Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 321 Questions and Answers

Deep in Thordrak Palace, George III, who was sitting on the throne, lowered his head and pondered for a long time. Then he turned his head and looked at the dark curtain on the left side of the seat. He considered and said: "Ancestor, in recent times, the church seems to have discovered some clues. It has already While investigating many suspicious locations near Backlund...

"So, this time I asked 'Arrogance' to secretly assist Teste, just to let 'Goddess Eyes' Ilia, who happens to arrive at Pulitzer Harbor on Friday night, see the flaw and list Teste as someone who Suspected target of collusion with covert organizations.

"In fact, I originally wanted Vera and Lust to complete this plan to divert the church's attention... But Vera is indeed not taken seriously within the royal family and has insufficient power. The church will probably not believe it...

"Besides, there is Zarathul behind the 'lust', so I can't directly plot against him.

"As one of the 'giants' of MI9, Test is fully responsible for the affairs of the Southern Continent. He is also my cousin. His authority and power are large enough. Let him temporarily bear this 'crime'. The church is very Most likely I will believe it.

"As for 'Arrogance', his character is easy to be exploited, and he has no background. We can use the resources of the 'Twilight Hermit Society' and the 'Psychological Alchemy Society' even without him, so he is a good candidate. .

"Once he is noticed by the church, many of our problems will be explained clearly... After all, as a demigod of the 'audience' path, he has 'arranged' many things among the nobles.

"While there may be some issues that would come to light if he were caught, there is no direct evidence.

"What's more, by then, he will most likely have completed the task of delaying time. By then, the three major churches will probably acquiesce in my attempt to 'become a god'."

After telling all his plans to the "Hand of Order" William I, George III stopped, looking forward to the evaluation of the Augustus family ancestor.

After a long time, a sigh came from behind the dark curtain, and then, a voice without any emotion sounded:

"Just do what you want, don't ask for my opinion on everything...

"In addition, when you are weak, although these conspiracy calculations are indispensable, they should be limited in moderation."

The "Black Emperor" is ultimately an "emperor". He must speak his mind and others will obey him absolutely... rather than rely on such little tricks to achieve success.

This can be seen from the starting sequence of the "Black Emperor" path: when the "lawyer" means are helpless, the power of the "barbarian" is needed to solve it.

This should be the core of the role that runs through the "Black Emperor" path...

But William I did not tell George III this knowledge. After all, after being told some things directly, doing it deliberately would have the opposite effect. It is better to provide guidance and let his junior understand it on his own.

However, although George III said so in his mouth, he also had his own ideas in his heart. The effect of William I's thoughts was obviously not very good...

At the same time, "Hwen" in the remote palace waited for a while, and after seeing that George III really had no intention of summoning him, he left Thordrak Palace.

——Since the body and mind of "Hwen" were handled by Adam himself, even if it was made into a "secret puppet", Abner did not worry about being sensed by the "Hand of Order" of the Augustus family.

After walking out of the palace, the corners of "Hwen's" mouth curled up slightly. He naturally knew what George III was planning because of his "insight" ability.

However, Abner did not resist, and he could use his tricks to paralyze George III. After all, even if he killed him, he would not have thought that he was wearing the same pants as the goddess!

"Furthermore, in order for me to have enough 'weight' to be suspected by the church, George III also spent a lot of money, and even allowed me to control a middle-level and senior-level member of MI9 as a reward for the Friday night mission...

"It seems that I have to make a serious plan... Although it is not difficult to control a middle-level and high-level manager of MI9 with my current strength, it is rare to have the opportunity to do whatever I want with someone's endorsement." .”

While his thoughts were spinning, "Hwen" got into his carriage and returned to his home where he was a royal adviser.

Since "Hwen" is very likely to become the magic potion for Miss Justice's promotion in the future, Abner plans to go back and inventory Hwen's property first, and then sell the villa where he currently lives and convert it to renting.

The previous experience of being controlled by the "Hidden Sage" made Abner wary. To prevent similar things from happening again, he decided to use "Alvin's Palace" to purchase a "King of Angels" level ability.

But the "cost" required for this level of ability is too high, so high that even if he just sold the "Fountain of Youth" for several million gold pounds, he still can't afford it...

Therefore, I can only continue to work hard to save money.

"After all, I am a believer in the 'God of Poverty'. Even if I am as rich as my country, I am still short of money..."

Early morning, 160 Burklund Street.

As Maric visited again, Klein, who had decided to help him get the "mummy", drew the symbol that combined "peeping" and "secret" on a mirror.

When the last stroke was made, the light in the living room suddenly dimmed a little.

The water-like lines on the surface of the mirror spread out in circles, eventually becoming deep and dim.

Immediately afterwards, one bloody word after another was highlighted:

"You have summoned the mysterious, just, and great Arrodes. You can ask me questions, but you need to answer my questions reciprocally, otherwise you will be severely punished! Okay, now tell me your questions."

Such a scene is full of supernatural horror. Even if there is a "resentful spirit" on the other side, it seems to be frightened at this time, and it is not dare to speak for a while.

Although Sharon still had no unnecessary expression, there was a hint of confusion in her heart. After all, Sherlock's style was not like this when he summoned this "evil spirit" last time.

Only Klein is always smiling, because from his perspective, it is a completely different text:

"Your loyal servant Arrods witnessed that you have regained part of your authority, and trembled at your gradually recovering breath. You will eventually return to the highest position, and the whole world will become peaceful under your gaze!"

This mirror has a very high "emotional intelligence". Last time it was just Sharon and I, it wasn't as "serious" as this time... It knows that I'm not afraid of exposing anything in front of Sharon, right?

And now that Maric is here, this guy chose to disguise himself to help me cover up...

While Klein was secretly applauding, Maric, who had been silent for a few seconds, took two steps forward and was about to ask.

——Klein had informed him of the relevant rules before.

But at this moment, Sharon's soft but emotionless voice suddenly sounded:

"I'll ask."

Obviously, with Sharon's cleverness, she guessed something from the two different attitudes before and after the mirror. In order to prevent Maric, who she regarded as her younger brother, from being asked strange questions and entertaining someone, she wore a loose dressing gown. She took the lead in looking at the mirror and said:

"The mummy of Tutankhas II is a trap set by the Loen military against the Rose School of Thought, right?"

The original blood-red text on the mirror suddenly melted, slid down, and dragged out stains. Only one word barely remained, and it squirmed and deformed into:


It is indeed a trap. Fortunately, I have become a "Cunning Mage", otherwise I may not have the courage to help... When Klein laughed at himself, the surface of the mirror returned to darkness, and new bloody words appeared:

"Based on the principle of reciprocity, it's my turn to ask questions.

"If you answer incorrectly, or lie, you will be punished."

Sharon nodded slightly and said simply: "Ask."

At this point, the previous sentences slowly disappear and new words appear:

"Which one of the outfits he dressed up for you when you were a puppet was your favorite?"

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