Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 314 1 Gift or 1 Curse

In the captain's room of the Black Death, "Vice Admiral of Disease" Tracy escaped with no risk because of the "luck" that Abner blessed her with and the protection of her mother, "White Saint" Catalina. The influence of "gods".

However, most of the crew members on her ship were not so "lucky". At this time, they were all dead and injured, and those who were still "alive" were on the verge of losing control, and were reluctantly executed by Tracy.

Therefore, after seeing Abner appear behind her, Tracy jumped directly into his arms to seek comfort.

Abner did not push away the "Pain Witch" because he found that his "arrangement" this time was not without its benefits...

For example, in the eyes of those behind the scenes, Tracy in front of me would feel that since I am willing to come in person for her, I must have a very close relationship with her.

This is tantamount to protecting Xio and Forsi in disguise... After all, people are always accustomed to repeating successful experiences. Since using Tracy as bait is useful, they will not bother to test other people.

Moreover, Xio and Forsi have lived in Backlund for a long time and have their own backgrounds, so it is not easy to succeed.

Although such calculations make me look "scumbag" and I was a complete villain in the female videos in my previous life, but after all, Tracy doesn't actually like me... The reason why she showed her dependence on me is because of the I learned my secret technique of "Charming Humans"...

Once this technique is lifted, I am afraid she will immediately come to me to fight for her there is no question of whether she is a scumbag or not.

Secondly, although the "White Saint" Katarina was not the mastermind of this ambush on me, she was also a key part in luring me into it. Now that she has run away, let her "daughter" "repay" There is nothing wrong with this debt.

Moreover, I will still try my best to ensure Tracy's safety... just like this time.

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner opened his "Pure White Eyes" and looked around the captain's room of the "Black Death". He did not find Catalina's figure and was sure that she was really gone.

In fact, when the "White Saint" saw the power of the "Hidden Sage" hovering above Abner's head and not falling, she realized that something was wrong, and then made a decisive choice to escape.

At that time, the angels were confronting each other and had no time to pay attention to her.

Of course, Catalina was wise enough not to take Tracy away with her. After all, she knew very well that her daughter had the means arranged by Abner Brain and could be easily located.

After comforting Tracy for a while, Abner took her and the "Black Death" and teleported to a squadron under "Vice Admiral Disease".

After Tracy replenished the sailors from the squadron and the "Black Death" restored its navigation ability, Abner said goodbye to it and then returned to "Alvin's Palace".

By this time, Klein and Dunn had already taken a dip in the hot springs, and the latter's hairline was visibly lower.

After seeing Abner come back, they were all very grateful, only Leonard's face was not very good.

After Abner said a few words of humility, he took out the card with "Enzo" sealed on it, handed it to Klein and said, "This is a gift to celebrate your promotion to demigod."

Klein was not polite to Abner. After taking it, he used his spiritual perception and wondered: "Enzo? Is this a person?"

"To be precise, he is a Sequence 5 'winner'... He is a member of the 'Rose School' and can be considered a good 'Secret Puppet'." Abner explained with a smile.

After hearing "Rose School of Thought", Klein stopped asking any more questions and accepted it with a clear conscience.

——This organization has now become a "indulgent faction". It is not only the enemy of Sharon, but also the lackey of the evil god. Each member has bloody hands and does not deserve mercy.

"By the way, Ince Zangwill's extraordinary characteristics have been integrated with his fine flesh and blood. I'm afraid it will take some time to separate them... And the 'night watchman' characteristics and 'gatekeeper' characteristics I They are all useful, why don't you just sell them to me..." Abner remembered the previous spoils and made his request.

He plans to leave the "Night Watch" feature to Elaine so that she can have more time to create value every day;

The "gatekeeper" is used to create a "container" to carry the soul of "Goshnam".

Klein thought for a while, then glanced at Dunn and Leonard. Seeing that they both shook their heads and handed over the disposal power to him, he said in a deep voice: "Ince's 'Night Watch' characteristics come from the 'Saint Sai' Lina's ashes were lost due to our negligence... now they should be returned to the goddess and the church."

