Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 351 It’s Amon

Hearing "Tower"'s words, "The Hanged Man" Alger was shocked that the other party seemed to have found a stable way to enter and exit the "Gods Abandoned Land", and he subconsciously thought about ways to prevent "The Sun" from accepting the other party's proposal.

After all, once "The Sun" leaves the "Land Abandoned by Gods", it means losing the channels of Silver City, and then his "investment" in the other party will be in vain...

But Alger then remembered the trust and gratitude that "The Sun" had for him, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed of his "despicable" thoughts.

"Mr. Tower, can you lead people out of the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?" Even the gray fog could not block the look of surprise on Derrick the Sun's face at this time.

"It can indeed be done." Abner glanced at him, nodded with a smile, then changed the topic and continued, "But he can only bring one or two people."

Naturally, he knew what Derrick was thinking, but to figure out the "Land Abandoned by Gods", he still had to look at the meaning of the "True Creator".

With the "tacit understanding" between myself and that person, it doesn't matter if I bring one or two people in and out, but if I want to "relocate" the entire Silver City, I'm afraid I have to wait until the gate of the Giant King's Court is opened.

"Is that so..." Derrick was a little disappointed, but his eyes quickly became firm again, and he asked again, "Then after I get promoted, can I still return to Silver City?

If not, he would rather try other more difficult and complicated methods.

Although the outside world is good, there is no point in taking all the friends from Silver City out...

As the only link between Silver City and Mr. Fool, he could not abandon them and enjoy a life in the normal world by himself.

"That's right... with Sun's temperament, it's impossible for him to stay in our world with peace of mind. He will definitely have to go back... I'm trying to speculate on the actions of noble people based on the thoughts of despicable people. ..." Alger, the "Hanged Man" on the side, laughed at himself a few words, feeling even more ashamed of the thought he had just had.

When the other members heard Derrick's question and combined with his usual personality, they could easily guess what he was thinking, and they all unanimously admired him.

Abner responded with a smile: "Of course you can go back."

"That's good..." Derrick breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and bowed to Abner to express his gratitude, and then talked about the issue of remuneration, "Mr. Ta', I wonder what you need?"

Abner calmly accepted the salute of "The Sun", but when he heard the question behind him, he waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, it will take you more than a month to digest the 'notary' potion. When the time comes, Say it again."

"Yes..." Derrick nodded obediently, but he thought about discussing it with the chief when he got back to see if he could compile a list of high-level items that Silver City could provide in advance.

After this topic was over, "Justice" Audrey took over the conversation, looked around and said:

"I met with Hvin Rambis, a member of the Psychological Alchemy Council's jury, last week.

At this point, she paused briefly, glanced at "Judge" Xio, "Magician" Forsi and "Tower" Abner opposite, then turned her gaze to the last one, Mr. "World", and continued. :

"He tried to give me a psychological suggestion, asking me to have more contact with Abner Brain, Viscount Beldan, and use this to find out information about Gehrman Sparrow... Fortunately, Mr. Fool asked a Angel blessed me, I was actually not affected, well, what should I do next?” Slander! This is slander! I didn't "hint" you at all, it was just your psychological effect! Abner saw Xio's "examining" gaze and defended himself in his mind.

Can there be “blessings” from angels? Leonard looked around in astonishment and found that none of the other members of the Tarot Club were surprised. They were all listening carefully. Apparently he was the only one who didn't know that there was such a "benefit".

"Klein's letter introducing the situation didn't mention this..." Leonard glanced at the "world" at the end of the long table with a hint of complaint.

Of course, he is not surprised at all that there are angels under Mr. Fool's throne. After all, the old monster Rhine sitting on his upper hand is essentially an angel, and the new angel Alvin of the Abraham family is obviously He is also under the command of "The Fool".

He was simply surprised that the members of the Tarot Society seemed to be able to often pray for help at this level, and he had a high opinion of this secretive organization.

"Hermit" Cattleya couldn't help but frowned when she heard the name "Abner" and asked in confusion: "Why can I get information about Mr. World by approaching Abner Brain?"

She knew that Abner and Hermann knew each other, and the latter mentioned this when he was aboard the "Future", but she did not think that Abner knew Hermann's true identity.

——Cattleya’s understanding of Abner is still in the past

At the time of the incident against the Baron of Cornwall, it was not clear

The fact that the "tower" is Abner makes it difficult to connect the two.

In her eyes, the real identity of "Tower" is "Professor". Alger, the Hanged Man, also had the same question. In the entire Tarot Club, he and Cattleya were the only ones who didn’t know that the Tower was the heroic detective. Even Derrick the Sun had met Abu Nasty appearance.

As for this question, "Justice" Audrey didn't know how to answer it for a while.

