "Moonlight" and kept wandering through the buildings, looking for the real body of "Gluttony".

Because the sealed object from the extraterrestrial pathway in the opponent's hand has various abilities, allowing "Gluttony" to combine it with its own "virtual personality" to create a clone that is close to the original body. This has led to the failure of Mr. Azik's previous raids many times.

Karen actually couldn't tell which one was the original body of "Gluttony" and which one was his clone... But what is certain is that the sealed object must be carried closely by its original body!

And Karen happened to have a magical item in his hand that could find the sealed object.

Those were the belongings of the "Blood Moon Queen". They disappeared after her death and were suspected to have been put into the "Ghost Empire"...

But more than a hundred years ago, in his later years, Russell got it from nowhere and gave it to Karen's mother, Ms. Helen.

That item is called the "Ring of Olnia".

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