Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 306: The Gift of Destiny (To Make Up for Yesterday)

Just when countless thunders drowned the rogue "Black Emperor" and the damage was transferred to Ince Zangwill, in the lobby of the Pitt Hotel, Abner and the two saints Wimbledon and Ivan faced off. It also ended with the retreat of the latter two.

Seeing that the two figures disappeared, and the evil spirits of the Sauron family angels and the "Red Angel" above their heads also entered the spiritual world, Abner finally lifted the "hidden space" that closed off those ordinary people and mid-low sequence extraordinary people. ".

In addition, he also conveniently took out the bodies of "Red Glove" Cindy who had sneaked into the celebration with Leonard, and the "Black Blade" who was killed by him, and "teleported" them back to Loen.

But as soon as he finished doing this, dark stone pillars suddenly stood up around him, supporting a magnificent church.

In this church, every pillar, every arch, and the surface of the dome are inlaid with bones of different races. They are densely packed, staring at Abner with different eye holes, clustered around a cross that is hundreds of meters tall.

In front of the cross, a vague figure stood there, as if looking at everything with pity.

This figure wears a simple white robe, has a light golden beard that covers the lower half of his face, and has a silver cross pendant hanging on his chest. He looks like the most ordinary priest. He is none other than the King of Angels, Adam!

But the strange thing is that those people in the hall who had just returned to "reality" turned a blind eye to the church, as if it did not exist at all, and only fled in panic.

But Abner, who could observe all this, let the church envelope him and looked at Adam.

He is not worried that the former "Creator" will be detrimental to him. After all, he is now just a historical projection. After the confrontation with the two demigods ended, his true form quietly rushed to Klein's side - since it is " "Avengers", as the chief planner of "Doctor Strange", he also has to show his face, right?

Of course, the more important thing is to help them escape. After all, after the battle of the King of Angels is over, the angels of the God of War Church and Fusac will enter Indo Port.

Adam looked at Abner for a few times and smiled warmly:

"We meet again, unknown."

Abner waved his hand and said: "Don't call me that. I'm not sure who I am yet... Just call me by my current name, just like I will only call you 'Adam'."

"Okay." Adam smiled and nodded, then asked, "You interfered with my plan and made me miss the opportunity to get '0-08'. Aren't you afraid that I will retaliate?"

Hearing this, Abner sneered and said, "Have I not been 'acting' according to your 'script'?

"You should give me a reward!"

Adam was not surprised by his attitude and asked with interest: "You know?"

Abner nodded slightly and said meaningfully: "Since 'Adam' is not necessarily 'Adam', then does the 'King of Dragons' have to be the 'King of Dragons'?"

Adam nodded noncommittally and said calmly: "The illusory 'Omniscient Eye' created by Herabergen's 'simulation' was originally less effective than the real 'Omniscient Eye'... Now it seems that it is 'unknown' Power contaminates Him, extending the scope of His authority.”

"What benefits did you give the 'God of Knowledge' to make him choose to help you?" Abner took the opportunity to ask along with the topic.

He is now 100% sure that the "Two Five Dragons" are on Adam's side in the battle between Adam and "Zhen Zao" for "dominance", otherwise the "King of Dragons" would have been captured by Adam long ago and become The matter of his clone must be publicized by him.

Even Abner can "see" the truth. As a true god in the field of "omniscience", it is impossible for Erwulong not to know...even if there is a goddess' handwriting in this matter.

Yes, Abner roughly guessed where the "Dragon King" fell into Adam's trap, was controlled by him, and became a "puppet".

There is a high probability that when the "King of Dragons" went to meet Yaluo Lan for the first time, in order to cooperate with the "Hidden Sage" to find the "Emperor of Knowledge" in Yaluo Lan's hand, although the body was blocked by Vera , but still separated his personality and descended on a member of the "Psychological Alchemy Society", transformed into the form of an ancient god, and was used by the "dark" power of the "devil wolf" Abner, who was "beaten" by the goddess at that time. , outlining the projection of the thing he fears most in his heart - the "ancient sun god"!

What happened next, because Abner entered the deepest dream of Nightmare Town and chatted with Yarolan and Goshinam all night, so he didn't know.

But the goddess never does things without aim. Since she allowed the "King of Dragons" to scheme against me, she must have a deeper purpose... Looking at it now, I'm afraid that at that time, the "King of Dragons" was already in " "Secret" was replaced with "person".

Everything now is just a "drama" directed and performed by Adam, just to reduce the hostility of those true gods who know that "Adam" is the "ancient sun god" because of the "big mouth" of "Liu Bo" in the past.

After all, the last Sequence 1 "Writer" job was taken away by the "King of Dragons" for promotion. Adam's becoming a god is far away, and the target of the gods' vigilance has returned to the "True Creator".

While his thoughts were turning, Abner heard Adam smile and say: "Herabergen, like you, is helping 'Reality' on the surface... Haha, this time he was killed by the God of War's 'ally' Earth Mother. God stopped."

Having said this, he paused, kept the pastor's warm smile, and asked in an inspiring tone, "As for what benefits I gave Helabergen... Based on your understanding of Him, can't you guess it?"

Abner had indeed thought about this for a long time. He sighed and said tentatively: "Because he was exploring the 'unknown' and was polluted by it, he did not dare to put all his hope on me, and he also had no confidence in the 'Seal of Disaster' later on. The promise I gave you is not very trustworthy, so I still seek a way out with you?"