When she was hesitating whether to request a private chat and ask Mr. "Tower" if he could reveal his identity, "World" Gehrman suddenly spoke and helped her out:

"Abner Brain is my friend... When I fought with Hwin in Pulitzer Harbor, I may have inadvertently leaked some information, making the other party suspect him..."

Hearing this, "Hermit" Cattleya frowned again and said, "So, isn't that detective in danger?"

"The Psychological Alchemy Society may catch him and use it to coerce you..."

The main reason why she was concerned about Abner's safety was because Jane was still in Nath preparing for the promotion ceremony to Sequence 5.

Who would have thought that before she finished speaking, "Moon" Emlyn burst into laughter.

In the eyes of "Moon", with Abner's background and strength, if "Psychological Alchemy Society" dares to provoke him, the other party will definitely be the unlucky one.

Hearing "Moon"'s scoff, "Hermit" Cattleya swallowed the second half of her sentence and looked over in confusion.

But Emlyn had no intention of explaining. He just leaned back firmly on the chair and completely ignored Ms. "Hermit"'s gaze.

Finally, "Star" Leonard kindly reminded him: "With Abner Brain's strength, if Hwin goes to trouble him, it will definitely be the Psychological Alchemy Society that suffers!

"That's why the royal adviser hinted to Miss Justice to get close to him."

Are you sure you're talking about Abner Brain? Isn't he just a "scholar"? Why do I feel that what I know is completely different from the person you say you are talking about?

"Hermit" Cattleya looked at the others blankly, and found that not only the three ladies "Justice", "Magician", and "Judgement" were full of recognition, but even the usually expressionless " "Temperance" all nodded invisibly.

Such a discovery made Cattleya secretly stunned. At the same time, she was sure that the detective Jane was interested in was definitely a follower of Mr. Fool, otherwise he would not know so many members of the "Tarot Society".

"The Queen is in Backlund. When I write next time, I'll ask you what's going on with Abner..." Cattleya thought in her heart, but on the surface she kept her mouth shut and ended the discussion. "

"The Hanged Man" Alger, who originally wanted to give some suggestions, did not speak rashly because he was not familiar with "Hero Detective" and planned to wait and see.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. Hvin Rambis doesn't know that you and Abner have a personal connection. On the surface, you can't even be called acquaintances, and you don't have many opportunities to meet..."

"So, the task he gave you to get close to Abner will not be too urgent. You are fully capable of dealing with him, giving him less important information, keeping core secrets, and looking for opportunities to get the potion formula. Even extraordinary materials."

"After a while, when I am fully prepared, even if Hvin Rambis dies, no one will doubt you." "The World" Gehrman Sparrow, who was sitting at the bottom of the mottled long table, looked at Miss "Justice" said with a hoarse smile.

It seems that Mr. "World" still hasn't given up on assassinating Hvin Rambis... Audrey nodded thoughtfully, then took a small breath and politely thanked him.

"I understand what to do, thank you."

After this incident was over, the party came to an end little by little. Seeing that it was almost done, Klein the Fool tapped the edge of the table and said:

"That's it for today."

"Your will is our will!"

"Justice" Audrey and others stood up at the same time and saluted respectfully.

After their figures disappeared above the gray mist, Klein looked at the only "tower" that had not disappeared, and asked thoughtfully:

"Do you know Viscount Loveland?"

Abner was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Of course I know, he even invited me to his illegitimate daughter's coming-of-age ceremony!

It turns out you will go too... I don’t know why, but when I heard this, Klein immediately felt relieved, but he still briefly told Abner the information he had investigated, and finally asked:

"What's wrong with Windsor Belin, the mistress of Viscount Loveland? Why was she arrested by the church?"

In response to his question, Abner organized his sentences slightly and answered:

"That Lady Windsor is a believer of the 'Original Moon' and once presided over the affairs of the evil god's subordinate forces in Backlund."

"The 'doctor' who brought the pollution of the 'Primordial Moon' to the 'Witch of Pain' Rey was her subordinate in development."

"And the 'Desolate' team that applied to enter Backlund a year ago was also trying to capture her."

"Primordial Moon" believer? Klein tapped the edge of the long table with his fingers and asked: "Then the illegitimate daughter between her and the Viscount, will she also be contaminated by the 'primordial moon'?"

" have to believe in the expertise of the Mother Earth Church in this area!"

"Now that Windsor has been confirmed to be a cultist, how can her daughter not be subject to strict scrutiny? If she is also contaminated, how can she still have freedom?" Abner responded with a smile.

"In other words, that lady is fine?" Klein exhaled.

I decided to go back and do a divination. If there is no danger, I will agree to Councilor Macht's request.

"No, it's a big problem!" Abner shook his head.

Big problem? Is it possible that what you just said was all nonsense? When Klein looked over with doubtful eyes, Abner continued in a "cadence":

"That lady is now Amon!"

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