Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 346: Purple Saint

Abner did not intend to "hypnotize" Audrey, who was sheltered by the "Paper Angel", like Hwen in the original work. After all, the current "Pride" is essentially a "Marine Puppet". Once in contact with " There is a high probability that Klein will see a flaw in the power of "Origin Castle". Wouldn't that expose the secret?

While Abner's thoughts were racing, Audrey was still pretending to be "clumsy" in explaining the reasons why she could be promoted quickly:

"As I told Esilante secret is 'dare to apply.

"Well...let's put it this way, in my future plans, I have always had the option of becoming a psychiatrist. Now that I have the corresponding extraordinary abilities, I, I will definitely be happy to try it, and I will be happy to use them to help people around me solve their mental or psychological problems. aspects of the problem.

"During this process, I found that I was getting better and better at mastering the power of potions. Then one day, I inexplicably felt something in my body shattering, integrating into my blood, and allowing me to vaguely see one after another. An illusory star, Mr. Rambis, what does it mean?

"Well, I don't know why. From that day on, I was sure that I could become a hypnotist. This may be a subconscious suggestion."

While speaking, she seemed a little embarrassed about this slightly childish behavior, and "Mind Island" faithfully reflected this... Although this was completely ogling the "blind man", because Abner didn't do it at all. Invade her mind.

In fact, Abner does not need to invade. After all, there are many ways to obtain the truth or falsehood of the other party's words, such as "insight", "prophecy", "divination" and other methods.

Abner controlled Hvin Rambis to nod slightly and said:

"You are very talented. You actually figured out the 'acting method' by yourself."

"How to act?" Audrey showed surprise and confusion both internally and externally, and then she had some enlightenment.

Abner answered cooperatively:

"That's what you understand. Play according to the name of the potion and summarize the corresponding rules. This is an effective way to digest the potion and reduce its negative effects."

He didn't explain much on this issue. He changed the subject after a few words:

"You do have the talent and qualifications to apply for the potion formula of Sequence 5 "Dream Walker", but before that, I will give you some tasks one after another. This is not only a fair need, but also a training of your abilities, because when you become In Sequence 5, you will lead two to three psychological research groups. Every judgment and choice you make will affect the future of your members, and even their lives. Therefore, we cannot promote people who seriously lack transaction processing capabilities to Sequence 5. "

"Understandable." Audrey had no objection to this. "What is the first task?"

Under Abner's control, Hvin Rambis Laughter said:

"A simple but long-term task, every feedback you give will be counted as a contribution."

Having said this, he put away his smile and asked seriously:

"I heard that you work at Blaine Film and Television Company?"

"Yes." Audrey nodded. There was no need to deny it. After all, it was her public position.

"Very well, I hope you will take advantage of this identity to get close to Abner Brain and get some information from him." Abner paused here and looked at the man who opened his mouth in surprise. Audrey added, "I suspect that this detective has a certain connection with the kingdom's most wanted criminal, the crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow. When you inquire, try to get as much information as possible.

"By the way, you should also pay attention to whether there are any 'corpse collectors' or extraordinary people on the path around him."

Is Hvin Rambis inquiring about Mr. "World"? He even knows that there is a connection between Mr. "Tower" and Mr. "World"...

No wonder Mr. "World" wants to team up with Ms. "Hermit" to kill him... This person has mastered too many secrets of the "Tarot Society" and may pose a great threat to us members!

Audrey controls the "Island of the Soul" and only appropriately displays shocked emotions.

She immediately responded to Hvin Rambis’s recent commission:

"I didn't expect that 'Viscount Bertin' would actually have contact with a wanted criminal. I will work hard to investigate this matter!"

"If necessary, you can 'hypnotize' your two friends, they are closer to Abner Brain.

"Of course, you should only use it if you have no choice. After all, that kind of behavior is not good." Hwin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Audrey almost clenched her fists, but considering that the other party was a demigod, she did not take action. However, she was still disgusted by the other party's plan.

"I understand." Audrey pursed her lips deliberately to express her reluctance.

Hvin Rambis, who was sitting on the sofa, seemed to have not seen it and smiled happily:

"You are indeed a noble girl with a sense of justice."

After he praised Audrey a few words, he did not "hint" Audrey to forget the memory of meeting him like in the original novel, but disappeared directly in front of her eyes.

He did not read my mind or hypnotize me... Does this mean that the blessing of the "Fool" angel completely blocked the other party's intrusion, and I was not aware of the whole process?

It should be the latter. Mr. "Fool"'s angel's blessing is so powerful! Huh, you still want to use me to find out information about Mr. "Tower" and Mr. "World"? I will only tell Viscount Abner Braine about his style. Let me tell you!

As Audrey's thoughts flickered, her mood improved.

Above the gray fog, after listening to Miss Justice's report, Klein thought for a moment and conveyed the matter to Abner in a "worldly" tone.

In his opinion, if Abner can take action and cooperate with him, even without the help of Ms. "Hermit", he will be sure to solve "Arrogance".

But soon, the reply he received from the "Tower" was: "I understand."

Now that you know what this is, shouldn't you nip the danger in the cradle? Or... the water behind "arrogance" is so deep that even Mr. "Tower" doesn't dare to act rashly?

After thinking for a moment, he materialized a piece of parchment and wrote down the divination sentence:

"There is an angel behind Hvin Rambis."

After looking at it carefully twice, Klein took off the pendulum from his left wrist and let the citrine pendant hang down on the paper, almost touching the line of words.

After calming down for a few seconds, he closed his eyes and silently recited the divination sentence he had just written.

When the sound stopped, Klein opened his eyes and looked at the pendulum held in his left hand.

The citrine pendant is rotating clockwise, and the speed is quite fast!

In the West District, after "arranging" Audrey, Hvin Rambis returned to his rented house.

As for his own property? It had been sold three days ago, and the money gained went into Abner's pocket.

As soon as Hwen arrived home, he realized something was wrong and immediately said: "Come out! I know where you are!"

As he spoke, he looked at the shadow next to the bookshelf in the living room.

As his words fell, a figure quickly emerged from there.

It was a lady with delicate features and elegant temperament. The lavender evening dress on her body exposed her white pink shoulders and a dazzling milky white, which attracted Abner's attention.

"Purple Saint? No, it's just similar to the "virtual personality clone" that Audrey split off at the end of the original work! "

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