The thrilling experience of hiding the angels under the "ancient sun god" in the "Glory Age";

The hardships of having to lead the tribe on a great migration during the "Great Catastrophe";

The difficult struggle and survival in the "Age of Conflict";

After the establishment of Solomon's First Empire, he carefully guided the vampires in trying to integrate into human society;

the ecstasy of the First Patriarch when his prayers were finally answered again;

The envy and jealousy when seeing Lain Karenldia, who is favored by the ancestor and can often listen to the oracle;

Seeing that Lai Yin has always been separated from the blood clan and refused to contribute more to the clan, she felt angry and jealous...

Scenes from the past were played out in Olnia's dream, and pieces of lost history were reappeared before the eyes of Abner and the three of them.

But when the "Four Emperors" stood side by side, and Ornia chose to marry the "Night Emperor" for the better development of the blood race, the dream ended abruptly, leaving only a blood-curdling cry echoing around:

"Trunsoest!" "Chick!" "Trunsoest!" "Chick!"

With this scream like Du Juan's blood dripping, the entire dream suddenly became dangerous.

I saw the blood-colored full moon rising, and a mountain-like mass of flesh covered with various reproductive organs appeared out of thin air, spewing out thick black mist, constantly creating various strange creatures, and pounced on the three of Abner. Come.

It's just that its body is blocked by an illusory river and cannot be approached.

The experienced "Lazy" Crossfia and "Greedy" Ksenia immediately closed their eyes to avoid losing their minds, mutating on the spot, becoming madmen, or being dominated by mating and reproduction desires and becoming walking responses. organ.

The only one who dared to look directly at the meat ball was Abner. He knew that it was not the true mythical form of the "Goddess of Beauty", but the appearance it took after being contaminated by the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

Moreover, due to the effect of the "River of Eternal Darkness", the fleshy ball that appeared in Ornia's mind and wanted to die with the "Night Emperor" had no direct means of attack. It could only rely on creating various monsters and indirectly " "Contaminate" all creatures that entered the depths of her dreams.

Facing these monsters that combined the realms of "darkness" and "moon", Abner did not panic, nor did he use the ability under the authority of the "sun" again. Instead, he stretched out his right hand and dragged out two from the holes in history. figure.

A silver-haired silver boy with stunning appearance, it was Lain Carenldia whose body was taken over by Lilith and became the King of Angels;

The other is the "Mother of Heaven" who has a beautiful but expressionless face, deep black eyes but lacks spirituality. She is also the vessel for the goddess to descend.

Since it is a monster in the "dark" and "moon" fields, let the top "experts" in these two fields solve it!

Sure enough, the two angels who were the vessels for God's descent did nothing. Just standing here, the foundation of the existence of the monsters was destroyed. They either disappeared, surrendered, or changed their forms, losing their threat in the blink of an eye.

However, this is only treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. The meat ball full of black mist is still there, and it continues to create those monsters.

“When Olnia dreamed of the ‘Night Emperor’, her emotions suddenly became excited, and she briefly broke through the suppression of the ‘River of Eternal Darkness’, resulting in the current situation...

“So, as long as she calms down and calms her down, the problem will be solved.

"But how do you make her feel better?"

As her thoughts swirled, Abner decided to try it with her acquaintances, so she successively simulated the images and auras of the "Goddess of Life", the "God of Luck", the "Queen of Disasters" and even the "Earl of the Silver-Eyed Observer" - these They are all the characters who appear the most in Ornia's dreams before and are also the most profound.

But surprisingly, this attempt did not have much effect. The names of "Trunsoest" and "Chike" still echoed in her heart.

Abner frowned, and based on his previous speculation, he finally decided to change into the appearance of "Lord of the Dead" Vicente Miranda.

And this attempt had immediate results, the angry screams gradually disappeared, and from the layers of illusory doors, colorless, illusory water with a strong atmosphere of eternal silence suddenly filled the entire space, making the dream scene come to life again. Become "peaceful".

At the same time, incoherent scenes appeared in front of Abner one by one.

In the majestic palace of the "Night Emperor", Olnia looked at the "Observer Silver-Eyed Earl" Lain Kallendia who came forward with an indifferent expression.

The Duke, who was outside the blood clan, was smiling. He ignored the scrutinizing gaze of the "Night Emperor" and handed a "ring" to Ornia's hand, and solemnly said: "This ring is The wedding gift I gave you can help you effectively manage your summons and creations. I call it the 'Ring of Olnia'. I hope you like it and wear it all the time."

Ornia frowned. Although she was a little hostile to this descendant who had snatched the ancestor's attention and refused to contribute to the vampire clan, for various reasons, she still took the ring and took it with her. body.

In the queen's palace, a vampire marquis reported: "Queen, Your Majesty, she has gone to the witch again!"

Ornia's expression did not change when she heard this, she just nodded and said: "I understand... As long as the interests of our vampire clan are not harmed, there is no need to worry about her."

The marquis hesitated to speak after hearing the queen's statement, but in the end he just sighed after responding.

In a mirror world contaminated by the leaked power of the "State of Disorder".

Olnia was restrained by the authority of "Order", and then was placed on a bloody altar.

"Trunsoest! Chike!" Blood was flowing from Blood Moon Queen's eyes, nose, and mouth, but her embarrassed description could not conceal her "beauty" at this moment...

It is a kind of desolate and sad beauty!

"Olnia, as a bargain with that person, you are a necessary sacrifice...

"Don't worry, I will take care of the vampires."

Before the words were spoken, the ceremony started, and then Ornia felt as if she had left the planet and entered the cold starry sky...

The next moment, countless blood-colored rays of light enveloped her, and her spiritual body also underwent changes. Little by little, she "grew" another self, a completely unfamiliar yet extremely terrifying self!

But her own will is constantly dying under the erosion of the bloody light, and it may not take long for her to be completely assimilated.

But at this moment, the "Ring of Olnia" suddenly erupted with an astonishing aura. It tore off the normal part of the "Blood Moon Queen"'s soul, and her body that had not undergone any obvious changes quickly Out of the control of the bloody light.

During this period, the "Ring of Olnia" separated the "Goddess of Beauty" characteristics of the "Blood Moon Queen" and threw it at the half of the "grown" spirit body.

The owner of the "bloody light" was not aware of it for a moment. When he reacted, the ring had already entered the "barrier" with Ornia's contaminated semi-spiritual body and residual body, and finally fell into the "Observer Castle" in the guest room.

After an unknown amount of time, "Lord of the Dead" Vicente Miranda came to the "Observer Castle" and found Ornia, who had fallen into madness due to pollution.

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