Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 359: Forced into a dream

"King of the Black Seat" Barros Hopkins noticed the elven settlement on the bottom of the Adra Sea north of Behrens Port more than ten years ago.

But he didn't pay much attention to it at first. It wasn't until he happened to invade the mind of an outgoing buyer named "Taylor" five years ago that he discovered that there was actually a spiritual dragon hidden in the subconscious sea of ​​that secret space.

After that, he lived on a nearby island as the "Hermit" Eric Derek. Finally, on July 7th last year, he figured out the general state of the ancient dragon and knew that its condition was very bad and there was a possibility of being captured. possible.

But facing an angel, the "King of the Black Seat" naturally did not dare to be careless. Over the past year, he actively completed many tasks of the "Twilight Hermits", and finally made enough contributions to ask the "Lord" for a " Items that can restrain "angel-level dragons."

Although that item can only be used once, if it succeeds, it can "enslave" the dragon in bad condition!

That's why today he summoned his strongest force to "sneak attack" the elves' settlement, and hid his true body in the captain's mind.

And the reason why he made this arrangement was to capture all the elves who worshiped the dragon and transport them out of that hidden space.

After all, the collective subconscious is attached to intelligent beings, not a fixed location.

That secret space, as the residence of the elves, may be special and may interfere with his capture of the dragon. It is better to operate in his preset place.

In addition, these cannon fodders can also be used to test the elves' backhand, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

However, after arriving in the Adra Sea, "King of the Black Seat" Barros became a little uneasy. Although there was no spiritual warning, he always felt that something would happen.

Just when he was hesitating whether to retreat first, he suddenly discovered that the "crazy adventurer" Gehrman Sparrow had sneaked into the ship and assassinated the pirates.

Seeing this, Barros couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party was the reason for his uneasiness.

And a "cunning mage" was obviously not enough to harm him... So, Barros decided to take action to scare the adventurer away.

But just because of such a delay, his "destiny" slipped into the "abyss"... Because Abner's arrangement had been completed, four long swords shining with spell runes and mysterious symbols suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​subconsciousness. inside, and cut off Barros from reality.

Barros was quietly invading Gehrman Sparrow's mental body from the depths of the collective subconscious sea along the bottom of the spiritual island, but before he could get out of the boundless gray mist, he felt the ultimate danger.

Without thinking, he transformed into a giant gray dragon, intending to use his "mythical form" to get out of the crisis.

At this time, he finally saw the source of the "danger": they were four long swords! Four long swords held by beautiful girls, full of destructive aura!

These four long swords were arranged in a square shape, surrounding themselves in the middle, and the surrounding circle became smaller and smaller.

Barros soon discovered that even as a "mythical creature", he still could not ignore the power of the four long swords...

He had a feeling that even a real giant dragon would be severely injured when strangled by those four long swords.

"Why...why did the Witch Cult send four high-ranking witches to kill me? And what are those four swords?"

"Damn it, the area between these four swords has become its own space, and there is no way to escape..."

"And as long as you attack one point, you will be attacked and killed by four swords at the same time!"

"Unless there are four saints each entangled with a witch holding a sword, only the archangel can break this "ritual magic, right?"

As his thoughts turned, the eyes of "King of the Black Seat" Barros suddenly lit up with a clear and illusory light.

This kind of light condensed pairs of holy and dreamy wings in front of him. Under the layers of wings was a pure light man kneeling on one knee and praying devoutly.

This is an angel.

At the same time, an old man with all white hair and an ordinary appearance appeared on Barros's left, and on his right stood a priest wearing a simple white robe and a pale golden beard.

Ancient Angel Hermes! "Angel of Utopia" Adam!

Counting himself, it’s enough for four


This is the extraordinary ability of the "Dream Weaver" to weave several images that are almost real. Once the enemy thinks they are real, then they are real. Although the damage caused will not be physically manifested , but it will cause the target to die unconsciously.

The "King of the Black Seat" has caused countless targets to be "scared to death" in nightmares.

It's a pity that among the four witches who control the sword, the "Black Saint" is a historical projection, the "Yellow Saint" is a secret puppet, and the other two "controllers" are not inferior to Adam. The spiritual angel "Tolzina", one is the "ancestor of succubi" Monica who has lived for several epochs, and they are all "old monsters" who have lived for a long time and have experienced a lot. How could they be fooled by Barros's tricks? confuse?

Therefore, under the strangulation of "sword energy", those "illusions" were easily broken.

"King of the Black Seat" Barros Hopkins saw this, his eyelids twitched slightly, and his brows furrowed deeply, because he discovered that the four swords seemed to have the ability to trace their clones through the air based on their connections.

This means that if he is killed here, the "virtual personality clone" left in other locations will probably die simultaneously!

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that when the witch in black dress surrounded him with swords, she deliberately avoided the gray fog surrounding Gehrman Sparrow's spiritual island...

"Is she afraid of accidentally hurting Hermann?"

"No, they are afraid of those gray fogs!"

As the "Dream Weaver", Barros quickly made a judgment and immediately took advantage of this only flaw to drill the entire "dragon" body into the gray mist.

And just as he expected, the witch in black evening dress paused.

It was this pause that caused a loophole in the perfect "sword circle", revealing a "passage" leading to other dreams.

Upon seeing this, Barros immediately used his "Dream Travel" ability and got out of the small "passage".

The next moment, he appeared in a palace that seemed to be made of coral.

Every detail of this palace is extremely gorgeous, and the whole palace is tall and spectacular. However, because it is under the layers of blue water, the sky cannot be seen at all, and it looks dark and gloomy.

Inside, giant coral pillars support an exaggerated dome, and the walls and top are covered with murals depicting the terror of storms.

On these murals and corals, streaks of silvery-white electric light followed a certain trajectory as if they were alive, and finally gathered at the nine steps inlaid with pearls, diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.

And on the nine steps, there are two huge seats that seem to be made of pure electric light. One occupies the most central position, like the master of the palace and the world, and the other is on the left side of it, appearing... Not that eye-catching.

Sitting on the throne in the center was a tall man. He was tall, handsome, and not angry. Except for his slightly pointed ears, he didn't have many elf features.

Sitting next to him is a beautiful woman with glossy black hair pulled into a high bun, slightly pointed ears, delicate facial features, and a pair of brown eyes as deep as the sea. She is playing with a complex pattern in her hand. Gold goblet.

Seeing this myth-like scene, Barros looked dull and murmured: "Where is this?"

Before he finished speaking, the man on the throne looked at him and said solemnly: "Kill the intruder!"

In "Wuthering Town", after forcing Barros into Gu Long's dream, Abner, who had been quietly following him, slightly nodded his head and thought:

"That ancient dragon's dream really has defensive measures..."

“But why is this image of defense... ‘me,?

"Shouldn't that be the 'King of Elves' sitting there?"

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Chapter 359 Forced into a dream

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