The "Seal of Disaster" and the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" colluded. This was something that Russell discovered and recorded in his diary.

"Yes, the only ones who can fight against the awakened 'Unknown' are the 'Omniscient and Almighty' and the 'Lord of Mysteries'... and the current competition of 'Mysteries' is beyond his control, so he can only come to me..."

"You should understand that 'truth' may remember His betrayal, but I will not."

Because you only have "divine nature" and don't have that kind of worldly feelings...

Besides, the second and fifth dragons are indeed the second and fifth dragons! What a shrewd calculation... It's a pity that he was fooled by his cleverness. He was tricked by "Daniel" in the first place, otherwise he wouldn't be so passive now.

As soon as Abner thought of this, he heard Adam change the subject and said with a smile:

"As for the thank you gifts and rewards for you? It's a pity that I couldn't keep that snake."

Abner understood what He meant and shook his head: "It doesn't matter. Since the 'True Creator' sent Him here as a 'reward', He can't leave without leaving something behind... You know, He owes me!"

As he spoke, he said meaningfully: "Moreover, the method left by the 'Disaster Seal' must be verified before it can be used."

Abner suspected that the "Seal of Disaster" might also have some dealings with Adam. After all, Russell himself was a member of the "Twilight Hermits".

Moreover, many arrangements of the "Disaster Seal" were beyond the capabilities of the "Conqueror", so he wanted to test Adam with words... After all, this guy also has the characteristics of the "Reader" path, and has a great desire to talk to others. , maybe it’s the sequelae of the uniqueness of the “White Tower” that He once accommodated?

But Adam did not continue, and turned to the topic of "rewards": "Since 'Reality' has allowed you to plan because of your 'taking sides', then I can't be stingy.

"Afterwards, I will give you the 'King of the Black Seat', 'Greed' and 'Arrogance'... Of course, the latter two are in the name of the 'Dragon of Utopia'.

"Coupled with the 'lust' that has been mastered by you, the 'gluttony' that is about to be caught by you, and the 'laziness' of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' is almost in your hands.

"Haha, Hermes probably won't stay in the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' after this incident. You can also decide the 'wrath' by then.

"What do you think of this gift?"

Good guy, now the "Psychological Alchemy Society" may really have the surname "Liu"... In addition to the "Secret Order" that basically already has the surname "Liu", and the "Witch Sect" where most of the surnames are "Liu" "It turns out that I am the biggest mastermind behind the evil organization!

Abner cursed a few times, knowing that Adam would no longer answer the question about the "Seal of Disaster", so he asked thoughtfully: "You don't need the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' to continue to help you create conflicts?"

"War is inevitable... Even you can't stop it... What's more, your future path also requires war." Adam replied with a gentle expression.

"What's my next path?" Abner frowned and asked.

"You will naturally know when you become a 'cherubi'." After Adam said this, he suddenly glanced in the direction of Oates Street, then nodded, "The battle over there is over, and I still have to give the 'Secret' A 'gift' will do."

After finishing speaking, He chanted: "Under the witness of the 'audience', Klein Moretti completed a gorgeous drama and directed a magical murder. Through this, he digested the potion and gained extra strength. Try to get promoted when this drama comes to an end.”

After doing this, as the Bone Church gradually disappeared, Adam's figure also gradually faded away, leaving only one sentence that reached Abner's ears:

"You tell 'Secret': I will not intervene in the fight between him and Amon. After all, with your presence, Amon's chance of winning is too low... This is my promise."

After it completely disappeared, Abner's frowning eyebrows relaxed and he thought to himself:

"All gifts from fate have already been marked with a secret price... Adam gave Klein a 'gift' with the intention of asking him to open the door to the King's Court of Giants and obtain the first 'Desecrated Slate' Bar?

"The reason why he didn't 'arrange' me was because he couldn't control my 'destiny', or did he know that 'I' had made a promise to the 'True Creator' in this regard?"

While Abner's projection was talking to Adam, in a "hidden" world deep in the spiritual world, the "Angel of Destiny" Ourolius was captured by "Miracle Master" Alvin and "Death Archon" Az. Gram, and "Sage" Bernadette, who controlled Russell's mechanical clone, surrounded the center.

Among them, the mechanical body of Russell controlled by Bernadette holds the "Holy Seal", Azik holds the "Excalibur", and Alvin holds the "Magic Mirror" high.

“The ‘Emperor who brought civilization’ holds the ‘Holy Seal’;

“The ‘Lord Who Proclaims Death’ holds the ‘Excalibur’ in his hand;

"The 'Star King who accomplished miracles' held up the 'Magic Mirror';

"...Seal the 'giant snake' that returns from reincarnation..."

Although the contents of the "Book of Three Artifacts" obtained by Abner in "Ghost Empire" all allude to his own different past lives, they are not absolute...

Russell's mechanical clone is called the "Saint" by the people in the "Ghost Story World" and is a proper "Emperor who brings civilization". Now that it is controlled by his own daughter, it barely meets the conditions.

As the son of the God of Death, Mr. Azik has nothing wrong with replacing his father as the "Lord of Death."

As for Alvin, he was originally one of "Liu Bo", and in the past he was the perfect embodiment of "the star king who achieved miracles".

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