At this time, Dunn also removed his "Iron Man" costume and revealed his true appearance.

However, because he used an attack containing the power of "Decay" again before, his hairline moved up a lot, and like the Dawn he once played, there was a lot more silver on his temples.

Seeing Dunn like this, Ms. Daly stepped forward distressedly and held her husband's hand.

And Leonard's attention turned back again, no longer entangled in the issue of retaining his female characteristics...

He opened his mouth and asked after a long while: "Captain, like Klein, were you resurrected by Mr. Fool?"

Dunn patted his wife's hand to indicate that he was fine, then looked at Leonard, shook his head and said, "I was 'resurrected' by this Detective Abner Bryan."

He did not mention the "Earth Mother Goddess". After all, the matter involved gods, and he could not reveal too much without permission.

Leonard nodded slightly when he heard this. In his eyes, Abner was the old man's former friend, an old monster who had recovered from the Fourth Age. Being able to do such unbelievable things was equally amazing, but it was also very normal.

Then, the splendid hall became quiet again, with only the sound of Klein playing with bottles and jars coming from time to time.

After about tens of seconds, Leonard's lips moved and he suddenly said:

", don't you and Ms. Daly return to the church?"

"We won't go back for the time being... We are still carrying out special tasks arranged by the church." Dunn explained briefly.

That's it... Then Klein didn't lie to me before... After Leonard muttered something in his mind, he wanted to ask something else, but at this time, Klein had already prepared the "Cunning Mage" potion. , put it to his mouth, and poured it in without hesitation.

Everyone's attention was suddenly focused on Klein, witnessing the miracle of opening the door to a demigod and gaining divinity within a year of entering the extraordinary path.

But at this moment, the figure of Helena, the "goddess of wealth" clad in gold and silver, suddenly appeared beside Abner.

This made the other people, especially Sharon, suddenly alert.

"Don't be nervous, she is Helena, the administrator of this space." After seeing their reactions, Abner introduced with a smile, and then deliberately asked the "Goddess of Wealth": "Where's Karen? Is it over? What’s the result?”

In fact, he had already "understood" the result, and he asked this now to ease the tension... After all, the timing of Helena's arrival was indeed not very good.

Regarding Abner's "knowingly asking questions", Helena did not expose it. After nodding to the other people, she replied in a slow voice: "'Gluttony' has been caught, and Silica's spirit has been redeemed. Back to...

"But I spent half a million of the Palace's wealth on this... I have asked Karen to hand over 'Gluttony' and the sealed artifact 'Heavenly Feast' in his hand to you as compensation."

Seeing the woman who suddenly appeared talking to Abner about "business", Sharon relaxed a little, and then turned her worried eyes to Klein, who had many transparent worms growing in his body after drinking the potion.

Leonard on the side looked at Sharon who was nervous about Klein, then glanced at the captain and Daly who had their palms clasped together, and finally his eyes rested on Abner who was biting his ears with the "Goddess of Wealth".

"Why do I feel like I'm a bit redundant..." Leonard laughed at himself, his heart filled with sadness, "I am also from the Tingen Nighthawks team. Both the captain and Klein have found love, but I am still single...

"Is this what the 'protagonist' must suffer? But why in the dramas and movies I've seen, every protagonist has a lover..."

Abner, who noticed his inner voice, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said in his mind: "Who said you are alone? There is obviously an old man who is inseparable from you!"

For Leonard's sake, Abner did not say this, but he still made some moves to ensure that he could dream about it in the future.

Of course, Abner was just looking for fun, and most of his attention was still on Klein, always observing his condition, lest Mr. Fool fail to be promoted due to himself... That would be a lot of fun. .

And Klein has reached the most critical moment. The same scene, a vivid scene, appears in the fragments of his thoughts one after another:

That was the scene where Adam, the King of Angels, closed his eyes in prayer, and Ouroleus, the "Angel of Destiny," made a shocking appearance;

It was the scene of shouting "Leodro", drowning himself with thunder, and killing Ince Zangwill;

It was a scene where the dusk and thunderclouds in the sky briefly stopped and stared at themselves;

That was the scene where Abner and the two saints looked at each other and commented on their choices;

That was the scene where Adam, the "audience", watched the end of the play with clear and innocent eyes in front of Abner;

That was the scene where Sharon was guarding her body, her delicate and expressionless face gradually becoming worried.

Because the quality of the "audience" was surprisingly high and the effect of the ceremony was incredible, Klein successfully regained his self-awareness:

I am a person from Earth who was somewhat reshaped by Klein’s memory fragments;

I am a person who has been deeply affected by the experience of "Nighthawk";

I am a person who protects myself wisely, is afraid of danger, but is willing to sacrifice everything for persistence;

I am a guardian, a wretch.

I am also Liu Bo's good friend, and Miss Sharon's...

The strange senses that did not originate from the spiritual body or the mental body were gradually separated from the fragments, and Klein's new thoughts were condensed. The thoughts of indifference, calmness, observation, and overlooking allowed him to see the world from more angles and more aspects. Real thoughts.

After peeking here, Abner was relieved, because Klein had taken the most difficult step and successfully obtained divinity!

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, the transparent worms on the other person's face, hands, neck, and under the clothes all retracted into his body, and he transformed back into Klein Moretti with black hair and brown eyes.

He first imitated the previous captain's actions and took the initiative to take Miss Sharon's hand and pat it, to reassure her and at the same time check the extent of her erosion by the "Mother Tree of Desire".

——After becoming a demigod, his connection with "Origin Castle" has further deepened. Klein plans to deal with Sharon's hidden dangers as soon as possible.

Moreover, he also wanted to confirm another thing...whether Sharon's affection and desire for him were caused by the influence of the "Mother Tree of Desire".

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