"That's it..." Abner nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I will talk to the goddess."

Klein was not surprised to hear his rather casual tone when he mentioned the goddess. Leonard also often heard the old man mention the glorious past of "Rhine", so he was somewhat mentally prepared.

But Dunn and Dai Li were very surprised. They had never thought that a person who claimed to be a follower of "The Fool" and was favored by the "Earth Mother Goddess" would actually be very familiar with the goddess...

Who is this Abner Brain? !

After that, a few people chatted for a while, and Abner sent them back one by one.

Klein originally wanted to take the opportunity to return the "Fallen Morning Star" to Abner, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it would be better if Tarot asked Mr. "The Fool" to return it in person next time, which would also show that he valued him more.

When Abner sent Dunn and Daly off at the end, he congratulated in advance based on the fate he observed: "Dunn, it won't be long before you will be rewarded by the Church of the God of War and promoted to 'Night Watch' or 'Night Watch'." Demon Hunter'."

Dunn and Dai Li were shocked when they heard this. After all, only Her Highness Arianna knew that he and Dai Li went undercover disguised as the "Folger" couple, and they didn't even tell Klein and Leonard...

It was not until this moment that Dunn believed that Abner might really be familiar with the goddess.

But Dai Li's focus was on other aspects. She asked thoughtfully: "Why does the Church of the God of War reward us?

"This time due to the incident in Duogang, we have exposed a lot of flaws."

When asked, Abner just smiled enigmatically and did not answer. He just thought in his heart:

In fact, you went to the Church of the God of War to work undercover, and you were "a bright star" in the eyes of the gods from beginning to end!

However, the relationship used when inserting you came from the Church of the "Mother Goddess of Earth", so the God of War will only think that you are people of the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" and have a certain relationship with "Mystery". Naturally, you are the one who comes from above. Good "chess piece".

In the incident at Indo Port, the Mother Earth clearly stood on the side of the God of War. In return, the God of War will most likely train you.

In this case, it would be a good choice to let Dunn be promoted to "Demon Hunter" across pathways, so that he can influence him from a high position in the pathway and deepen his relationship with the Earth Mother Goddess and the "Secret". .

This is both a gift and a "curse"...

It's a pity that the God of War probably didn't calculate that he might fall in the battle between gods soon...

Backlund, North District.

After returning to his mansion, Klein stabilized his condition, then immediately entered the bathroom, walked four steps backward to reach the top of the gray fog, and walked towards the deeper mysterious space, towards the stairway of light leading to the heaven. .

As he expected, there was another step there, a step where light condensed.

This time, Klein, who had become a demigod, was convinced that he could use the giant's six-story ladder to climb the condensed gray cloud.

One step, two steps, three steps... He reached the end, jumped up, and stepped on the clouds formed by the gray mist.

What caught his eyes was a brilliant door of light stained with a bit of blue and black. It was composed of countless layers of light balls. The body of each light ball was a pile of twisted worms piled up into a ball. Some of them are transparent and some are translucent.

In addition, on the light door, there are thin black lines hanging down, and they hang almost completely transparent "cocoons" one after another.

Those "cocoons" swayed gently, wrapping different souls respectively, some with black skin, some with yellow skin, some with white skin, some wearing jeans, some holding mobile phones, some with gorgeous clothes, some with beautiful features, all There was a breath of life, but his eyes were tightly closed.

Klein's eyes suddenly froze, as if he had returned to Earth and was walking on a street full of people.

Then, he noticed that three "cocoons" had been broken open, and there was nothing inside, and they were swinging in the wind.

Klein, who raised his head and looked up, watched all this silently, watching quietly.

In the bedroom on the third floor of the mansion at No. 160 Berklund Street, Sharon, who was sitting in front of the full-length mirror "switching" clothes, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She hesitated for a moment, then stood up and opened the door.

Then, she saw a Sherlock who was full of gloom, depression, confusion, and depression, which was completely different from him before.

Although she didn't know what the other person was going through, Sharon still hugged him and let him lean into her arms...

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