Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 300: War begins

Following the instant-death attack from the "Funeral Blade", the Spirit World Predator suddenly split apart and turned into countless illusory bubbles, and this powerful weapon made by Abner was scrapped.

Klein looked regretfully at the "Funeral Blade" that had turned into powder in his hand. Knowing that it could no longer be repaired, he had no choice but to turn his attention to the trophy:

I saw that under the influence of Sharon, the remaining foam of the spiritual world predator was extracting extraordinary properties at an extremely fast speed, and was constantly combining with the light spots emerging from its body to form a new thing.

This thing is made up of strips of worm-like things, approximately human-shaped. It is filled with colorless liquid, with foam often emerging and thin black light spreading out.

Klein didn't dare to take a closer look, because the weightless transparent things had a richer structure in their details, forming indescribable patterns and symbols that seemed to combine concepts such as knowledge, power, change, secrets, weirdness, and madness. directly integrated into them, making them no longer abstract.

This brought intense dizziness to Klein, and he even felt as if his spirit was on the verge of collapse and his soul was about to lose control.

"This should be the real soul of the spiritual world predator... The corresponding dust is also available, about 70 grams, more than needed and more than I expected... It will be convenient to have Sharon's projection to follow, if it were me If you do it yourself, I'm afraid you will have to wait a long time for its characteristics to be released..." Klein nodded invisibly, and then put the real soul and dust into a prepared container.

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently in the deeper areas of Calderon, as if a certain being suddenly woke up, or countless dangerous creatures suddenly emerged.

The indescribable feeling actually connected into an illusory grayish white, like a flood, rising layer by layer from the bottom area.

How is this going? Why did Calderon City suddenly undergo such changes? Logically speaking, Liu Bo's body was sleeping deep in this place during his life as "Death Archon", so he should give me some convenience...

Huh? Wait... I remember that the ability of "Funeral Blade" is a low-end simplified version of "Pale Flame" when Abner was "Death Archon", and the material used is also the feathers of "Feathered Serpent" or "Feathered Man" …

Could it be that the blow just now resonated with some power deep in Calderon City? Goddess, let me tell you how powerful that blow was, even the main body of the "Funeral Blade" was damaged!

Thinking of this, Klein's heart was full of vigilance, so while he was distractedly paying attention to the movements inside Calderon, he was about to lift the summons to his spirit body and return to the gray mist with the loot.

Before that, he first let Sharon's historical projection return to the historical void...

But just when the thought of "removing the summons" occurred to him, he was shocked to realize that although his connection with the space above the gray fog was not blocked, his desire to convey his thoughts seemed to be separated by an invisible barrier forever. Can't reach it...

Is this...time frozen around me? The power of "Twilight"? !

Reminiscent of the battle with the "Glory One" that Abner once talked about, Klein instantly judged what he had encountered:

It was the "God of War" church believers outside Calderon who were closely monitoring this place who prayed for the power of "Twilight"!

I didn't notice anything beforehand, and I didn't even have any "early warning" from my spiritual mind... Does the "Demon Hunter" have the ability to block induction?

Thoughts flashed across his mind, but Klein was not too desperate, because although the power of "Twilight" delayed the response time of "Origin Castle", it could not affect the "historical gap", and as the historical projection disappeared, Sharon's Consciousness has also returned to its original form.

If she didn't see her return, she would definitely beg Miss "Messenger" to come and check.

Although Miss "Messenger" cannot enter "Calderon City", it is easy to attack the surrounding "God of War" church members and create a loophole in the blockade of "Dusk" power.

And what you have to do is to do your best to seize the opportunity when it comes!

The plan was quite good, but as soon as Klein thought of this, a ray of light tore through the "Amber of Time" created by "Twilight" and stepped into the entrance of Calderon City.

The figure wore a simple and plain linen robe and had long silver hair.

He is a man with soft features, a beautiful face, and gentle eyes with a little indifference, as if he is watching fate and everyone in the world like a bystander.

Behind him, rays of light formed illusory layers of pure wings, spreading outwards, covering the entire entrance area.

"..." Klein almost hissed out from between his teeth, and a series of nouns flashed through his mind:

"My Healing Game"


"Tail Eater!"

"Angel of Destiny!"

"King of Angels!"

He no longer wanted to think about the problem of Miss "Messenger", and immediately took advantage of the opportunity when "Amber" was broken to contact "Origin Castle" again and return to the gray fog.

