Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 397 The masterminds behind the scenes

"When Roselle was collecting things related to the 'Essence', she actually attracted the attention of many beings. They all more or less provided convenience for the ceremony to be held normally eleven years ago." Agger Laiya continued at this time, "What I can detect are the 'Mother Tree of Desire', the 'True Creator' and the 'Fallen Mother Goddess' - she also affects the existence of Bethel and Russell.

"In addition, the 'disaster seal' that Russell often mentioned is also very suspicious... Furthermore, some of the righteous gods, I guess they have also adopted a tacit attitude towards this."

I remember Little Snake Will mentioned that in addition to "I", the biggest mastermind behind the scenes, and the evil gods you mentioned, there were also existences paying attention to the experiment such as Jaldabao, the Spiritual Cult, and the Hidden Sages. and the little snake himself.

And by "analyzing" the "secrets" of the five survivors including Bianca and Maria, I have learned a little bit about the nature of the ritual... Its biggest function is to use the "Box of God" to possess the source of essence. Aura items are used as media to communicate with those sources sealed in the Western Continent by the "gray mist".

As for the "bridge" of communication... first, it may be the authority of the "Gate", so this ceremony may still require the power of Mr. "Gate" to complete;

The second is the special souls that are closely related to the "Origin" in the "Box of Gods".

Therefore, one of the side effects of this ritual is to confirm the location of those special souls, or the soul stones formed by special souls, or the characteristics that were stripped from special souls by the "God of Luck".

Therefore, I haven't figured out what the purpose of the "True Creator"'s attention to this ritual is, but the "Mother Tree of Desire" obviously found the sea monster that carries the characteristics related to the "Shadow World" through this "ritual", and She laid it out and successfully used me to find the "Shadow World", and she is still fighting with it - although now it seems more like she fell into the calculation of the goddess and Lilith...

Well, maybe there's more... Judging from the current state of Sia as predicted by Klein, maybe the "Fallen Mother Goddess" also had a hand in it.

The "Hidden Sage" probably also determined through that "ceremony" that the special soul related to the "Wildness of Knowledge" in the "Box of Gods" had its characteristics transferred to Yaluo Lan, so he was staring at her. He refused to let go, so Yaluolan had to hide for many years.

The last move to take away the Sequence 1 "Emperor of Knowledge" might have been a "smoke bomb". They wanted to wait for Yaluolan to lower her vigilance before dealing with her... Of course, it could also be that she hasn't become a god yet and her top priority now It is still necessary to complete the Sequence 0 ritual. There is no need to think about the "Essence" so early.

Not to mention the "Fallen Mother Goddess", her biggest goal is to find the "Mother's Nest", but unfortunately the ceremony eleven years ago was not completely successful, and the characteristics of the "Mother's Nest" are still missing.

However, it is not that she did not gain benefits...for example, she may have deceived the "Mother Tree of Desire" through this.

On the Spiritual Religion side, Bruna, the former princess of the Balam Empire, should be presiding over this matter. She should be simply fulfilling Russell's instructions... Moreover, because "Pale Admiral" Maria was killed very early He was discovered and brought into the "Spiritual Religion Group". His problems were dealt with in the most timely manner, and he was probably the best among the five survivors.

However, according to Alvin's memory, the "Pale Queen" Shia Palenque Eggers of the Spiritual Religion is actually the vest of the goddess... This shows that the goddess has been monitoring the experiment, no wonder it can be stopped in time "River of Eternal Darkness"'s response.

"Dread Duke" Jaldabao was obviously acting in compliance with Russell's orders. He even took care of the matter of providing enough "sacrifice" for the ceremony...

It is precisely because of his promotion that the "Castle Trial" held once every twelve years by the nobles of the Northern Territory of Feysac was established!

As for whose will this "Dread Duke" really may be Adam, but it is more likely to be "the God of Luck"...

There is a high probability that he is a backhand prepared by the "God of Luck" for himself to take a dominant position after his "resurrection".

This can be seen from the fact that he destroyed part of the "Seal of Disaster" plan several times...

In this matter, he was so actively involved, firstly, to destroy Lai Yin's "resurrection" method; secondly, he was probably aware of the layout of the "Disaster Seal", so he followed the whole process and let the entire The development of the ritual is in your own hands.

The purpose of the "Disaster Seal" is easy to guess. After all, the "God of Luck" itself carries a special soul related to the "Key of Light", otherwise it would not "awaken" itself after opening the "Box of God"... In short , he wanted to expose the location of the "God of Luck" body, attract the snake to seize it, and destroy her arrangement.

Well, maybe that’s why the True Creator focuses on ritual? But she obviously didn’t take action in the end, nor did she tell the “Angel of Destiny” Ouroleus...

This is either because the "True Creator" was disturbed by something and failed to obtain the accurate location... Well, this may not be too big.

Or the "True Creator" feels that once Ouroleus destroys the arrangement of the "God of Luck", the debt to him will be even greater at the level of fate. By then, I am afraid that it will not be able to pay for it with just one characteristic!

If anyone else is killed, the so-called "debt to fate" will be wiped off, but "Liu Bo" obviously cannot be truly killed, and this debt will have to be repaid sooner or later.

As for "Little Snake" Will, she obviously doesn't want to get involved in the fight between "Liu Bo". Anyway, as long as "Unknown" doesn't wake up, no matter who wins, he has to fulfill his promise to her.

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Therefore, she may be paying more attention to this experiment because she is wary of the "True Creator"...

As for the seven true gods... the goddess may have been watching the whole process, but ignored them. She probably used this to set up a plan. The specific effect is still unknown, even if it is a secret move against the "Mother Tree of Desire" and "Hidden Sage", It's just me guessing.

The attitude of the Earth Mother Goddess Lilith is also unclear. She seems to have no knowledge of it, and even assigned me a task to investigate... But I always feel that this is just part of her plan, but I can't guess what she wants to achieve... …

The God of Knowledge and Wisdom probably didn't know about it beforehand, but after studying the "Pale Admiral" from a distance, she probably understood it... Oh, the information she mentioned at the beginning was probably her "insight" The most trivial part of the content.

The Storm Lord didn't seem to interfere, but Mr. "Gate" wanted to show some strength to assist in the ritual, so it was impossible not to alarm her... It seemed that she acquiesced.

The Eternal Burning Sun and the God of Steam and Machinery can't see any trace of interference, maybe they don't know...

The last God of War most likely acquiesced. After all, the "Observer Castle" was in her territory. It was almost impossible to hide it from her when Jaldabao and those nobles made such a big move.

Based on Aglaia's story, Abner immediately analyzed the masterminds behind the experiment. Just when he was about to continue asking his "cheap" daughter other questions, Russell suddenly replied. Arrive at the "ceremony room".

This also means that the focus of the theater has shifted here again.

As a result, Abner and Aglaia quickly returned to "performing" mode.

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