Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 327 The fool is still Liu Bo

Just when Abner was analyzing the goddess' plan through existing information, as a bright "starlight" passed by, Bernadette's figure appeared in front of him again.

She glanced at the door leading to "Alvin's Palace" that had never been closed, and said calmly:

"it's OK now."

Abner also came to his senses at this time, stretched out his arm, and made a "please" gesture in a very gentlemanly manner.

Bernadette's blue and deep eyes stared at him for a few seconds before stepping into the door.

Abner immediately followed in and closed the "door".

When Alger heard no more movement in the house and braved the courage to come in to check, he found that the place was already empty.

After receiving the report from Mr. "The Hanged Man" above the gray fog, although Klein was surprised by the "sudden improvement" in the relationship between Abner and Bernadette, he quickly put it aside...

His top priority is to get rid of the contamination of the "Mother Tree of Desire" on Sharon.

The trouble with this pollution is that it is not in the spirit, but is rooted in Sharon's body, body fluids, and even extraordinary characteristics... Otherwise, letting Sharon enter the "Origin Castle" will solve it.

"It can be seen from this that the 'Mother Tree of Desire' is completely aimed at me... so this 'pollution' has very little effect on Sharon herself..."

Sighing, Klein left the ancient palace above the gray mist, and then relied on the "Endless Book of Teleportation" to continuously use "Travel" to go to a desolate sea area and sacrifice Mr. "Tower" to his "Tour" "Death" was released from the bottle.

After some "friendly" communication, the "Suicide" happily agreed to become Klein's "experimental" subject...

Soon, "weird phenomena" occurred frequently in this sea area, and from time to time they were accompanied by strange roars that were not like human beings. After being heard by the crew on the passing ship, a unique "mysterious" strange smell gradually formed. spread across the sea.

Later, Danitz, who was looking for materials everywhere in order to complete Gehrman's mission, was recorded as the "crazy adventurer"...

Outside Silver City, a black mausoleum stood upside down and embedded in the ground, like an overturned pyramid.

At this time, clumps of fine black plants grew out of all the gaps between the masonry's masonry, and even the heavy door at the entrance had been eroded.

Colin Iliad carried two swords on his back and was standing outside the door with the other two elders of the "Six-person Council", Waite and Lovia, looking at the passage that slanted deep into the ground.

Just when the three of them were ready to let Waite use the "Dragon Hunting Bow" to shoot open the door of the pyramid, a sudden change occurred.

Silently, the heavy, heavily corroded door opened on its own, revealing a deep passage, as if welcoming the three of them in.

There were pale lights flickering in this passage, with no end visible at a glance, giving people an eerie and cold feeling.

Colin's eyes then highlighted two complex dark green symbols, reflecting the scene at the entrance to the mausoleum in the middle.

——Speaking of which, after he helped Abner hunt down the "Skeleton Wolf" in his last adventure, he received the "Silver Knight" potion formula from the other party as a reward. This made the potion sequence mastered by Silver City The upper limit has been increased.

You know, Silver City has been troubled by the lack of the "Silver Knight" formula, which has led to the fact that no one can be promoted to demigod... It was precisely because of this that the former chief found the "Phoenix" pathway sequence during an exploration. After learning the magic potion formula "The Ferryman" in 3, he chose to be promoted across channels, so he built this mausoleum...

Unfortunately, it was difficult to gather the materials and rituals required for the "Silver Knight" at the moment, so Colin was still at Sequence 4 at this time.

Back to the topic, after observing for a few seconds, Colin nodded to the two elders beside him, then raised his straight sword at an angle and walked into the mausoleum at the lead.

Waite put on his "Dragon Hunting Bow", pulled out the iron-gray hammer, and followed closely.

Lovia, who was wearing a purple robe, her expression unchanged, her hands empty, passed the door that seemed to welcome them unhurriedly.

As they continued to descend along the passages and stairs, the three members of the "Six-person Discussion Group" did not feel impatient or uneasy in the completely silent environment, allowing the sound of footsteps to echo around them.

After walking another level, a river suddenly appeared in front of them, an illusory and dark river.

Under the surface of the river, there are bloody arms with skin peeled off, green vines with baby faces, and greasy tentacles with eyes crowded together, constantly jumping up, trying to Grab everything that passes by.

On the edge of the river near the entrance, there are figures of different heights and shabby clothes, with their backs to the three elders, walking back and forth, as if they are worried about how to cross the river.

Suddenly, a dark boat floated on the illusory dark river. On the boat sat an old man over two meters tall with white beard and hair.

The old man slapped the undead in the river with the pole in his hand to calm them down. He looked at Colin and the three of them and said with a smile:

"Colin, long time no see..."

Seeing this scene, Colin slowly exhaled and said one word with a calm expression:

"The ferryman!"

At the same time, in the "Alvin Palace", Abner was "popularizing science" for Bernadette about what the Outer God is, what the past is, what is the Sefirah, and what is the essence of the Doomsday.

After talking for a while, while Bernadette was "digesting" the knowledge, he made a cup of "Duke Black Tea" and handed it to her, and asked with a smile: "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Bernadette was a little overwhelmed by the concept of alien gods. She casually took off her veil and rubbed her forehead, and then she composed her words and asked:

"Who are the alien gods outside our planet, or the Old Ones?"

"There are many, among which the strongest ones are 'Fallen Mother Goddess', 'Mother Tree of Desire', 'Children of Chaos', 'Primal Hunger', 'Ring of Fate', 'Super Star Dominator', 'Eternal Rumblings', and 'Decay' King', 'high-dimensional overlooker'..."

Abner paused here, and then continued, "The consciousness of the 'Child of Chaos' was sealed in the 'Wishing Lamp' in your hand by the 'Lord of Mysteries'. The part outside now should be called 'Uncertain Mist'..."

"The 'God of the Djinn' is the Old One...and what is the 'Lord of Mysteries'? Why can the Old One above the True God be sealed?" Bernadette asked again after thinking for a while.

"The 'Lord of Mysteries' is one of the three most powerful Old Ones in this universe, and is the pinnacle and pillar of the Old Ones!

"He died together with another pillar at the end of the first era, and is now in the stage of 'recovery'..." Abner introduced carefully.

Hearing this, Bernadette fell into silence again. After a long time, she looked at Abner and asked:

“The resurrected ‘Lord of Mysteries’…

"It's the 'Fool',

"Or 'Liu' and 'Bo'?"

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