But Ourolius seemed to have been prepared for it. His silver eyes only glanced at Klein, and the latter's idea of ​​"returning" went "unfortunately" wrong.

Even because of "nervousness" and "fear", he actually thought of "terminating the summons" as using the "Endless Teleportation Book" for "random teleportation"...

This ridiculous plot that could not have happened was staged here due to various coincidences of fate.

Seeing that "Misfortune" was working, "Tail-Eater" Ouroleus could have used "Loop of Destiny" to keep Klein here, but she actually just watched quietly like that until the "teleportation" was about to be completed. Take one step forward and fall into the "door" opened by the other party.

In Indo Port, in the exhibition hall attached to the Pitt Hotel, Anderson and Daniz were chatting while looking for the location of the exhibits left by the Edwards family.

But when they passed by an exhibition area with a long sword with the crest of the Sauron family, they noticed a figure from another direction looking over.

The figure was holding a classical quill, and after his eyes lingered on Anderson's armor for a few seconds, he walked towards the two of them step by step.

Anderson didn't recognize this middle-aged man, but his body trembled for no reason, as if he was facing a natural enemy.

In his mind, a premonition of danger exploded, and his hole suddenly enlarged!

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in his ears:

"Don't be nervous."

Who... Anderson turned his head blankly and saw a strange figure beside him, where there was no one there before.

This figure seems to have always been there, but always ignored.

He was wearing an unusually simple white robe, with a golden beard that covered the lower half of his face. His eyes were as clear and simple as a child's, and his expression was warm and restrained.

Looking at the quill in Ince Zangwill's hand across from him, this middle-aged man dressed as an ordinary priest half-closed his eyes, raised his right hand, and clicked four times in front of him.

There hung a silver cross pendant.

At the same time, Anderson's armor, gloves, and combat boots suddenly separated from his body and were combined with the long sword in the exhibition area and an evil spirit wearing a war helmet that suddenly flew out of Ince's body.

The evil spirit suddenly shed real tears because she recalled her past:

After being defeated and imprisoned by Russell, she was tainted and enslaved by the name "Liu Bo" spoken by the other party, and became Russell's sealed artifact.

It was not until Russell died and fell into the hands of the Lord that she was "saluted" and found herself again.

Later, in order to help the Lord complete his plan, she voluntarily closed her memory, and Yaldabao, a member of the organization formed by the Lord, obtained...

Now, she has finally completed her mission and assisted the Lord in finding the last piece of the puzzle for Him to restore His former glory.

However, she still has to fight for the Lord and remove all obstacles.

Thinking of this, the evil spirit, who put on full body armor and held a long sword, briefly regained his "angel" level strength, then jumped up, crashed through the ceiling, and faced the "Red Angel" evil spirit that was attracted here at some point... That is the enemy of the Lord!

But at this time, the classical quill pen in Ince Zangwill's hand did not care about its "owner"'s confusion. It had already flown up on its own and wrote on the floor very quickly:

"Anderson Hood received the attention of Ourolius in the dream of the 'God War Ruins Sea'; at the same time, Ourolius had caused the death of the 'Machine Emperor' without the permission of the 'True Creator', Destined to be entangled with his 'destiny', the extraordinary item 'Fallen Morning Star', which carries the name and glory of the 'Machine Emperor' and is recognized by the 'Emperor of Knowledge', is now in Ince Zangwill's possession.

"In addition, Ourolius met Gehrman Sparrow unexpectedly in Calderon City, and followed in his footsteps and fell into a 'random teleportation'.

"Based on the above reasons, at this time and at this place, the arrival of Ourolius is consistent with mystical connections!"

As soon as the quill hit the exclamation mark, a "door" made of starlight suddenly appeared in the exhibition hall, and immediately after, two figures outlined their figures one after the other.

One of them wears a jet-black crown and is covered in dense armor. He is the rogue "Black Emperor".

Another figure with long silver hair is outlined in a half-kneeling posture, which is none other than the King of Angels, the "Tail-Eater" Ouroleus.

"Adam!" Along with an angry voice, the holy wings behind Ourolius disappeared and were replaced by thick curtains.

In the hotel lobby, as the celebration had just begun, a "Black Blade" was arranged to take the stage to speak out and expose all the filthiness of Loen and the Church of the Night.

But at this moment, Abner suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the annex building, muttering: "It's begun!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and pointed lightly. The gushing voice of "Black Blade" suddenly stopped because its spiritual island had been completely destroyed.

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