Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 377 Abner’s reminder

After the transaction ended, Abner did not sell the "Traveler's Bag" again.

First, after buying so many extraordinary items from the "world", everyone no longer has much financial resources.

Secondly, it was because he had sold this item before attending the Tarot meeting.

Because today is the night of the full moon, Abner has already reunited the two ladies "Greedy" and "Lazy" in the Fusac Empire, intending to explore the "Observer" of "Rhine Carenildia" together. Castle".

And "Lazy" Crossfia liked the "traveler's bag" in Abner's hands, so she bought it first.

At this point, the transaction session ended. When "Moon" Emlyn saw no one speaking, he cleared his throat and spoke first:

"I received a mission from the Duke of my clan last week. He asked me to look for the followers of the Original Moon who are hidden in Backlund and protected by the Rose School."

"Do you want us to pay attention to clues?" "Magician" Forsi asked.

She happened to know one, and Abner told her about it this morning. Unfortunately, it had been sacrificed to the true Creator.

"This is just one aspect... "Moon" Emlyn nodded, then he unconsciously clasped his hands together, raised his chin slightly, and talked about another thing, "A guy in the clan seems to Wanting to test me, he left out a lot of details in the information he gave me before. As a result, I encountered a lot of danger yesterday when I was chasing a 'primordial moon' believer. If I hadn't borrowed the 'Magician Miss Rental' in advance "Lemanno's travel notes, plus the "Nighthawks," high-level officials are inexplicably dispatched, I will probably have to ask Mr. Patient for help..."

"Magician" Forsi suddenly said after hearing this: "No wonder you used up a recorded amount of demigod ability."

"Yes..." Emlyn nodded and added before the other party responded:

"I'm very sorry, I don't have the ability to add 'demigod, ability... I will convert that ability into gold pounds and return it to you.

"But it may take a while."

Emlyn, who had just been promoted to Sequence 5 not too long ago, currently lacked enough money, and the agency fees he earned from Abner were all used up because he couldn't help but buy new dolls again.

Although Mr. "Moon" always seems arrogant in his attitude, he is still honest as a person, well, as a vampire, and does not find reasons to prevaricate... However, a demigod ability is nothing to me, although every time "Recording" is very hard... "Magician" Foer thought for a moment and said nothing more, so he accepted "Moon's" repayment plan.

"Justice" Audrey looked across the way, glanced to the side, pursed her mouth slightly, and asked "Curiosity":

"'Moon, sir, how are you going to deal with that vampire's temptation? Are you going to take revenge?"

"Of course we will take revenge!" "Moon" Emlyn exhaled silently, subconsciously looked at "World" Gehrman Sparrow and "Tower" Abner, and considered:

"But he was also ordered to do so by an earl. I don't think his mistake was such that he had to use his life to offset it."

Emlyn's implication was that he did not want Mr. World and Mr. Tower to interfere, lest either of them die.

As for Miss Judgment and Miss Temperance, even Emlyn who didn't care much about human relationships could tell that they were advancing and retreating together with those two gentlemen.

Seeing that none of the four demigods refuted, Emlyn continued:

"I'm going to lead that vampire to a church in Backlund of the Earth Mother Church."

After attending so many Tarot gatherings, Emlyn knew that even if he disdained some detailed issues, he knew that he had to cover up his situation in the real world. Therefore, he did not mention Harvest Church in detail.

The Church of the Mother Earth has only one church in Backlund City, and that is the Harvest Church! The rest are located in the suburbs and surrounding countryside... "Star" Leonard held back his smile and looked up at Gao Gao dome.

"You want that vampire to become a clergyman, go to church every day to pray, do volunteer work, cleanse the soul, and be unable to get rid of it for a long time? What a good plan!" "Magician" Forsi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly became interested ( This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 377 Abner’s reminder


Thanks to Abner's relationship with the Harvest Church, Forsi is quite familiar with the Mother Earth Church's habit of converting vampires to convert their faith and become pastors and bishops.

"Uh..." "Moon" Emlyn didn't know how to answer for a moment. After all, what Miss Magician said was what he did every day.

"That's turns out that the Church of the Mother Earth still has this habit..." "Justice" Audrey, who simply read Forsi's mind, glanced thoughtfully at the "moon" opposite. The gentleman glanced at it and asked tentatively:

"'Moon, sir", how do you plan to lure that vampire to the church of the Earth Mother? Do you have a mature plan? Maybe I can help, well, you have to be careful yourself and don't let yourself be punished in order to punish the other person. Enter the church of the Earth Mother, then you can only pray to Mr. Fool for help.

Hearing her words, "Star" Leonard almost laughed out loud. He was extremely sure that Mr. "Moon" was Emlyn White from the Harvest Church. Obviously, this vampire was already a priest of the Mother Earth!

This is somewhat similar to a drowning person dragging others into the water... Leonard suppressed his smile and glanced at "The World" Gehrman Sparrow, and found that this former colleague had no emotions. Floating and very deep.

This made him couldn't help but think:

Is this the ability of the "Joker", or is Klein already used to this state?

At the top of the mottled long table, Klein the Fool almost reached out and covered his mouth.

He didn't expect Emlyn to be so creative!

This is a bit the same as a pyramid scheme, but a bit different. After all, Emlyn knows that this is not a good thing... Klein leaned back in his chair and looked forward to the next development with interest.

Next, "Magician", "Moon", and "Justice", the three mid-sequence members of Backlund, began to perfect the plan with each other, and finally with Alger, "The Hanged Man" Under the guidance of "Laoyoutiao", the plan was finalized.

Alger also took this opportunity to complete the transformation of his "positioning" in the Tarot Club.

The communication and learning continued. Seeing that the party was coming to an end, "The Fool" Klein announced the end of the Tarot Club.

After "Justice" Audrey and others bowed and said goodbye, only Abner and Klein were left in the ancient palace again.

Klein was just about to ask about what happened on the last page of the diary he received today, when he heard Abner say seriously: "You have been more careful lately. I suspect that Amon would check to receive the invitation but not attend the coming-of-age ceremony." Ball roster."

"And that list is easy to get, because 'Nighthawks, will give..."

"Did something happen at the dance yesterday?" Klein asked, frowning.

"At least six angels gathered together, do you think it will be okay?" After Abner said these words that made Klein's scalp numb, he briefly told Klein what happened last night.

Including his "alliance" with Amon Hsu and Viper, after the two had a secret conversation, Klein asked a key question:

"'Secret Puppet, how should I transfer it?"

Although he had previously bought the "Hell Admiral" from "Star Admiral" Cattleya, Ludwell had only been controlled by items before, and his transformation into a "secret puppet" was not complete.

But the "Saint of Secrets" in Abner's hands was different.

"You just use the 'Error' card to leverage the power of 'Grey Mist' and steal Butis away. "Abner seemed to have remembered something when he said this, and added a few words, "This is also one of Amon's signature abilities. "

“So, ‘Secret Puppet’, don’t leave it lying around. "

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Chapter 377 Abner’s reminder

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